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>Find a documented instance of it and I will believe you.
I'll give it a try later.
>>Now, let?s think about it: What were Iraqis doing before we invaded? Were they cutting heads off? Were they, as the repeated fabrication suggests, using women and children as human shields?
Dude - check your facts. Does the term "Marsh Arabs" ring a bell? They were practically exterminated by the Iraqi government.
So we, the US , kills a 100,000 Iraqi civilians to make up from some unsource allegation from Zion-Evangelical-War-Monger (ZEWM-TV) US TV? ARe you relying on the same people that told us Iraq had WMD and 911 Links? It's time to quit listening to those guys!

Or how about the Kurds that were nerve-gassed?
Heres a souce indicating Iran gassed the Kurds during the Iraq Iran War:

Of course we all need to know where Iraq got the gas, right - well they got it from Dubya's dad, Cheney and Rumsfeld:
The US provided less conventional military equipment than British or German companies but it did allow the export of biological agents, including anthrax; vital ingredients for chemical weapons; and cluster bombs sold by a CIA front organisation in Chile, the report says.,3604,866873,00.html

Care to explain the mass graves that are being found there now?
There was the Iran/Iraq War. I think it's been shown that alot of those mas-graves are contemporary to that. Thats common enough infor for you to google yourself!

Or the behavior of the Iraqi Army in Kuwait?
I do remember a congressional hearing where a woman LIED about being "ravaged" by Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait. She lied! Don't believe TV or Poilticians MAN!:)
More recently, in the fall of 1990, members of Congress and the American public were swayed by the tearful testimony of a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl, known only as Nayirah.

In the girl's testimony before a congressional caucus, well-documented in MacArthur's book "Second Front" and elsewhere, she described how, as a volunteer in a Kuwait maternity ward, she had seen Iraqi troops storm her hospital, steal the incubators, and leave 312 babies "on the cold floor to die."

Later, it was learned that Nayirah was in fact the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to Washington and had no connection to the Kuwait hospital.

She had been coached ? along with the handful of others who would "corroborate" the story ? by senior executives of Hill and Knowlton in Washington, the biggest global PR firm at the time, which had a contract worth more than $10 million with the Kuwaitis to make the case for war

Full text in Christian Science Monitor here:

Speaking of which, I'd like to hear your defense for THAT invasion.
I cannot defend it - but I - like you can make judgements (as long as we dont watch ZEWM-TV). I think Kuwait owed Iraq money (google it yourself), but; the US did give Iraq the OKAY to invade:

Saddam and his demonic regime did their level best to convince the world they still had WMD's, then started frantically back-pedalling when we called their bluff.
Are you suggesting this will be the US's defense in a War Crimes Tribunal?
What is a Demonic Regime? Is that like a country with Vincent Price as Mr. Big? What is a demonice regime. Are there little demons in the curtians and under the chairs. Are there big demons in the bathroom. Is there a special church where the demons hang out in a demonic regime?:)

Why? Because the oil-for-food program was making them insanely rich. The French, Russians, and Chinese all protested, because they were getting rich too. And the UN is actively thwarting outside investigations into this farce.
So were a lot of American companies, like Duba's boss, Cheney's Haliburton - agin - google this one yourself.

Obviously you took the blue pill!:-)

But the fact of the matter is the GOVERNMENT of Iraq was a dangerous and unpredictible machine, run by someone teetering on the brink of insanity with deep enmity towards the US.
So you're suggesting this is a fall back position when we have to defend our actions in a War Crimes Court? Murder is Murder. If your asessment is correct, then you're neighbor could do in a friend's family and then get off the hook by saying: "Well he had bad intents towards me (at least I think he did) and I thought he had a gun in the closet he was going to shoot me with it - and besides - he kicks his dog (i think) Maybe that stuff works where your from but it don't work in the civilized world! The constitution does not sanction murder (last time I read it) based on guesses, [mis]perceptions or PR from ZEWM-TV. Before we can kill we got to have proof.

The "powers of war" granted to Dubya required Dubya certify the WMD claim before he went - he did not - now his bomb making buddies, his oil buddie and rich i-just-gotta-big-tax-break buddies are all standing in line at the cash-out window of the US treasury. Money was the reason we went to war. Money is the reason Iraqis and GI's are dying.

Murder is not justified on moral grounds. Moral stuff is for religions to play with. There has to be an imminent threat-there was no iminent threat - therefore it's murder, irregardless of what we think about Saddam or Iraq or the ways the Iraqis ran the country under Sadam. In fact - we have out killed any alledged killings proported to Sadam.

And next time, instead of making statements and slogans about Iraq, post some links - its no fun arguing with a sweat shirt banner:)
Imagination is more important than knowledge

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