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Job Market Southern California
02/11/2004 20:58:16
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>You should get help. There are programs. Drugs just aren't good for you.

Great comeback - the arrogance of ingnorance always has clever little phrases to hide behind!

Well I googled - and could not find it - now I know the NYC press, and the Saudi owned Time Warner (CNN) and the bombmaker owned press (GE - *NBC) say "reliable sources" - blah blah blah - but those are the same guys that said Iraq has WMDs, Iraq did 911, Iraq danced with the devil.

THEY ALL LIED! They're liars - DO I need to repeat that?

There's over a trillion bucks worth of carbon under the sands of Iraq - some people would lie for that - they already did. Now you seem to know where the truth begins and the lies end. Does your TV have a little light that blinks when they lie and is off when they're being truthful? I bet it's blinking all the time.

Europe is now calling Blair and Dubya war criminals - are they lying? 100K dead Iraqis , 50k of them women and children (1.2 Million as a result of the sanctions) - or is that excusable because they're dark skinned and muslim? Why are there dead Iraqis with our DU bullets in them? Why are there dead Iraqis with our bomb and bullet fragments in them?

Why? Because their bodies stood between our government sponsored oilgarchs and the Iraqi peoples oil - all the reasons for the invasion are lies.

Have you found one to be true?

All america will need therapy. You're an accomplis, just like me and every other american that did not stop this crime. We will be shunned. All we will be left with is our arrogance and the ghosts of the innocents we killed.

Oh yeah and a .7 trillion dollar war debt not counting the reparitions or financial reprecussions.

Can you say "Would you like a large or medium order of fries with that burger, sir?"?

I guess some of us will be off to the soylent green factory pretty soon:)
>>I have looked for documentation of Saddam killing his own - have not found it. Just recently - at a mass grave - the autopsies were called off. In another case, the deaths happen while US was in charge in the no-fly zone.
>>The NYC press showed pictures of alledged kurdish deaths by Saddam (maybe 15 bodies), but again no proof that Sadam had anything to to with it.
>>I the the reason for for the reported autrocities is a terrorist named Oil Bin Dubya:)
Imagination is more important than knowledge

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