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What do you call the mouse shadow in the second moon?
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>John, that is born-again malarkey:)
>That is born-again propaganda. There has only been fighting since the Zionist movement began about a 100 years ago. Born-agains (or evangelicals) seek the destruction of Israel because, as suggested by George Soros, to hasten the second-coming. Now the bomb-makers and neocons and oil guys let the evangelicals entertain the Armageddon heresy because the conflict in the middle-east allows them to sell bombs, enjoy oil profits (some almost 200% since Iraq), and it sustains the support of their followers, the evangelicals.

OOOOOoooohhhhh, another consiparacy theory. Well, it is halloween, isn't it.

From Microsoft Encarta

"Muhammad's strategy in the developing conflict with Mecca was to attack Meccan trade caravans returning from Syria and thus economically weaken the city. In 624, the first major battle occurred, in which the Muslims, despite their inferiority in numbers and weapons, soundly defeated the Meccans. In the next major battle, the following year, the Meccans had the advantage but were unable to achieve a decisive victory. A Meccan army of 10,000 besieged Medina in 627 but failed to take the city. Muhammad meanwhile eliminated his enemies within Medina. After each of the first two battles he expelled a Jewish tribe, and after the third major battle he had the males of the remaining tribe massacred for collaborating with his opponents."

>Look at it another way – evangelicals primary concern is abortion, followed by gay marriage and Armageddon (a weird vanity – they’d prefer everybody die [at the same time] so no one will have fun after they die!)

I'm an evangelical, and none of the above are my primary concerns. Abortion is just murder (legalized under Roe V. Wade -Roe is now agin it), gay marriage is an oxymoron. Marriage is a relationship between a man a woman. Armageddon is an anglicized word that means "mount of Megiddo", which in turn means "place of troops". Napoleon was supposed to have said it was the greatest battlefield he'd ever seen when he battled the Ottomans there around 1800.

>Now lets look at abortion. The evangelicals control both houses and the whitehouse – all they have to do is write a bill banning (or so restricting it as to nearly ban it) abortion. Now why haven’t they done that yet? Because it’s the only issue they have [left] to rally the faithful. If they remove that issue, then the faithful will start asking about why the rich are getting all the tax breaks, or why they can’t get a job, or why their children are fighting, murdering and dying in Iraq when there were no WMD and there was no Iraq/911 connection. Think about that.>

>Zionism is to Judaism as the Ku Klux Klan was (or still is in some parts of the US) to Southern Baptists.>

Hmmm, I'm a southern baptist and just happen to be a strong supporter of the Jews, as are the members of my church which has about 30k members.

>Before Zionism, Moslems, Arab Jews and European Jews that lived in Palestine worked and lived in Peace. Zionism’s goal is to create a Jewish Empire (the state of Israel). So they haven’t been fighting forever, that’s just what the evangelical and Zionist enablers spread as propaganda.

You need to break out a history book.
As I said earlier -

As for the rest of your drivel, I'm thinking either a. you need medication or b. you are on medication.

John Harvey

"I'm addicted to placebos. I could quit, but it wouldn't matter." Stephen Wright

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