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03/11/2004 19:23:24
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We can't let our doubts interfere with the chance for peace. It neds to stop soon. It's not just Muslims that are angry at Israel - there are "second coming" evengelical christians praying for the fall of Israel to hasten the return of the "lord". There's a bunch of people baiting the fall of Israel.

One state would be okay - as long has the Palestinians enjoyed an equitable franchise. Can you imagine the technological and economic power house (not to mention tourism) the middle east could be if that issue could be resolved. A Palestinian state would be good too. But something needs to be done - Palestinians are being killed everyday - their homes are being destroyed every day - and a deep in debt American is sending 10B year to Israel. The world can't afford to wait or spend much more. McDonalds has left Israel. Two Christian Churches have divested frominvestments in Israel - and .4M Israeli public sector employees have not
been paid in months.

And thn there's that Israeli (well Likud really) fantasy that they can get away with an attack on Iran - that my friend - would be the end of Israel.

Another solution to stop so-called suicide bombers - give Palestinians M1 Tanks, Apache Helicopters and rocket equipped robot drones. Then they could kill as honorably and efficiently as the Israeli side is doing.

>>What price is acceptable to prevent another 9/11 or something worse?
>>Stop the injustice in Palestine!
>>The 911 Commission, the UN, The US State Dept, Amnesty International, The Arab League, The World Court and even Osama B Ladden (family friend of the Bush Family) say - now read this:
>>"The root cause of Terrorism is the treatment of Palestine by Israel"
>I haven't been following this thread so I'm not sure of the context of this statement. I also don't know if there have been other responses to it. I'll just add my piece here.
>If the Israelis were to
>1. Recognize an independant Palestinian state
>2. Practice in reality full citizenship for any Palestinian who chooses to reside in Israel
>3. Pay reparations to the families who (a) followed Arab advice and fled or (b) were thrown out (take your choice on what really happended) of Israel after the War of Independence
>4. Eliminate the noxious security checks Palestinians are forced to endure
>the result "might" (although I doubt it) be a decrease in terrorism but it would certainly not bring it to an end. I firmly believe that there are elements of the Islamic world whose goal is the elimination of the State of Israel, not the rectification of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians.
Imagination is more important than knowledge

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