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Help with dotnetnuke installation
18/03/2005 08:13:13
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Thank you very much, Allan. Very detailed instructions. Appreciate it.


>Hi Alex,
>Try these steps with DNN 3.0.12
>1. After downloading the zip file, unzip to a folder (using my example C:\DevPortals\DNN3012)
>2. In Enterprise Manager, create a new database "DNN3012".
>3. In IIS, create a Virtual Directory for C:\DevPortals\DNN3012 (for the other settings just use the default settings in IIS)
>4. Open DotNetNuke.sln in a text editor
>The second line from the top is:
>Project("{F184B08F-C81C-45F6-A57F-5ABD9991F28F}") = "DotNetNuke", "http://localhost/DotNetNuke/DotNetNuke.vbproj", "{79D3BA0F-F76F-4A84-AE7F-C6A01EC247F9}"
>Change this to:
>Project("{F184B08F-C81C-45F6-A57F-5ABD9991F28F}") = "DotNetNuke", "http://localhost/DNN3012/DotNetNuke.vbproj", "{79D3BA0F-F76F-4A84-AE7F-C6A01EC247F9}"
>5. Open DotNetNuke.vbproj.webinfo in a text editor
><Web URLPath = "http://localhost/DotNetNuke/DotNetNuke.vbproj" />
><Web URLPath = "http://localhost/DNN3012/DotNetNuke.vbproj" />
>5. Open Web.config
>Find this line:
><add key="SiteSqlServer" value="Server=(local);Database=DotNetNuke;uid=;pwd=;" />
>Change to:
>add key="SiteSqlServer" value="Server=(local);Database=DNN3012;uid=sa;pwd=whatever;"
>(substituting your SQL Server userid and password for the database - I just use the sa user id and password for dev purposes with DNN.
>Next, find this line:
><compilation debug="false" />
><compilation debug="true" />
>6. Open the solution file in Visual Studio.
>7. Right-click on the DotNetNuke project - click Select as startup project.
>8. Right-click on Default.aspx - click Set as Start Page.
>9. Rebuild the solution.
>10. Now you should be able to run the app from your browser with:
>Note: The firts time you go to this localhost URL - it can take awhile for the page to appear - since this is when a script is run to create all the SQL Server database objects.
>If you need further support, here is an excellent resource. The DNN core team moderates this site:
>Most of the problems people seem to encounter are permissions related - there are lots of threads on this at the link above.
>Hope this helps.
>>Thanks for the reply, Allan. I am using version 2 something. If not for your satisfaction with this tool I am almost ready to throw in the towel. I will download version 3.0.12 and try again.
>>>Are you using the latest version of DNN (i.e. 3.0.12)?
>>>The instructions I have are a bit different depending on whether you are using version 2 or 3. Let me know and I'll try to help you out.
>>>If you haven't already done so, I'd strongly suggest downloading the latest build from the DotNetNuke website.
>>>Version 3 has a ton of great features - many of which are great if you plan on presenting this to prospective clients. For instance, while logged in as the administrator of a page in the portal, you can change the place of different elements (i.e. modules) on that page by dragging and dropping the modules - the kind of stuff I never thought I'd be able to do through a browser interface. The first time people see this they are very impressed and quite often just plain blown away ...
>>>>Hi Allan,
>>>>I am trying (again) to get going with dnn in a new machine (Win 2000) which will not have SQL server or visualstudio.net. It has IIS 5 installed.
>>>>I have tried to follow installation instructions: unzipping dotnetnuke directory, creating virtual site in iis, installing .NET 1.1, and MDAC 2.8, to have the capability of using the access database. However, when I enter http://localhost/dotnetnuke in the browser I get a blank page with a title equal to <%= Title . This bit of code is mentioned in default.aspx, by the way. Nothing else.
>>>>Can you give me a little handhere,please?
>>>>Thank you very much.

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