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Representative Mark Foley (R) or just another day
05/10/2006 13:01:51
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Hi Mike, I agree with you completely. From what I understand though, there was no sexual conduct involved - only innapropriate messages. The youngster was also over the age of consent. Still, it disgusts me and it was (as Tamar put it) an abuse of power and totally innapropriate. In my opinion, it makes him a predator and he should be registered as sexual offender although I guess in Washington he hasn't actually broken any laws so that will never happen.

Not sure how accurate this is:

>It disgusted we when Foley announced yesterday -- through a spokesman, making it doubly disgusting -- that he was himself molested as a teenager. How convenient a disclosure! (Surprise, surprise -- the priest who supposedly molested him was not named, so we're in the "Trust me" realm). That doesn't excuse his own behavior. It may, or may not, help explain it, but it deosn't excuse it.
>>First these fine folks should learn and practice how to be honest with themselves. Then they can take it to the next step. Point fingers and blame others. That makes you perfect!
>>>Not to be unexpected, Rush, along with Hassert politicizing the whole thing:
>>>>Foxnews is on it:
>>>>>I saw a link today that Foley made a $100,000 to the repub party last June. From the report, a contribution like from from a pol is kind of large. The investigation is underway as to the possibility it was a payoff back then to keep this silent.
>>>>>>What bothers me most about this is the fact that many (including reporters in the media) knew about this since 2003 and did nothing until now. I would hate to think that they were waiting for the most opportune time (regarding politics) and not the well-being of the young...
>>>>>>>>Most christians are not necessarily republicans though - or has it been proven otherwise? Also, the entire Republican party is not all to the extreme right.
>>>>>>>Didn't say entire, just more likely - as the extreme right members of it had an easier path up the hierarchy in recent years. I.e. just the likelihood of someone up top being such is greater.
>>>>>>>>Dragan, I think that your statements are possibly true for a small percentage, but that is true of both political parties...
>>>>>>>Again, not the general membership, of course. It's the born again and other fervent or converted ones who have this urge to impose the discipline upon themselves (and others). Most of the time it's a lie, they can't live up to their own expectations, so you get this internal conflict. Even this guy who brings up a law to protect minors against himself.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
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"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
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