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04/11/2004 11:47:06
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>>>>I don't recall getting any emails from the president giving me this information. I seem to recall reading it in many reports on the internet and seeing it on the news. You probably don't believe Hitler gassed millions of jews either, do you?
>>>That was before the internet. I know there is a thriving holocost industry. 40 million russians died, 30 million Germans. I've rold you about Zionists and Diaspora. Thats a different issue and not connected to Iraq/
>>If you could be serious for one minute and stop the adolescent posturing :
>>Are you denying the Holocaust ? Do you contest the idea that Nazis murdered over 6,000,000 people in a deliberate act of genocide ?
>>Just yes or no.
>No I am neither denying or admitting it - I don't have an opinion on it. I don't care.

That, in itself, makes me wonder about how sincere you are about moral issues.

But I can say that Tikkun and Dispora are embarassed by the Holocaust Industry - do you want me to get some links for you? A lot more Russians died than Jews. You don't see US taxpayer sponsored memorials to them on the mall in DC. Since when is any subscriber's life to a particular mythology worth more than anothers.

Michael Lerner and Tikkun speak out for social justice but certainly represent only one perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian problem. But to compare this situation to the Holocaust is hardly appropriate.

>I am sure concentration camps may have been just as bad as the refugee camps in Gaza and Ramala. I sure the starvation in the Polish camps is just as extreme as the starvation in Jenin. WHat's you're opinion? Is Gaza more luxurious than the pain in Augsburg? Is the aprthied wall better than barbed wire?

A big difference is that the wall is meant to keep out suicide bombers. If the Palestinian Authority were prepared to stop them, it would not be necessary

>And be careful - a threat will get you in trouble - and calling me something I am not could place youn in jeprody. I am willing too talk with you - but don't get carried away - don't try and bait people or cause problems -you will only cause them for yourself.
>Besides - is it against the law do not agree with someone elses view point. Doesn't the constitution guarentee freedom of thought. And would not the FBI come knocking on your door if you threatened someone because that did not agree with you Mr. Hankley?

As to calling you something you are not : I have no idea what you are. I know you only from what you have written and how you choose to represent yourself. You appear to me to be very passionate, painfully young, and perfect material for what Eric Hoffer called the True Believer. I know you have faith in people like Michael Moore so that tells me a bit about how wisely you are able to filter out posturing charlatans. I can tell from what you write that your knowledge of history comes primarily from propaganda sources that were filling a void in an education that was perhaps more in a technical direction.

And you seem rather interesting in that at least you care about things.

As to a threat : I think the "threat" may be coming from the voices in your head. There was no "threat" toward you in anything I have said to you. Your childish pronouncments are far too silly to be taken seriously, or to be seen as a threat to anyone - even much of a threat toward influencing opinion.

I don't know what the pain of "Augsburg" is you refer to ( perhaps you mean "Auschwitz" but the sound was fuzzy on the TV show you were getting your history from? )

If you think the deaths in the German concentration camps were an issue of starvation and can be compared to Ramallah and that there is any comparison with the camps in Gaza it reflects just how much you understand of the whole situation. One of the reasons Palestinians are in camps is that their Arab brothers don't want them. ( and considering the history of Black September in Jordan on can understand at least some of the reason) I will not disagree it represents human tragedy. I just question the certainty with which you place the blame.

The plight of the Palestinian people is very real, and stems as much as anything from some extremely bad decisions taken by their 'leaders' as well as the Arabs who use them as political footballs. They definitely deserve a homeland and a better life. Had they accepted a two state solution in 1948 they could have had it. Had Arafat not walked away from the best deal they were ever going to get and launched the second Inifatada they would have it now.

If there were ever a great people led by their worst elements and stifling dissent from their many intellectuals and wise men, it is the Palestinians.

Charles Hankey

Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened.
- Thomas Hardy

Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

-- T. S. Eliot
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
- Ben Franklin

Pardon him, Theodotus. He is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.

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