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The m. variable thing, the sequel
27/01/2005 15:39:21
Mike Yearwood
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
27/01/2005 15:37:15
Gary Foster
Pointsource Consulting LLC
Chanhassen, Minnesota, United States
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>The "&cBtnShapeRef." part evaluates to the object ref and "uses up" the first period. The second period allows the property ref. It more or less turns into:
>IOW, you need two periods to blend the macro with a proprty/method ref

Which is why I try to always terminate every macro with the period, much like open and close parentheses.

>>I concur. More specifically
m.oCmd = CREATEOBJECT('empty')
>>ADDPROPERTY(m.oCmd,'cString','wait window "test"')
>>works whereas
>>does not. It appears that macro substitution works only with base level memory variables and not with memory objects
>>Could someone please enlighten me as to what the this code segment is referencing. I have included the full method further down in case more context is needed.
>>       &cBtnShapeRef..visible=.t.
>>It is part of a listbar code I downloaded. I am wondering what the ".." does.
>>Geoff Scott
Full code
>>lparameters cCaption,cIcon,cTooltiptext,cItemform
>>local nButtonStyle,cNewButtonref,cBtnShapeName,cBtnShapeRef
>>with this
>>	.itemscount = .itemscount+1
>>	if .firstbutton = 0			&&first button added
>>		.firstbutton=1
>>	endif
>>	cNewButtonRef = 'this.button'+alltrim(str(this.itemscount))
>>	nButtonstyle = .parent.buttonstyle
>>	if nButtonstyle = 0
>>		.addobject('button'+alltrim(str(this.itemscount)),'coolbutton')
>>	else
>>		.addobject('button'+alltrim(str(this.itemscount)),'smallcoolbutton')
>>	endif
>>with &cNewButtonRef
>>	.bordercolor = this.backcolor
>>	.visible = .t.
>>	.width = this.width
>>	.buttonindex = this.itemscount
>>	cBtnShapeName  = 'btnShape'+alltr(str(.buttonindex))
>>	.addobject(cBtnShapeName,'btnshape')
>>	cBtnShapeRef=cNewButtonRef+'.'+cBtnShapeName
>>	&cBtnShapeRef..width = this.width
>>	&cBtnShapeRef..zorder
>>	&cBtnShapeRef..visible=.t.
>>	&cBtnShapeRef..tooltiptext = iif(vartype(cTooltiptext)='C',cTooltiptext,"")
>>	.itemform = iif(vartype(cItemform)='C',cItemform,"")
>>	.Icon.picture = cIcon
>>	.lblCaption.Caption = cCaption
>>	if nButtonstyle = 0
>>		.lblCaption.width = this.width-4
>>		.Icon.left = this.width/2-16
>>		.top = this.parent.folderheaderheight+ (this.itemscount-1)*this.buttonheight
>>	else
>>		.lblCaption.width = this.width-24
>>		.top = this.parent.folderheaderheight+ (this.itemscount-1)*this.buttonheight
>>	endif	
>>if this.parent.folderheaderheight+(this.itemscount*this.buttonheight) > this.height
>>	this.scrolldn.visible=.t.
>>	this.scrolldn.enabled=.t.
>>	this.scrolldn.zorder
>>Geoff Scott
>>>Hi, Gary-
>>>>I must have missed the real question here.
>>>The difference is subtle. It's not whether the variable's value has a period, but whether the variable's literal has one.
>>>>I put:
>>>In your example, The string "x" has been evaluated (no period in "x") and resulted in a perfectly legitimate command.
>>>>Isn't this what we're talking about? I must have misunderstood the issue.
>>>Let me give you an example, and hopefully, that'll help explain the difference. Let's say I have a form that builds a Select statement that I'll run before printing a report. So, I have a custom property called SelectCmd. Something like:
>>>ThisForm.SelectCmd = "Select * from Customers"
>>>I can't do the following:
>>>Or any other variation. Since the "." terminates the macro expression, FoxPro would try to find a string variable called ThisForm, but that's of course not available. So, I have to do this:
>>>lcCmd = thisform.SelectCmd
>>>&lcCmd. && Don't need the period in this case, but just making the point. No pun intended.
>>>The issue of prefixing literals with "m." is the same thing.
Local lcSelectCmd
>>>lcSelectCmd = "Select * from Customers"
>>>&m.SelectCmd. && Will look for a string variable "m"
>>>&lcSelectCmd. && Is okay.

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