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Building Treeview Heirarchy
06/01/2005 17:43:57
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turquie
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Visual FoxPro
Contrôles ActiveX en VFP
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chm at least was available with VS6 help (MSDN oct 2001 as I remember). If installed explicitly check the chm under MSDN folder. I don't have 't on th's computer but when I get to work I might locate it.

Here are few samples:
1) This one demonstrates both 'grouping sort' and some other features like coloring.
2) Demonstrates hierarchical data view - like a Treeview but more like a TreeData. Also demonstrates coloring again but this time 'bandwise'

Note: In both samples the control is HierarchicalFlexGrid and not FlexGrid. Hflex does all Flex does and more, I found it to be more reliable.
#Define TESTDATALOC _samples+'data\testdata.DBC'

Public oForm
oForm = Createobject('myForm')

Define Class myform As Form
    Top = 0
    Left = 0
    Height = 480
    Width = 750
    DoCreate = .T.
    Caption = "Flex Grid Sort Sample - Drag a column to left to group by it"

    Add Object hflex As OleControl With ;
        Top = 0, ;
        Left = 0, ;
        Height = 420, ;
        Width = 750, ;
        Name = "Hflex", ;
        OleClass = 'MSHierarchicalFlexGridLib.MSHFlexGrid'

    Add Object cmdFun As CommandButton ;
        with Top = 425, Caption='Show some other features', AutoSize = .T.

    Procedure dosort
        Lparameters toObject
        With toObject
            .Col = 0
            .ColSel = .Cols - 1
            .Sort = 1 && Generic Ascending

    Procedure hflex.MouseDown
        *** ActiveX Control Event ***
        Lparameters Button, Shift, x, Y
        With This
            .Tag = ""
            If .MouseRow = 0
                .Tag = Str(.MouseCol)
                .Drag( 1 )

    Procedure hflex.DragDrop
        Lparameters oSource, nXCoord, nYCoord
        If !Empty(This.Tag)
            With This
                .Redraw = .F.
                .ColPosition(Val(.Tag)) = .MouseCol
                .Redraw = .T.

    Procedure Init

        Local oRecordset,oConnection, strCn, strShp

        strCn =	[Provider=MSDataShape;Persist Security Info=False;]+;
            [Data Source=]+TESTDATALOC+[;Data Provider=VFPOLEDB]
        strShp =	[SHAPE { select customer.cust_id, Company, ]+;
            [   orders.order_id, order_date, order_net, shipped_on, ]+;
            [   line_no, prod_name ] +;
            [ From customer ]+;
            [      Left Outer Join orders ]+ ;
            [        On customer.cust_id = orders.cust_id ] +;
            [      inner Join orditems ]+ ;
            [        On orditems.order_id = orders.order_id ] +;
            [      inner Join products ]+ ;
            [        On orditems.product_id = products.product_id } ]

        oRecordset = Createobject("adodb.recordset")
        oConnection = Createobject("adodb.connection")

        With oConnection
            .Provider = "MSDataShape"
            .ConnectionString = strCn

        With oRecordset
            .ActiveConnection = oConnection
            .Source = strShp

        With Thisform.hflex
            .Datasource = oRecordset
            For ix = 1 To .Cols - 1
                .MergeCol(ix) = .T.
            .MergeCells = 3


    Procedure cmdFun.Click
        With Thisform.hflex
            .FixedRows=1 && Number of rows fixed at top
            .FixedCols=1 && Number of Cols Fixed at Left

            .FillStyle = 1 && Repeat
            .WordWrap = .T.

            * First Column
            .Row = 1
            .Col = 0
            .Rowsel = .Rows-1
            .ColSel = 0
            .CellBackcolor = 0xFF0000 && Set all to blue backcolor
            .CellForeColor = 0xFFFFFF && Set all to white forecolor
            .CellAlignment = 9 && General - strings Left,Center
            .CellFontName = 'Arial'
            .CellFontBold = .T.
            .CellFontItalic = .F.
            .CellFontSize = 9

            * First Row
            .Row = 0
            .Col = 1
            .Rowsel = 0
            .ColSel = .Cols-1
            .CellBackcolor = 0xFF0000 && Set all to blue backcolor
            .CellForeColor = 0xFFFFFF && Set all to white forecolor
            .CellAlignment = 9 && General - strings Left,Center
            .CellFontName = 'Arial'
            .CellFontBold = .T.
            .CellFontItalic = .F.
            .CellFontSize = 9

            *Initial coloring of data cells
            .Col = 1
            .Row = 1
            .ColSel = .Cols-1
            .Rowsel = .Rows-1
            .CellAlignment = 9  && General - strings Left,Center
            .CellBackcolor=0x00FFFF && Set all to yellow

            * Enter some manual text on row 4,7 on lefmost fixed col
            .TextMatrix(4,0)="Manual 4"
            .TextMatrix(7,0)="Manual 7"

            * Enter text manually in left topmost corner cell

            * Change color for a group of cells
            .Row = 4 && rectangle top row
            .Col = 5 && rectangle left col
            .Rowsel = 5 && rectangle row end (not 5 rows, end row is 5)
            .ColSel = 7 && rectangle right col
            .CellBackcolor = 0xFFFF00 && Set all to cyan backcolor
            .CellForeColor = 0xFF0000 && Set all to blue forecolor
Sample 2
#Define TESTDATALOC _samples+"data\testdata.DBC"

Public oForm
oForm = Createobject('myForm')

Define Class myform As Form
    Top = 0
    Left = 0
    Height = 450
    Width = 750
    DoCreate = .T.
    Caption = "Form1"
    Name = "Form1"

