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The Separate Realities of Bush and Kerry Supporters
09/11/2004 19:06:54
Jason Mesches
Ocean Systems Engineering Corporation
Carlsbad, Californie, États-Unis
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>All people believe what they want to believe. Talking as though Dems lost because the Reps dragged all the knuckle-walking, uneducated, drooling snake handlers out to vote is a popular misconception bandied over the past week -- and I'm sure it makes some people feel better -- but it will only lead to another "stunning" election night failure in 2 years.

I don't characterize the Bush voters as you did above. However, I do prefer being informed to being not-informed. Engaged rather than not engaged.

>I could hardly be accused of being a Bush supporter and yet I still believe there is a connection between Iraq and Al-Qaeda. Tenuous though some of the connections may be, I think most of these terrorist organizations/states are linked and share funding/arms/"soldiers"/training camps/safe houses.

All I ask for is evidence.

>Through years of inaction, we've allowed these groups to become too powerful and not surprisingly, they've become bolder (even before 9/11... USS Cole, Twin Towers '93 among others) and since the rest of the world doesn't seem too keen on taking them down -- excepting sanctions and resolutions and strong language and maybe dirty looks? -- it looks like the action falls to us (again). Unless, of course, we wait until we're attacked again. Then, maybe we can expect some sympathy cooperation... maybe for awhile. But only if we pass the global test by dancing just so and saying the right words the right way at the right time in the right forum to the right people.

The rest of the world doesn't seem too keen on taking them down? Perhaps you're not aware of the countries that sent troops to Afghanistan. France, Germany, Spain, etc. We didn't need a global test for Afghanistan. Of course, we were attacked by an orgainization in Afghanistan. Not Iraq.

>Commissions? I just simply don't trust any of 'em. Funny how we poke at the Warren Commission for coming to its seemingly ridiculous conclusion, yet some of us can't wait to embrace any that are anti-Bush administration. These commissions, by the very nature of being populated with political types, have their own agendas, least of which, I fear, is the truth.

So where do you get your information?
Chris McCandless
Red Sky Software

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