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Kevin is absolutely correct. Compiling all the information you are asking for is time consuming...pulling resources away from developing the product. There is a way to get the information you want.

I suggest you apply to be a beta tester. Anyone can apply and if you give good enough information, then the odds of getting selected go up. Go to beta.microsoft.com to find out how to apply. Beta testers typically get several beta versions, access to private forums, access to the product team, etc. While it's too late for VFP 9, you may get on the list for the next release.

Have you attended any conferences this year? The Fox team was at DevCon. Beta testers have been at other conferences and addressed peoples questions regarding features and bug fixes.

Instead of whining about a lack of information simply being given to you, I suggest you do what's required to some of the work yourself. There has been LOTS of information given about VFP 9. The only way to get answers to your specific questions is to do one of the things above. There has been far more information given out than just tidbits.

>Thank you for the condescending lecture. Know that I now worship you and think you are God himself.
>Really, you take this too seriously (as Craig may be also). I am impatient, but for a good reason. I am presently dealing with problems in VFP 8 that are serious and need to be fixed. I hope that they are paying attention to existing bugs and not only working on new features, but they leave us totally in the dark on that. When a "dot-oh" version ships they refuse to release a bug list or bug fix list. All they do is spout "it's the most stable version, yet" statements in a "just trust us, but we won't give you any proof" sort of way. I love VFP, but I'm not so much in love with MS and its attitudes. So I am pulled in two different directions. One is that I'd like VFP 9 to be out as soon as possible to - hopefully - fix the problems I'm having. The other is that I do want them to take their time on it so that they get it right. So that keeps me in a state of tension and a few moments by Ken to generate a letter about what's going on just might be a bit of a tension reliever.
>Is that so much to ask? Does it really take that much time? Do I not get to wish for a little tidbit without you taking it so seriously and lecturing me in an insulting fashion? Well, maybe we're even now and we can just get back to waiting it out and hoping that VFP 9 is exactly what we both need.
Craig Berntson
MCSD, Microsoft .Net MVP, Grape City Community Influencer

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