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Ruling on Mr. Speedie's death
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I saw them as you trying to make a point, however they can still be hurtful.

I may have known Drew - but that's not important. Drews family is important. Drew is gone.

Medicine sometimes tastes bad.

The post that upset me most - and it may have been a jerky keyboard - or unintentional - said something like "I saw him spank [his son's name] and I saw his son's reaction"

That busted my seams. The only post to make sense was the initial post by Terrt McDonnell. Everybody else, in a typically fearful American bi-polar sheeple style straddled the fence. Daring not to challenge the ruling by the coroner, and yet, in the same breath comiserating Drew as a really cool dude.

The issue is our complacency and the ease with which we talk out of both sides of our mouthes.

Whether it be a small incident of state aggression, as in Drew's family's case, or a large incident of state agression, as our attack on the sovereigns of Afghanistan or Iraq.

Every claim used for cause to attack Iraq has been proven (it's on the congressional record), to be without merit. Millions of Iraqis have died.

Some call that wrong. Most of the world calls it a war crime. Yet the Wal Mart elite, in the once great nation of the United States, without a second thought, call it [just] a "mistake".

We accept the government conspiracy theories, whether they be small conpiracies, as Drew's, or large - like Iraq. Cabinet level administration insiders have gone on the record to to state 911 an inside job. The physics have shown the governments "conspiracy theory" regarding 911 as a fantasy. There are polls indicating most New Yorker's think 911 was an inside job.

Yet many still cling in shame to the goverments original claims (conspiracy theory). A guy in a cave hypnotized nineteen young men to penetrate the most expensive and sophisticated air defense sytem in the world and crash planes into two buildings. WTC7 seemed to fall without being hit by a plane - fancy that on your way to Wal Mar, Mr. and Mrs. America!

The FBI say's it does not even have enough evidence to indict that guy in the cave. Do I need to repeat that for you?

Big or small - nothing can be allowed to interfere with an American's application of makeup as we prep for the trip to the beconing disco lights of the big Wal Mart down the road!

.. you claim not to know Drew, yet you're accusing the coroner of lying.
That bait's the question: Do you know the coroner?

See what I mean - you're not looking at both sides. In a debate you have to see both sides. A good debater would prevail on either side of the podium. A weak debater will defeat himself.

Corporate state coroners are as corrupt as any US official. Just look at this 849 page list:

Drew's family can't afford the legal aid to challenge that ruling by powerful corporate state interests. They have most likely been denied insurance claims. IMO the coroners ruling not only slandered Drew, it will probably destroy his survivors.

Yet we - at the UT - in our sanctimony - do as Uri Averny suggested, ".. when confronted with two options, we choose a third and do nothing."

That kind of corporate state aggression could have been directed against any of us. The coroners ruling, in effect murdered Drew's survivors. And the only reason that absurd ruling could be allowed was because of the fence straddling complancency eveident in the posts following that article.

I manipulated the rage following my posts. The posters were not upset at what I said. They were upset at because my post forced them to face their own personal bi-polar tendencies (hypocracy?). Their vanity and sense of self was outraged - not their sense of community or morality.

We seem to want to delete the thread so we won't have to be reminded of our complancy and hypocracy. To be reminded of how we allowed the state to brand Drew as a urderer. They essentially aligned with the context of the sarcasm, - but were upset with it's obviousness. Americans don't like looking in the mirror.

If one or two take a second look at our plight as a nation, and our duty as citizens, from our inercourse regarding Drew - then I have performed my community service for the day. I practiced good citizenship and challenged, as our founders required, the governments abuse of power.

To Drew's family, however, the loss is real. And the righting of that wrong, if we judge by the complacency of our posts, will never be righted.

Those that refuse to pull their heads out of the hole - will probaly go to their graves with that head in that same hole.

Their vanity was insulted, not their humanity. Thats why their xxx's were in a ringer. Americans have lost their humanity and sense of community. We confuse patriotism is confused with facism. That is always the intent of a tyrant's propaganda.

For your notebook - the job of an activist is not to change the world - but to give voice to those who sit on the sidelines - to those that straddle the fence. It takes army to change the world - and hopefully I got one or two recruits out of this study on bi-polar American political correctness albeit at from the governmental mistreatment of a single American family, Drew's family.

You cannot have it both ways. Calling a life and death tragedy, whether it be the ruling regarding Drew or our national crusade in the middle east, cannot be [simply] excused as a mistake. It is wrong - it is evil - it is tryanny - pure and simple.

There is no middle ground - it's not like sex or horse shoes - it's life or death - and the choices we make.
Imagination is more important than knowledge

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