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16/11/2004 16:54:40
16/11/2004 16:33:15
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>>>LOL Elmer.
>>>Can you ever say something without all the Bush bashing talk? I really do respect your opinion but, it gets a little over the top sometimes. I'm really sorry your candidate didn't win, but come on....
>>>Beside, maybe God will those people to vote for Bush.... uh... just maybe... ;)
>>My opinion has nothing to do with Bush bashing or my candidate losing. I am more of a fiscal conservative than Bush and much more of a social liberal with high regard for civil liberties and pride myself on acceptance and tolerance of others. I have vastly different views and values from Bush and the neo-cons and am only expressing my opinion. I will still feel good about my views, beliefs, choices and my vote in 4 years. I honestly hope that the 55 Million who voted for Bush will be able to say the same thing.
>>I guess I will never be aligned with the religious right, believing that God willed me or anyone else to do anything. I believe God gives me the freedom and the judgement to make my own decisions, right or wrong. I honestly try to do what I think is right and it would never occur to me that God is making my decisions for me. I can't blame God for my own bad decisions, nor do I think that my good ones are due to divine intervention.
>Ok. very well.
>But tolerance is a two way strick. But unfortunately, some are tolerant only if others see things their way.

Then that is not tolerance, is it? Discussing differences in opinion and even attempting to convince others of the wisdom of your opinion is not intolerance. However condemning someone as evil, wrong, sinful or attempting to pass laws to prevent or penalize behavior which in no way affects you other than offending your own moral or religious values is.

>I think legal civil union is a good compromise concerning gay marriage.

I personally have no problem with gay marraige. It doesn't threaten my marriage or family values in any way. If you want to protect marriage and families it is adultry, neglect, abuse, divorce and unwed pregancies that are the biggest assault on traditional marriage and family values.

My view about gay marriage is very simple, If you don't want to marry someone of the same sex, DON'T. But I think it should not be acceptable to try to legislate morality based on homo-phobia, bigotry and religion based prejudices.

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