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WHile in school, I was a framer (nailed 2 by's together) for house and apartment frames. The most important aspect of the "nail gusn" was to sell nails.

Halloween I finally saw Moores Farenheit 911 (and for those who have not heard of the original Farenheit 471 - the book that Moore used for his "parody" movie title - that is on the burn list - will burn at 471 degrees farenhiet!).

The GIs were on speed or meth. On the Ku Klux Zion new stations, they are saying "psycholological ops" (I love it when the propaganda service gets geeky with military jargon - almost as much as I love it when they say "we" when reporting on the progress of a particular slaughter of women and children someplace in Iraq) are playing loud "heavy metal music".

The chorus on the GIs were killing to in Moores movie was "Burn Mother F'er, Burn" (explicitive deleted). A common chant at KKK cross burnings I'd bet!

We have lost our moral ascendancy. The sooner we beg for atonement - the better. The New York Times is now saying more troops are needed (like Duuuhh). And to all those born agains that voted on Bubba Dubya's promise not to privatize Social Security - it's happening. For all Bubba Dubya minions that believed him when he and Rummy said "no draft", just remember, the big guy in the sky won't hold your children responsible for murder - Pat Robertson has assured us they are forgiven, and when they gurggle that last clot with their last breath on the sand of Iraq - no worries mate - their going straight away to the picnic court in the big mall in the sky!

We're in a mess. A real mess.

Any Iraqi killed is a terrorist - and any Kindegarden that the coalition napalms is a terrorist training camp.

>>Saving Amercan lives is great - but could you tell me - since you are excited about these weapons, why are Americans killing Iraqis? That's the question we need an answer to.
>We must test our weapons and military tactics in the laboratory - in this case Iraq. Then upon perfection we will conquer the world! OK boys attack and die well!
>Remember troops, those folks back home are depending upon you for entertainment and diversion from reality.

>I love the way the Marines in Fallujah are juiced up! One Marine who was interviewed on CNN expressed it well. He was excited and there to kill! I wonder how this kids head will be if and when he becomes a civilian. Oh well, he could turn to drugs like 30% of the Vietnam vets did. That should really help society. Yes sir, we have to kill everyone for our freedom! You never know who a terrorist is ? so kill everybody.
>Do not forget the body count! Any Iraqi killed is a terrorist! Yeah ? just like Nam baby! Freedom and liberty for all! Walter Cronkite, where are you when we need your cheerful reports of how few Americans have been killed and how many of the ?enemy? we killed in return?
>During World War II it took an average of 400 bullets to kill one enemy. During Vietnam it took an average of 65,000. I wonder how many bullets it takes to kill one enemy in Iraq? Maybe not as many as we can level the place in an instant! Then again a AC-130 can spit our a large number of shells.
>>>The Israelis are using a self developed missile system called "Popeye". Its exteremely effective, and the U.S. is buying tons of it and deploying it in Iraq.
>>>With the success of this system in Iraq, the Israelis are saving many American lives. We currently don't have many allies who could make this claim, except for the British....
Imagination is more important than knowledge

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