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State of LA Blocks Red Cross from New Orleans
14/09/2005 17:15:44
14/09/2005 16:52:53
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I agree that all the death and violance in Iraq is horrible. I can't argue with you there.

But come on... So you and some of your buddies watched a TV program together and thought it was bad and formed your opinion about it. Does that make it a truth. Isn't that just an opinion of you and your friends. Film makers can make you feel good (or bad) about anything. Heck a good film make can make you feel good about 911.

Ok so you don't think they're "Fair and balanced". I agree with you. They're no more "fair/balance" then CNN/MSNBC/CCBS. But it's just an opinion.

Look. I've heard the director of PETA say that the slaughter of chickens is like the holocaust. Even as a non-Jew it offends me. But I consider source and move on.

>Once again, you are trying to justify something that I think there's no justification for at all. I wouldn't be willing to accept it from anyone.

>When I originally watched the movie in a home theatre with 150 others, there was a hugh hush to the room when they showed the talking head on Fox compare the amount of deaths in Iraq for the month to the amount of road deaths in California. You don't find anything unusal with someone trying to equate the two?

>Then there's the little problem of Fox's "fair and balanced" statement.

>And no, I don't think you could do this with any news organization. There were several instances were the crowd watching the movie became hushed. I might disagree, or not believe what I'm hearing from other news sources, but I've only felt rage from one other situation.

>There was an instance several years ago of a NBA player loosing control of his vehicle and dying. ESPN had a 5 minute story talking about how sad the situation was. They went on and on for his family, for his team, etc. At the end of them droning on and on the announcer casually mentioned that, oh yea, his girlfriend was a passenger and she's in critical shape.

>How I felt after that one story on ESPN is how I feel everytime I view Fox.
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