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Where is Ken Levy ?? Some news about VFP9 SP / VFP10 ??
31/01/2005 17:09:34
Guy Pardoe
Pardoe Development Corporation
Peterborough, New Hampshire, United States
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The video seemed OK to me.

I think what some others may be referring to is the memories of how you can be in the middle of a presentation, whipping through some code, and pausing as an idea hits your mind and then you go off on a tangent and create the world database or something... on the fly... right in front of everyone's eyes. The average developer can only partially follow you, because not only do you think and talk so darn fast, but you type about 190,000 miles an hour. And when it's over, there we are... mere mortals... stunned... amazed at what has just taken place... and slightly upset at ourselves because we couldn't take enough notes... it was all happening so fast. But our regret is offset by the endorphines floating around in our head. We're excited because we... mere mortals... had the fortunate pleasure of seeing this live and in person. And we know that someday in the future, we'll be sitting around having a few beers musing over former times and someone will say, "Remember when Ken Levy..." and we can say, "YES!, I SAW THAT! Is that guy, like, Data on Star Trek or something?"

You see, now that you're settling down in a more executive role, your presentations are more focused and controlled. Heck, even a mortal can do these presentations.

It's not that we don't appreciate it... It's just that a lot of us remember that long-haired kid who would walk into a room of world-class developers, do a presentation, and have everyone walking out with their head spinning.

It's hard to forget things like that. And I think somewhere in the human psyche, there's this thing nagging at us. Once we see it for the first time, we want to see it every time.

Regardless of our memories or expectations, you're doing a great job. Keep it up.


>>I (and a couple of guys I work with) thought you could have done a much better job with the Robert Scoble Channel 9 interview.
>>Granted, no one expected the usual mind-bending, inspiring, how-the-hell-did-he-do-that kind of stuff you are SO good at. It was just a little disappointing.
>This is not very specific, I have no idea what you were hoping to see. A few things to keep in mind. Channel 9 videos have nothing to do with marketing and they go out of there way to focus on technical issues and as a way for people to get an inside to Microsoft (the term used today is transparency). They do not give any notice to the topics or questions to be asked in the interview, and in this case the target audience was both people who are experienced VFP developers as well as people who do not use VFP at all and may wonder what it is about. While you may have not learned anything in the interview, I know many people who don't know much about VFP did. And if you are referring to enthusiasm, remember that being one on one in an office with a camera is not the same as being in front of a large live audience of people you mostly know. If you have any specific feedback on what you would like to see in the future in something like this, let me know.

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