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15/11/2004 19:22:06
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Okay, this settles it. You really don't know anything about this stuff.

The idea that 242 and Olso 'solve' anything is so absurd it is only rivaled by your plan to let 'naturalized muslim, jewish and christian clerics' run a country.

And there there is 'The UN begins (right away) to repair infra structure. Water, sewage, health and schools'

The U.N. would not be capable of repairing a pothole in Baghdad.

And if we went in there to steal the oil - why don't we steal the oil? We surely could. A deal with the Turks on the northern pipeline would take care of that part. We certainly don't need Faludjah - or for that matter Baghdad. Do you know where the oil in Iraq is? (for that matter do you know where Iraq is?) A deal with the Shiites in the south and the Kurds in the north would do the trick ( especially if we realy wanted to bomb the Sunnis into oblivion. Their Iraqi brothers would cheer us on. )

You really are embarrassing yourself.

>It could conceivably be argued either way.
>I don't think so - the killing of innocent Iraqi and US soldiers was to steal the oil that belonged to the nation of Iraq. All the other justifications for this premptive slaughter have been shown to be outright fabrications. Wrongful death on a massive scale. There is no other truth that can be offered.
>However, the question today is what should be done in the future.
>Tonight, our government begins a complete withdrawal. The UN sends inspectors to tally up the cost the US will have to cover for reconstruction. The US appointed government resigns (and should head for the hills ASAP). The naturalized muslim, jewish and christian clerics put together an interim government. The UN begins (right away) to repair infra structure. Water, sewage, health and schools.
>The international war crimes tribunal considers US leaders and media for war crimes.
>Israel immediately vacates settlements and outposts and steps back to 1967 lines and signs in to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty.
>All treadties, rescended by Dubya, including the anti-ballistic missil treaty, the war crimes accords and others are reinstated.
>That's a good place to start!
>Arguing about whether or not the war should have ocurred at all is like the Palestinians and the Israelis continuing on their 'who is at fault' argument and simply prevents any future peace and coexistance.
>The argument is false, provoked and attenuated. This argument assures tax dollars to bombmakers and aparthied despots in the middle east. The issues are not real. They to are fabricated, like the issues that were fabricated for the invasion of Iraq, to make you afraid and sanctify the .5 Trillion in treasury this "war on terror" is costing US taxpayers - and being paid to the bombmakers and the global network of provocateers in their portfolio. They are doing all they can to turn us into racists - because, unlike our elected officials and there oligarch masters, the only profit for a "common" man, like you and me, is satisfying our vain primitive blood lusts!
>The majority of Iraqis are thankful that Saddaam is gone
>A recent poll in Bagdad showed that only 2% of Iraqis were with America - the remaining 98% want us out!
>Your information regarding Iraqi or World attitudes towards the US is incorrect. It sounds like you got that stuff from the Limbaugh Stat Page!:-)
>the insurgents are non-Iraqis.
>An "insurgent" is someone fighting against their government. Since Iraqis do not have their own government (only US stooges), the insurgents are really the Iraqi resistance, for they are fighting against an illegal occupation. Heros of a future Iraq are being made in the alleys and rubble of Falujha!
>The Iraqis are angry and frustrated over the crime level
>Iraqi's are angry because our bombs and bullets have killed a 100,000 of their kin, and noone has explained why or come to protect them.
>Looking ONLY to the future, what is your solution? (It is kind of like solving the Palestinian/Israeli problem now, isn't it?)
>The Israeli / Palestinian problem has been solved UN 242 and the Oslo accords. The problem is everytime the UN security council votes to enforce the resolution, our government vetos it.

Charles Hankey

Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened.
- Thomas Hardy

Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

-- T. S. Eliot
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
- Ben Franklin

Pardon him, Theodotus. He is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.

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