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Case studies of MM.NET use .. and ra ra
05/03/2008 09:52:26
04/03/2008 23:37:31
Walter Nicholls
Cornerstone Software Ltd
Auckland, New Zealand
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The Mere Mortals .NET Framework
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I too have wondered about the use of MM.NET as I look to move from VFP to .NET, and need to choose a framework. I have spent HOURS researching framework options from different vendors, and there are too many to choose from. I want to choose one that is "popular" (and very good) so I can get good user support from forums like this one, and can get good support from the company, and one that I will will still be there in 5-10 years.

This is coming from the perspective of someone who is the one and only in-house developer for our company's LOB app. So, I am not building software to sell to others. My need (today) is in-house and very domain specific. However, you never know where I will be or what I will be doing 5 years from now. I would want to know that the time I have invested in a framework would be in one that was commonly used in other software shops, not one that no one has ever heard of.

To me, Oakleaf seems like kinda like a "one-man" show, whereas someone like DevExpress which seems more like a "company" in that they seem to have a large staff and an awesome website. (Kevin, please do not be offended, I am just sharing the thoughts and concerns so that you can see what runs through the minds of potential customers).

However, I know that Kevin is a long-time player with his framework, and has a good VFP background, and that do plays in to it for me. Sometimes being small is not all that bad. I just wish we knew about market share of all the options so we could see who uses what. That really means a lot to me, even though I know it probably shouldn't. Of course, they all want to keep that private.

I would love see see MM.NET get its own web site user forum, and he has mentioned that he is considering this. Over all though, still dicussions on UT about MM.NET seem to be very low in volume. I guess that must mean MM is really easy to use!

>Hi everybody,
>My company (Cornerstone Software Ltd) is interested in finding examples of organisations employing more than 100 people that have adopted MM.NET as a standard framework for creating workgroup applications.
>We're looking at pitching MM.NET to a large organisation in New Zealand and would like to be able to cite examples of large organisations in other markets that have standardised on MM.NET and successfully deployed several medium-sized applications (by medium I mean apps that require 1-6 months programming effort).
>As a follow-on for this, it would be great to build up some resource of case studies. A while ago there were regular pushes to write up a number of case studies for Visual Foxpro - this had an enduring effort. A few places to look http://fox.wikis.com/wc.dll?Wiki~VFPSuccessStories~VFP, http://www.microsoft.com/casestudies/
>I myself am working on my third medium-sized MM.NET application, one at least of which I'm could be written up and contributed.
>I think this kind of thing will help advance the MM.NET development community as well as increasing exposure of the product itself.
>Feel free to reply on this list, or PM/email me directly.
>Kevin, in particular, this might overlap with plans you have. Email me if you have time to discuss this.

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