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Automated Language Translator - ver. 1.50
Greg Reichert, GLR Software
The Locale class automatically translates captions, tooltips, and statusbar text from one language to an alternate language with the use of the internet, then stores the translation for future use and faster translations. Now with 8 languages and uses 11 web-sites for the best and fastest possible translations. Version 1.50 has a administration dialog, and can translate Menus, Reports and Label captions.
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20 years ago
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General information
With applications being distributed around the world, the need for an application to display in different languages is becoming more a request from clients. This little class came be added to any Visual FoxPro form and when the form is opened, it will translate all the Captions, ToolTips, and StatusBarText properties to the desired language. It does this by querying the internet sites like Google and Dictionary.com. Once a phrase is translated, the translation is stored in a table called Locale.dbf. This provides a fast translation the next time the form is opened. --------------------------------------------- Version History --------------------------------------------- 1.50.00:00260 04/04/2004 * Fixed problem with menu resetting to english after report preview, with work-around. 1.50.00219: 03/25/2004 * The each application can now have thier own language. The current locale is stored in the registry in the following location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Locale\\ * The seperate program file "Create_Locale_Tables.prg" recreates and populates the Locale tables. In do so, it empty's the Locale.dbf table. 1.50.00206: 03/02/2004 Pre-release * Create a Admin form to manage the tables. Replace the "Update" button with a button to open this form. * Remove oLocale reference from Locale / Display class. * Add property called "Locale_Original" to replace the Tag usage. * Transverse and translate test in Menus. Requires the _GenMenu to be changed to Locale_GenMenu.prg. * Use connection string to access the tables. This is will allow the Locale database to be VFP, SQL Server, or any other platform. * Allow the translation of literal string labels on Reports and Labels. * Allow the translation of labels and text on Toolbars. * Removed the DBF property, not used anymore. * Tested with FormSets. * New property: Disable_Images: (logical) Turn off the downloading of images and audio when accessing the result web page. * New property: NoTranslation_Attempt. If there are no sites that can translate to dest language, then this flag is true. * New Property: ResetSites: (logical) Resets all siles to give eacha equal chance at translating. * New Property: Translate_Color: (color) The color the text assumes will translation is occuring. If -1, color does not change. * Replace embedded HTML substitution words (ie. & with & ) * Reworked the method of finding objects in objects. This would allow for objects that are addded with AddProperty. * Document the web links about localization in VFP. 1.21.00178: 02/12/2004 * Add Registry method to read and write to the registry. * Remove dependency on Window Script Host to Get and Set the current locale in the registry. 1.20.00177: 02/11/2004 * Replace the WebBrowser control on a form with object reference to InternetExplorer.Application. The original version has been renamed to Locale_old.vcx. * Allow for the _SCREEN to be the main object passed to SetLocale. This will provide the ability to translate all open forms, and toolbars, including the desktop caption. * Move the Ping.prg to a method called Ping. 1.12.00175: 02/09/2004 * Commented out all CLEAR DLLS statements. In VFP 6.0, this statements cleared all DLLS, not just those reported on the statement line. * Changed the LEFT property on the Locale form to -1000 to prevent the form from appearing during startup of the application. * Moved the OnLine check from SetLocale to CallSite method. 1.11.0163: 02/04/2004 * Fixed problem with Page captions not getting translated. * Added feature to test the internet connection. If no connection available no new phrase get translated. 1.11.0161: 02/02/2004 * VFP Version Compatibility: * Change the base container for Locale class from Container to Form. * Replced the "ERROR nError" statement, in the Error method, to a "DODEFAULT(nError, cMethod, nLine)" statement. * Replace the third parameter of the STRTOFILE() statement from "0", to ".F.". * Now properly recur the Pageframe, Page, Button/Command Groups, Grid Column collections. * Corrected the Translated Phrase array for VFP version less then 7.0. Note: Most of the languages were being translated through the InterTran (http://www.tranexp.com:2000/InterTran) has limited monthly access for non- paying customers. Do to the fact that I am not a paying member, I easily surpass their quota each month. So to prevent Locale from dragging while attempting to translate in these languages, I have excluded this site. If you are a member, then changing the Exclude field in the Locale_Source.dbf will allow this site to be accessed. You may have to run the ConvertAll.prg to update Locale.dbf. 1.11.0102: 1/23/2004 * Place the correct Main.prg in the Zip file. 1.11.0101: 9/26/2003 * Minor bug fixes: * Error when passing GetString() an empty string. * Error when the object being translated has the properties Caption, Tooltiptext, or StatusbarText, but type is Hidden. (This is a problem with PEMstatus() ). * If the base language is equal to the translating language, the phrase is still saved in the locale.dbf. This help by establishing a base line of phrases to be processed by the ConvertAll() method at a later date. * New Properties and Methods * Property: lClosePopup: If True, when a translation web-site opens a popup browser window, it get closed automatically. (default: True) * Property: Quite: If True, prevents the WAIT window from being displayed during translation. (default False) * Method: ConvertAll( tlClearOld, tlResetLang ) : Boolean success * Runs all the current base phrase through all the languages in the Locale_Lang.dbf and translates them. * Parameters: * tlClearOld: If True, deletes all the prior translated phrases, but does not remove the base phrases. * tlResetLang: When this method is ran, any single translating language can not be translated, the method excludes the language from being available. This parameter, if True, reset that flag in the Locale_Lang.dbf. 1.10.0000: 9/24.2003 * More data-driven: The web-sites and Languages are cross-referenced to allow for more deversity in obtaining the translation. Now it can translate between different base language and any other destination language (providing a site can perform the translation.) * More Languages: 22 languages. Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Filipino Finnish French German Hungarian Italian Latin Latin American Spanish Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Serbian Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish Welsh * More web-site to gain the translation from. 12 web-sites are used. * Each time that "Locale" is asked to translate a form or container, it attempts to locate the most optimized web-site to perform the translation is the least amount of time. 1.00.0000: 8/26/2003 Initial Release.
Created by
Greg Reichert, GLR Software

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