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Conservative Super Friends
21/02/2005 09:12:03
21/02/2005 00:02:02
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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I know Bush is such a terrible person.
How he every became president... Let impeach.

I'm voting Clinton '08.
I love socialism. I love to see my hard earned money go to the undeserving and ungrateful welfare recipients.

>>Hi George.
>>I see where you get your political views.
>>No thanks. I don't care get my news from the likes of Al Franken, Janeane Garofalo and Michael Moores of the world. I can hear their views on any national news every day 24-7.
>>Al Franken, fair and balance? Well, if you say so. And I guess The Grand Canyon isn't so grand after all. ;-)
>Sorry to hear that. Not about the Grand Canyon, but about the mechanism being so efficient here. I've seen much worse mud-slinging and denigration, and it worked just as well. That's how a political elite can get away with pretty much anything - attack their opponents ad hominem, dig out any dirt, attach any available tag, just say anything but say it loud and at the prime time, so even those who never heard what the guys actually said would think these guys can't be trusted. Nobody's checking anyway, and nobody's reading the retractions. Just keep smearing your opponents loud and long, and your true believers won't notice that you haven't really answered any of the accusations.
>I've had thirteen years of that. You had only four. It took me two years to start suspecting, and two more to see through the scheme - still in time, before the wars began. But for majority, it took much longer.
>Of course, the mechanism is pretty much the only thing that's similar. The list of differences between Milosevic and Bush is just too long, and I wrote about it before. Off the top of my head, Bush has never
>- stolen elections
>- had obedient media
>- waged a war to distract the public from domestic issues
>- waged a war to distract the public from the failures of previous wars
>- invented special laws designed to silence the opponents
>- handed hefty state contracts to his friends and family
>- been friends with wrong Arabs
>- used nationalism as a political weapon
>- tried to divide the nation into patriots and traitors
>- used terrorist threat as a pretext to give much more power to the police
>- stolen the social security money
>- manipulated the value of national currency to make his friends richer
>- put his incompetent friends in important positions just because he owed them a favor
>- stayed at home for months without ever travelling abroad
>Pretty much the only other thing they do have in common is that they both say that the international tribunal has no jurisdiction over them and their generals.
Work as if you don't need money
Love as if you've never been hurt before
Live as if this is your last day to live
Dance as if no one's watching

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