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What do you call the mouse shadow in the second moon?
31/10/2004 12:52:40
Jay Johengen
Altamahaw-Ossipee, Caroline du Nord, États-Unis
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I never drink - except one weekend at this time of year - and I had a magarita or two too many and got loose with my mouth.

You're right - and I am stoppng now - my appologies. Visions of Tiananmen Square on the mall in DC haunt me. But I should deal with those issues as they occur, in private.

Thanks for reminding me of what we are here for.

>I've got to say, this an incredibly harsh personal attack. I would probably fill out a form to report it to UT, but I told Michel recently that I wanted nothing more to do with him and his elitist attitude, so I'm just commenting here. Where's the lovable soul that I had grown accostomed to reading?
>>You must have signed a suicide pact with your prayer group ala Jim Jones:
>>Or it's still sport to abuse non white ethnics in go old tennessee!!!
>>I remember a R and B band name tennessee and a stansa from their song
>>I climbed the tree
>>They hung my grandpa from

>>It's a special tme of year in Houston - for 6 weeks they have the Reniasance fair in Magnolia.
>>My Brother in law came down - he brought a DVD - Farenhieght 911
>>I had never seen it - I saw it since my last post - now I am PO'd to the max
>>I suggest you go rent it and watch it
>>This administration is nothing but a pack of war criminals - and they depend on the good ole boy ignoramous suicidals like you seem to be to kill anyone that stands in the way of them their profits.
>>If you believe so much in the 5th Riech - I suggest you sign up and go kill some brownies yourself - maybe you can bring some ears home and show `em to the klanies in your hood.
>>Express your american pride - shoot yourself - don't drag the rest of us into your orgasm of armageddon.
>>It's murder - and that is all it is.
>>Go rent the movie - and then tell me if your still a bend-over for dubya and the warcriminals in this administration.
>>Happy Halloween bubba!:-)
Imagination is more important than knowledge

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