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Job Market Southern California
06/11/2004 21:55:34
Mike Smith
Doncaster Office Services
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
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While I have you, I have never figured out why a person has to register themselves as Republican or Democrat when Registering to vote. Am I right that this is required? And if I am right about this, why is this purpose of this?

It is to prevent cross-over voting. Example - a republic voter votes in a democratic primary for a weak democrat. The speculation being at election, the weak deomcrat will loose against the republican.

Most states don't have that - it's sill - and crossover affect will ultimately negate it self. It's really a way to promote a "single-party" politik. There is no difference between the two magor parties - except wedge issues - that will really never make a difference, one way or another, in anyones life. Does anybody know someone who has had an abortion or is in a gay relation - they don't - those are fairly rare - yet the fanatic frezied eyes of the mob - providing the preacher pushes the button - take to the street on it - and it looks like - if you read the news - right wing operatives - in states where paperless voting machines were used, may have riggeed the count. There are suits for recounts in now.

We should have - as Nader and others suggested - an instant run-off.

What's really strange is how the government, media and false prophets have us divided on so-called wedge issues. Americans don't want to kill - or be killed - or be mean - but the politicos and clergy have sorted into groups and surprisingly made the case that what's important is gay marriage - or abortion - and then they add to that that jesus wants americans to kill godless brownies in Iraq, Iran and Whereever - that's what is has boiled to.

Hitler justified the invasion of Poland the same as the weirdos we have now: To bring freedom to the Poles!

Mike Hellands site is a good Idea:

Perhaps we should look at this model and work to set up one for our communities or hoods. At some point, the true heart of AMerica, providing they have access to the facts, will respond to their hearts and minds rather than the chants issued from the pulpit. The government of Amerca does not care about Americans. They only care about pocketing our taxes. They are going to leave us out in the cold. It's pretty scary here - this makes Orwell's 1984 look like a Disney Classic.

New Zealand is starting to look good!:)
Imagination is more important than knowledge

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