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17/11/2004 15:44:59
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Gee, and all this time I thought it was just terrible that the insurgents were using woman and children as shields, shooting civilians, torturing Iraqi citizens, beheading non-Iraqi civilians, and shooting unarmed civilian relief workers in the head. I guess I was wrong. The insurgents haven't done any of this - the entire media and world has been misinformed. It is the evangelical fundalmentalists doing it all.

No matter how many times you repeat this, it will not change the fact that the invasion was illegal. It will not change the likely hood that the 100,000 Iraqis or the 1500 Americans killed by the invasion are, in fact, wrongful deaths.

BTW It has been documented that Israel uses Palestinian children as human shields. Here is one story:

Our military is being investigated for war crimes for using Iraqis as human shields:

It?s strange how Israeli and US occupation tactics mimic one another.

Now, let?s think about it: What were Iraqis doing before we invaded? Were they cutting heads off? Were they, as the repeated fabrication suggests, using women and children as human shields?

Iraqi fighters are not insurgents, they are the Iraqi resistance. And they are doing the same thing you and your neighbors would do if another country invaded, occupied and seized assets of the common wealth of South Carolina! Would you be dancing in the street to give flowers to a foreign invader confiscating your assets and killing your children?

Before invasion, Iraqis were suffering through an unjust veto to lift sanctions by the US. It turns out that they had no WMD?s. They were destroyed in 1991:

So before the invasion Iraqis did the best they could with what they had. After breakfast they would send their children to school, go to work and write software or process insurance applications. Some would work the oil patch. Others would farm. Some were police. Some were soldiers. Iraqis have a nation pastime: birds. They raise, trade and enjoy birds. I?ve heard their coffee is some of the best ever brewed.

Civilization was invented in Iraq. We use Arab numbers and write code with an Arab invention: Algebra. ?Sin Bad?, a ?1001 Arabian Nights?, ?Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves?, all gifts from the lands we know as Iraq. Iraqi are people like you and me and every body we know. Then we invaded.
All the reasons our government and media gave to justify the invasion have been shown to be lies:
Iraq had no WMD and no WMD program:

Iraq had no 911 links:

These are the facts Tracy. Before we invaded there were no beheadings ? no 100,000 dead Iraqi and none of the fabrications you seem to insist on repeating occurred. It happened after we invaded. The reasons we invaded were lies. We have no cause for the invasion. We have, through our actions (and inaction) allowed our constitution to be miss-used as a tool of American hubris and hegemony. Did we invade to fulfill some kind of dominion-heresy or false prophecy that gives AMericans the right to kill people without cause.

So, knowing the reasons for invasion were fabrications. And, accepting that god or jesus didn?t have a hand in our decision to invade, they are only two reason to explain why we killed 100,00 Iraqi and 1500 Americans:
1) Racism fueled by a dominion fantasy
2) Iraqi oil

If you, Tracy, have a good reason, other than the ?fabricated? ones you insist on repeating (the links provided should allow you to reconsider your position):

PLEASE give me a reason to justify the carnage, destruction and suffering our invasion has placed on Iraq and the people that call Iraq home?

The fabrication of Iraqi Resistance using Iraqi Human shield:
As far as Iraqi resistance forcing Iraqis to be human shields ? they don?t have to ? Iraqis are volunteering to be human shields against what they view as invasion and theft. Even Canadians are going to Iraq to protect Iraqis as human shields:

Photos and content you won?t see on US propaganda media:)
Here are some pictures from inside Fallujah (the city of mosques):

The lying US Propaganda machine:
The only people applauding the carnage in Fallujah are Americans being misinformed by American broadcasters:
Imagination is more important than knowledge

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