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Where is that thread about VFP & .NET?
09/03/2005 10:38:30
09/03/2005 09:28:27
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Visual FoxPro
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>>>> If order to create a VFP .NET language, you would lose the VFP data-centric commands and functions since .NET languages are built around ADO.NET and other .NET Framework classes, you would lose the native database engine since that is not part of .NET
>>>>We have decided that what customers want and need is VFP like feature added to the Visual Studio shell, .NET languages, and .NET Framework.
>>>I'm sorry, but this does not make any sense. If you look at the two statements above in comparison, what you are really saying is:
>>>1 - VFP cannot be made a .NET because certain parts that are in VFP are not in the .NET framework/shell/whatever
>>>2 - You (MS) want to add those parts to the framework.
>>>Now, this means that it is, of course, entirely possible to build a VFP.NET with all the features that make VFP such a strong product, you have just chosen not to.
>>Eyvind, I agree with you. If WinDev (www.pcsoft.fr/us/) can build a dev tool with a local database engine combined with SQL connectivity, and runs on Windows and Linux, and builds .Net assemblies, and integrates with Java and PHP etc, then so can MS.
>>MS have made a choice to not make a VFP.Net, which is just fine. No problem. But they want to present it as if the market has chosen it?! This line from Ken "We have decided that what customers want and need is VFP like feature added to the Visual Studio shell, .NET languages, and .NET Framework" speaks volumes. MS have decided what customers want and need .... In my business my customers decide what they want.
>Hmm we also work that way. They're not only our clients they're our bosses <g>. Could it be that we're not doing business the proper way? or perhaps we should hire people that can predict the future and tell us what our customers need like some companies do?
>If it's the case I have another question. Where do we hire those persons? What universities teach those classes? What are the names of those classes?
>I'm afraid that this would be a well kept secret and those holding those informations will not want to share it.
>"Not really caring about the customers and deciding about their needs".
>Anybody out there knows anything about this sector of the IT world? I'd be willing to attend a class or read a book... Anything
>And that even if I don't get it. The class or book will probably enlighten me <vbg>

Yeah, but you see we are not "customers". Why do we need to add VFP like functionality to .Net languages? Just add VFP! Oh yeah sorry, that's not what the customers want. Too bad. <g>
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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