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New Development With VFP
04/03/2008 21:54:35
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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Visual FoxPro
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And what does that have to do with the experience reported here- self-proclaimed NET gurus with little or no VFP experience who crashed and burned? What you are now saying may be true, but it's not justification for denials and slaps in a different context.

My advice: don't get sucked into the spiteful posturing that passes for cleverness in some circles. Help us out and people will remember you for the right reasons. ;-)

Ok, if the "self-proclaimed NET gurus with little or no VFP experience who crashed and burned" statement is aimed at me then I take exception to that. "Spiteful posturing"? It is not as if I ever said VFP was garbage. I like VFP. For many years I made lots of money with it. Yet I am being ostricized for daring to say it I don't believe it is the best tool for the job anymore.

This isn't as if I have never written an application in VFP and just stumbled upon the forums and decided to sew dissent. I have written very large apps in vfp and rewritten them in c# and formed an opinion about the process. Apologies if that opinion offends you but the entire stance baffles me. I just don't see why people are so strongly opposed to the possibilty that better development platforms might be out there. Do I like DotNet? Sure. Will I stop learning new technologies there? Not a chance. When a better tool comes along thrn I'll give it a try. I am knee deep in a really big WPF/Silverlight app right now and loving it. The stubborn refusal to learn technologies that might actually allow a developer to be more productive and put out slicker apps is simply staggering to me.

The things that were a pain for me in VFP (menu/toolbar syncing, skinned interfaces, animations, browser apps, Ribbon Controls, really slick grids, COM, the registry, Rich Interfaces, etc. etc.) get easier and easier with every iteration of the dotnet framework. Where a local cursor engine in VFP was nice I haved used objects to represent tables for years. Given this approach the plumbing for me in DotNet is just much cleaner. It allows me to write better code fasterand at the end of the day that is what I get paid to do.
Woodie Westbrook
I came, I saw, I compiled.

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