    Add Object command1 As CommandButton With ;
        Autosize = .T., ;
        Top = 0, ;
        Left = 0, ;
        Name = "Set1", ;
        Caption = 'Sample 1'

    Add Object command2 As CommandButton With ;
        Autosize = .T., ;
        Top = 0, ;
        Left = 0, ;
        Name = "Set2", ;
        Caption = 'Sample 2'

    Add Object hflex As OleControl With ;
        Top = 0, ;
        Left = 0, ;
        Height = 420, ;
        Width = 750, ;
        Name = "Hflex", ;
        OleClass = 'MSHierarchicalFlexGridLib.MSHFlexGrid'

    Procedure LoadSet
        Lparameters tnSet
        Local oRecordset,oConnection, strCn, strShp

        strCn =	[Provider=MSDataShape;Persist Security Info=False;]+;
            [Data Source=]+TESTDATALOC+[;Data Provider=VFPOLEDB]

        lcSel1 = [ select customer.cust_id, ]+;
            [   customer.Company,]+;
            [   orders.order_id,]+;
            [   orders.Order_date ]+;
            [ From customer ]+;
            [  inner Join orders On customer.cust_id = orders.cust_id ]

        lcSel2 = [ select od.order_id, od.line_no, ]+;
            [   products.prod_name, ]+;
            [   products.no_in_unit As 'Packaging', ]+;
            [   od.unit_price, ]+;
            [   od.Quantity, ]+;
            [   od.unit_price * od.Quantity As ExtendedPrice ]+;
            [ From orditems As od ]+;
            [  inner Join products On od.product_id = products.product_id ]

        Do Case
            Case tnSet = 1

                strShp = [SHAPE { select Company, cust_id from customer } ]+;
                    [Append (( Shape { Select Distinct First_name, Last_name, a.emp_id + cust_id As "Emp_sel", cust_id  From employee a inner Join orders b On a.emp_id = b.emp_id }  ]+;
                    [Append (( Shape { Select Order_date, order_net, shipped_on, emp_id + cust_id As "Emp_sel",order_id From orders }  ]+;
                    [Append ( { Select order_id, line_no, prod_name From orditems inner Join products On products.product_id = orditems.product_id } As rsOrditems  ]+;
                    [Relate order_id To order_id )) As rsEmployee ]+;
                    [Relate emp_sel To emp_sel )) As rsOrders  ]+;
                    [Relate cust_id To cust_id ) ]
            Case tnSet = 2
                strShp = [  SHAPE ]+;
                    [(Shape {]+lcSel1+[ } as rs1 ]+;
                    [	Append  ({]+lcSel2+[ } AS rsDetails RELATE order_id TO order_id),  ]+;
                    [ Sum(rsDetails.ExtendedPrice) As OrderTotal, Any(rsDetails.order_id)) As rsOrders ]+;
                    [Compute  rsOrders, ]+;
                    [Sum(rsOrders.OrderTotal) As CustTotal, ]+;
                    [Any(rsOrders.Company) As Cmpny	]+;
                    [   By cust_id ]


        oRecordset = Createobject("adodb.recordset")
        oConnection = Createobject("adodb.connection")

        With oConnection
            .Provider = "MSDataShape"
            .ConnectionString = strCn
        With oRecordset
            .ActiveConnection = oConnection
            .Source = strShp

        With This.hflex
            .Datasource = oRecordset
            .Mergecells = 3
            .GridColorBand(1) = Rgb(255,0,0)
            .GridColorBand(2) = Rgb(0,0,255)
            .GridColorBand(3) = Rgb(0,255,0)
            .ColWidth(0,0) = 300

    Procedure Init
        With This
            .Set2.Left = .Set1.Left + .Set1.Width + 5
            .hflex.Top = .Set1.Top + .Set1.Height + 5
            .hflex.Height = .Height - (.hflex.Top + 5)
            .hflex.Left = 5
            .hflex.Width = .Width - 10
    Procedure Set1.Click
    Procedure Set2.Click

>Hi Cetin
>I've never heard of this control before but it seems to be something I have a use for. Unfortunately I cant find the CHM for it and the MS help is a bit sparce.
>Do you have an example of how to use it?
>Is it possible to have a DynamicBackColor with it?
>Geoff Scott
>>>>>I'm working on a form consisting of a treeview and combobox. I want the user to be able to re-sort the treeview, based on the selected combobox option. For instance, if my table consists of date, module, severity, status and description, I may want the user to be able to sort on any, or any combination, of selected fields
>>>>>The table I am extracting information from is not in heirarchical format, but does have a unique record ID field (numeric). I want to create a heirarchical table based on the user selection.
>>>>>I have been working on this and have figured out a fairly elaborate way to create the parent nodes and associate the detail data to the parent node. While my method works, it is limited to the number of levels that I am allowing programtically. While this will work for me, I can't help but feel that there must be a better way (such as a Select command), or an existing utility, which handles this.
>>>>>Any ideas?
>>>>>Thanks much.
>>>>You might want to check UT magazine June 2001 issue (first one).
>>>>But IMHO it'd be easier and cleaner if you simply show the data in a HierarchicalFlexgrid control.
>>>Hi Cetin - thanks for the suggestion. I have never worked with that control, but will surely take a look at it. Do you know where can i find the Heirarchical Flexgrid control?
>>It's installed with VS and I think VFP only installation installs it too.
>>in code:
>>Add OBJECT hflex AS olecontrol WITH ;
>> OleClass = 'MSHierarchicalFlexGridLib.MSHFlexGrid'
>>I tried to locate one of the codes I posted before but UT search lies-none found:)
Çetin Basöz

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