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>The majority of Iraqis are thankful that Saddaam is gone, but do not want Americans in their country. They also do not want the Americans to leave yet for fear of who would step in and take control. Many of the insurgents are non-Iraqis. The Iraqis are angry and frustrated over the crime level, danger on the streets, and deaths from both insurgents and coalition fighting as well as lack of jobs and security after so much time has passed. They are afraid to show support for and the interim government because if America pulls out of their country without a strong security in place then anyone with any religious agenda can take over and history has proven that those that support the wrong side do not have a long life when the power changes. Additionally those supporting or participating in the coalition supported interim government have their lives threatened everyday and some have lost their lives. Yet the 'coalition' has a problem continuing on with rebuilding Iraq until Iraq is
>more secure. Rebuilding cannot go on until the fighting is under control. The Iraqis are frustrated because rebuilding is almost at a standstill. Everyday they grow more and more desperate and each day another Iraqi joins the insurgency. It is a never-ending cycle. Yet there are thousands of Iraqis participating in the local police, national guard, and military. They are risking their lives too and I believe more Iraqi lives have been lost supporting the coalition than American.
>Looking ONLY to the future, what is your solution? (It is kind of like solving the Palestinian/Israeli problem now, isn't it?)

Just passing through, and I could not resist.

Thank you Tracy. This is one of the most level views of the situation I have read here. Unfortunately, those who make the decisions in our country and the vocal crowd that demands results have so little understanding of any culture other than our own.

The deed is done. We walked in, clueless. We broke it, we bought it. We have to fix it without causing any more ill feelings than we have. That will not happen of course. We just have to keep moving forward as best we can, rebuilding what has become a shattered urban environment, soothing a populace having serious issues with our motives, and try once again to learn that just because we believe we are the best arbiter for our country and culture, it does not mean that we are the best for some one else's.

As for the Palestinian/Israeli issue--I say they all be scattered to the four corners, take all the Cubanos in Florida complaining about Castro and dump them in as stewards of the holy land, and then tell the parties in Nothern Ireland, Sudan, etc. to get it straight or they're next. <g>
Opportunity is missed by most people beacuse it is dressed in overalls, and looks like work --- Thomas Edison

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