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Report Sculptor Foundation - Version 1.00
Srdjan Djordjevic, Independent
Report Sculptor is free Reporting Framework for VFP9. It features Visual OOP Reporting, WYSWYG FreePages Design, Scripting, SmartText(*), Replication of native VFP controls on report surface, FRX Interpreter, Fast Export to PDF and much more.
New version brings Live Report Preview Surface enabling drill-downs (linking reports) Hyperlinks etc. Just set few properties in FRX and Preview will call your own form's method and parse parameters you specify.
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16 years ago
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4.60/5.00 (5 rates) Rate this item
Report Sculptor - Version 1.00
Build 15122012
* * *

Major feature in this version is completely overhauled RS Live Preview Facility. There are many many other improvement at almost all levels and parts of Report Sculptor Foundation. Here are some highlights;
- RS Live Preview facility featuring report search, navigation, zooming, follow up ruler etc.
- Support for report linking (drill downs) hyperlinks etc.
- Improved RS Documentation (Extract Developer's Guide from form #10)
- Improved PDF rendering (support for underline/strike through)
- Improved FRX Interpreter
- Improved RS Smart Text interpreter
- Improved overal speed
- Improved Gdi+x class
- More Sample Forms / Code
- Other improvements

Version 0.90 Octobar 14th 2008 - Greatly simplified Deployment and customization of Rs Engine (See Readme.TXT for set of instructions for easy RS integration) - Simple Excel Replication added (See Form samples #09 and #11/PageTab5 ) - Added Frx Wrapper for codeless (visual) chaining of FRX reports via pageframe. (#12) - Improved grid rendering for fitting headerless grids into preprinted forms (#14) - Improved RS SmartText (Venture into text programming if necessary - See Form Sample #11 / PageTab3) - Added FlashContainer() method which turns your form containers into actual report bands (Form Sample #15) - Engine now supports A4, LETTER, A3 (With most of standard page formats to folow) And few more 'goodies' here and there :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: For Previewing/Printing hard copies) in real life apps, at this point in time I still reccomend using standard VFP9 standard Preview&Print facility. Via oRS.Output( 2 , [.t.] ) method. However, RS Preview/Print is not abandoned at all, and will be soon on it's way up! ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Report Sculptor is a fully OOP Reporting Framework, complement and extension to standard VFP9 reporting, which focuses on providing alternative ways of designing reports with VFP9. Major goal of this project is Fully OOP Reporting, CrossFormat, Open, Extensible and Free of all known constrains. Next to providing many new and significant ready to use functionalities, it is also intended to become solid foundation for building Your personal OOP reporting solutions. - Independent Reporting Engine (Pure VFP object) - Report Scripting (Low to high level) Report from Arrays, Collections, Database Structures, Project files etc. Loop through and (Script) Write-as-You-Go. - WYSIWYG Design of Free Reporting pages Visual Report Composition (Page By Page) Using native form objects, ActiveX snapshots etc. - FRX Interpreter Allowing you to process any FRX report in order to combine resulting pages with other report contents. - Report from text files Merge Plain Text with your data and then additionaly decorate it with nice fonts, using simple html formatting tags and scripting embeded within text. -Report From Excel files (Included now) Simple Excel replication alowing You to use Excel Contents directly as part of your reports. And Finally; - Introducing Fully OOP Reporting to VFP9 Enter into exciting new world of totally free and Fully OOP Reporting. Use your own Grids, Listboxes, Checkboxes, Textboxes, Labels, Shapes, Containers etc. and build your own OOP Reporting functionalities. When do I need Report Sculptor ? For Extremes; Very Simple and Very Complex Reports. To produce simple record listing, all that is needed is a single function call, pointing to any grid on a form. (Combined with run time grid creation can cut quiet a bit number of Frx-es shipped with your App.) When you need tricky, non-standard and/or Complex MultiPart Reports then these are perfect matches for Report Sculptor. These were one of main reasons for building this framework. On Output Side. Anything you do with ReportSculptor can be; Previewed and Printed via - Report Sculptor Modeless Preview/Print Form - VFP9 Native Preview/Print - XFRX Preview/Print. Or Exported to files - Ultrafast PDF Export (via DorinV wrapper for HaruPdf OpenSource library) - Multipage TIF - XFF intermediate format, which can be directly converted to many other formats supported by XFRX. * * * This is Open Project! - Contributing Authors Wellcome. Also, bear in mind that this still work in progress, which requires lot of your support and feedback to get better over period of time. Please try features and send me your feedback. It will be of great value to me to improve and robust this tool. Feedback was major reason for shipping this download this early. I would apprecciate if You email me feedback & suggestions of how to improve this product. Thank You for all constructive feedback I received so far. Enjoy using ReportSculptor :) Djordjevic Srdjan Limassol, Cyprus
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Srdjan Djordjevic, Independent
Djordjevic Srdjan is Senior FoxPro developer with over 30 years of experience. Independent.

I would like to thank person who already rated this early beta download and indulge him to contact me via email with suggestion of how to improve score. I honestly did not expect any rating at this point (on early beta test ???), but rather honest and constructive feedback. From someone who wld do something like this at first place, I consider it very high rate. So Thank You :) Srdjan Djordjevic, June 6, 2008

Hello Djordjevic, I've downloaded ReportSculptor and given it a test run and i see alot of promise in there, too bad vfp is fading .. If you want to keep improving this project until it gets comercialy viable (no bugs, no betas, no skimish stuff) i'll be glad to test it and provide feedback in my spare time (as short as it is these days). From running the samples i get alot of "File dosen't exist" and "GDIPlus" errors when outputing to VFP ReportPreview.app, the rendering is quite slow on your viewer, the preview wndow scrolls entirely (the top and left control bars should be fixed for easy access). rsFormBar (prograss bar) tests in Init for type("nTop") <> "N" and sets nLeft = 300. (i'm guessing that you wanted to test for nLeft). The Direct PDF doesn't render strikethrou fonts (but that's from Dorin's warper). Your email server filtered my ip as "spammer", i should get this fixed in a couple of days. Eduard Alexandru, May 8, 2009

Hi Eduard I am really sorry for late reply, but I really did not see this post/comment up to now :( [UT email notification never came :( ] Of course there are still many glitches that have to be fixed! If I encountered behaviours/problems you are describing I wld probably fix it by now. Therefore I by all means encourage anybody who nottice any problem to report it, with possibly steps to reproduce (Screenshots, FRX+data) A far as RS preview is concearned, it will get improved further with scrollable container so buttons will no longer dissapear on scroll. Other problems with preview you report are strange and might come for variety of reasons. I noticed myself slow page rendering certain (condense) reports (older ones!) but up to now did not find out valid reason why this is happening. Most of reports up to my knowledge are working fine. BTW. pls download and try latest version published. As far as VFP/RS future is concearned; VFP might be fading, but we still have many years in front of us having (and enjoying) to use it. This project was not started for commercial reasons at first place, so its future does not depend really on commercial outcome either. There will be some commercial version comming up eventually (or maybe not), but I am going to continue developing it either way, for as long as I have any spare time on my hands. I am quiet determined to achieve certain level of reporting features/functionality. Therefore, keep an eye on RS, there is more stuff comming :) Any help/feedback is greatly apreciated. Sorry to hear you had troubles sending email :( please retry sending it on djordjevic.at.primehome.com or admin.at.report-sculptor.com I will sure respond promptly. Thank you for your kind words. Sergio Srdjan Djordjevic, August 7, 2009

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