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I might vote GOP again in 2008 but not this year.
01/11/2004 23:55:27
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"The problem in Leon County: Students at Florida State and Florida A&M universities, some of whom signed petitions to legalize medical marijuana or impose stiffer penalties for child molesters, unknowingly had their party registration switched to Republican and their addresses changed.

Officials say students at the University of Florida in Alachua County have made similar complaints and that about 4,000 potential voters in all have been affected. Local papers have traced some of the problems to a group hired by the Florida Republican Party, which has denounced the shenanigans. Switching voters' party affiliations does not affect their ability to vote, but changing addresses does, because when voters shows up at their proper polling places, they will not be registered there.

The college scam has also made an appearance in Pennsylvania, along with a separate scam last week in Allegheny County, where election officials received a flurry of phone calls about fliers handed out at a Pittsburgh area mall and mailed to an unknown number of homes. The flier, distributed on bogus but official-looking stationery with a county letterhead, told voters that "due to immense voter turnout expected on Tuesday," the election had been extended. Republicans should vote Tuesday, Nov. 2, it said -- and Democrats on Wednesday. A criminal investigation has been launched.

In Wisconsin, a flier is circulating in Milwaukee's black neighborhoods that purports to be from the "Milwaukee Black Voters League." "If you've already voted in any election this year, you can't vote in the presidential election," the flier reads. "If you violate any of these laws, you can get ten years in prison and your children will get taken away from you."

You've proved my point. I don't think you do any research other then listen to Rush. And you are fighting extremely hard to prove that Bush's constituency is comprised of the lesser educated.

Once again John, this has nothing to do with Republicans vs. Democrats. Just common sense. Just how stupid are you???????????

>>John Harvey has the balls to laugh about Republicans voting tomorrow and the Democrats voting on Wednesday, when leaflets stating just this as fact have been posted in various neighborhoods throughout the US. We were discussing this at work today. And how this type of thing has happened throughout our history, but is now on the front page because the election is expected to be so close. That is just not an acceptable excuse. Someone with responsibility has to standup and say that this is enough.
>>But as long as Bush, Rove, et al., condone this type of behavior, we should all standup and demand change.
>Hmm, I hadn't heard that was actually circulated in any neighborhoods. Of course, it's so ludicrous who would believe it anyway. On the other hand, what's your take on the DNC calling people telling them the caller was Norman Schwarzkopf and that he was supporting Kerry? Where's your outrage at that?
>I never said it was about dems and repubs. I too believe this is an all out war between the just and the confused. We are the just and you are just confused!

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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