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On Religion
08/12/2004 09:35:21
04/12/2004 16:48:32
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>1. God
>We accept God as the governor of all natural things, and we accept that God
>is unknowable to us.
>As we can say nothing further about God, by definition of this term, we
>shall say nothing further about God and move on.
Hello Mike,

Rocks, fire, iron, metal, glass (1st, 2, 3.. wave) it is our journey from the past..
Our present knowledge about nature, physics, meta-physics it is so EXPRESSIVE the we
trade the place with our Creator and we self-declare power enough to take the absolute
control and to denied Him (God)..

Poors mortals we are !! Have you tried to measure how small it is this knowledge face to
the universe ?

I can feel that I am better than you, Drakan, Dean and Kenneth just because I can
store more information, about History, Philosofy, Math, Religion, V.F.P., etc..
And I try to denied that your knowledge can be so useful for my life than any
hiper-super-duper-formula that I read on "that" so important magazine named PLAYGENIUS..

Poor mortal I am !!

But, second to the Bible (God's word in my opinion) "Faith means absolute trust
in everything that god has been revealing.."

"Oh, I just believe if I see.."

As a matter on fact, if to have Faith we need to see or touch.. This is not a faith
it is other sense..

Try to close your eyes, ears, etc.. This is what will left.. Your soul.. How upgrade
have you invest on this software ? What release it is running ? Who will or what
OS will guide for the future..

>2. Afterlife
>Just as a theist lives an entire life following a moral code<snip>

Our human nature it is so durty, that is no moral code to clean this up.. Let's for example choose.. Who is our worse enemy ? Satan ? Our co-worker or boss ? Our neighbor ?

..Who does (or think) the worses things for my belovers, me and myself ?

I am my worse enemy ! We are our worse enemy ! So, no moral code will save us for anything.. Second to the bible, this is THE SECRET "Say a only word and you will be saved.. I DO BELIEVE !!"

So easy like that, that is nothing to climb or nothing to conquer.. Available for everybody, 24 hours a day, during your life.. Can you fell love from this point ? Can you fell a existence of "something" bigger than us..

Buddy, for years I spoke that everything this (on bible) is stupidity.. We, 21 century citizens always see the knowledge past only with the eyes of how evoluted we are.. What?? Release 12222.2004 to learn with old models?? Are you crazy !! What?? My brand new upgrade to need any kind of OS?? I am plane, completed.. I AM THE GOD !! Please, don't set any light here, no help, no guide.. Nothing please !!


"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, Ephesians 3:20

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