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11/11/2004 12:55:04
11/11/2004 12:45:35
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Thanks for the links. You are quick. I see that it is illegal, but I guess where there is a lot of money there is corruption. Sad.

>It is everywhere in the news lately - I am surprise you've missed it. It has even been on Sixty Minutes recently. watched a PBS special on it just a couple of weeks ago also and also a very good story on HBO Real Sports. The biggest problem has been that while the UAE declared an end to it it has unofficially continued on . Since the official ban, now camel races are not allowed to have cameras present but human rights activists have quietly freed some of the children.
>Found some links on the web:
>This is in 2004:
>>>Slavery still exists unofficially in the Sudan, Mauritania, and the UAE (especially children camel racers)>
>>I like to see the source of this. I lived in the UAE 1977-1980 and I didn't know anything about any slavery there. (I'm not saying you are not telling the truth. I just didn't know anything about it.) Also, I went to several camel races and didn't witness anything that looked like slavery. What makes this seem implausible is when I was there every UAE citizen received a salary, something like $50,000 a year or more. Also UAE citizens did not work. Foreign labor was imported for everything. They had plenty of money to pay for whatever they wanted. So I don't understand why they would need slaves
>>>That is incorrect. Saudi Arabia was the last country in the world to abolish slavery in 1962. The last country in the Americas to officially abolish slavery was Brazil in 1888. However, it still exists unofficially. They turned a blind eye to it and there are still around 40,000 slaves. It imported more slaves from Africa than any other country. Slavery still exists unofficially in the Sudan, Mauritania, and the UAE (especially children camel racers)
>>>Start slamming the UAE, Brazil, and the Sudan Terry.
>>>>And we won. And so did the people of Eastern Europe and Russia. It was world changing and the mushroom clouds we saw in our dreams as children in the 50s became a little less likely.
>>>>Maybe the mushroom clouds would have never happened if we would have just left things alone. The only people that won were the people getting our tax dollars to make the bombs and pay the preacher's that provoked the fear and enabled us to "grow" our ignorance.
>>>>The reasons for us starting the Vietnam War were a lie (Gulf of Tompkin). But we are also the last contry to practice slavery - so the enabling effects of our "national" racism may take a few more generations to be culled. The red states, however have embraced eugenics, and will try to hang on to a "white supremacy" philosphy - but in the end - that school will also give way to humanity and truth.
>>>>What did we win?
>>>>We won the right of a military industrial complex to sell us a false threat of the "evil empire". The right to provoke another nation and it's people into spending on weapons and not social programs.
>>>>We won the right to have our intelligence services to finance and participate in coups, like Iran, where we helped oust a democratically elected government to install the "pawn" shaw?
>>>>We won the right to commit human rights violations in Chile in another CIA sponsered coup. Look at what we tried to do in Venezuela in 2001. Look at what we did in Haites.
>>>>We won the right to be stupid, call ourselves smart and bomb anyone who disagreed with us.
>>>>The cold war was a ruse to keep us scared, keep the CCCP off balance so the bomb makers could profit. Of course a 12 step program that lead to a country of dry-drunk born agains also blossomed. An enabling, if you will! The flower of ignorance that blossomed include the eugenics of creationism and a redefinition of mass racial murder as a so called war on terror. Now all it takes to convince us there are terrorists is a picture of a dead Arab's body. He's dead - must have been a terrorist.
>>>>We should listen to our hearts and trust our humanity. Our government and religious leaders have been lying to us. We can pretend it's not happening - but there's not enough Prozac to go around for us to rely on the shelter of ignorance.
>>>>Just because people don't laugh in our face - we should not assume they don't think we're a joke!:)

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