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Very newbie question on business objects
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Thank you for your encouragement.

Just wanted to clarify something. The MM. NET explanation of BO is too abstract for me. I am trying to understand how to create one, a very basic BO. Granted, the MM .NET documentation goal was not to teach me how to create my own BO/framework (I am sure not because they are afraid that I will compete with them <g>). But if I understand how to make my own BO class, no matter how simple, I will appreciate using someone else's. I think this is why MM still does not have me as a customer <g>. It's like using a Wizard to create a form vs. creating one from scratch. If you only use wizards, it's hard to learn how it all done. I am hope I am not confusing you too much <g>

>Don't get discouraged. It took me a long time to get it too, and I still can't say I fully understand business object. I'm certainly not an expert. The biggest thing for me to remember when working with business objects is to put as little logic as possible in the user interface. By putting the logic in the business objects, I can create Windows Forms, Web Forms, and Web Services without duplicating code. I am working on a solution now that has both a Windows Form and a Web Form project. If I start duplicating code in each, I realize that I probably should find a way to put it in the business objects.
>Also, regarding .NET, it's been difficult to learn. It's still a struggle compared to VFP, but I just keep plugging away. In another ten years, I should finally be as productive :-).
>>I did try it when the MM .NET was released, or somewhere thereafter. But I didn't get it. If you are saying that this is as simple as it could be explained, I will have to try it again. To me it's like, in my memory, trying to understand OOP years ago. I read tons of stuff about OOP and didn't get it. Until I came across documentation that came with dBase for Windows. That was a simple and the best explanation. After that, the OOP was so easy.
>>I was hoping that I will find something as straight forward and simple as that.
>>Thank you for your suggestion.
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