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Problem with merge two RTF
11/06/2008 05:46:25
11/06/2008 05:33:05
Reza Meamar
Homa Programming Group
Shiraz, Iran
General information
Visual FoxPro
ActiveX controls in VFP
Environment versions
Visual FoxPro:
Windows XP SP2
Thread ID:
Message ID:
I haven't seen this code before, but my guess is that you must add a line like afont(afont0) to populate an array of available fonts.

>thanks for your attention
>in below section, at the last line.
>*** deffN - defaul font definition correction in text
>IF !EMPTY(nDeffH+nDeffT) .AND. ArrLen(@aFont2)>0
>	*** search font definition "\f"+nDEffT+"\" for header
>	nDeffH=aFont0[VAL(nDeffH)+1] && ôîíò â çàãîëîâêå
>Error Message is : File 'aFont0' does not exist.
>if found this remarked line in this function:
>IF .F.
>	DECLARE aFont0(1),aFont2(1),aColor0(1),aColor2(1)
>when i change IF .F. to IF .T., another error was occured in below line. error message is Operator/operand type mismatch.
>	*** will add this font in header and insert it's number in text
>	IF nj>0 .AND. !nDeffT==nDeffH && fonts are different !
>>Which line gives the error?
>>>Thank you dear sergey,
>>>When i test this useful function, i get an error, but if i ignor it, the result is correct!
>>>Can you see this please?
>>>unfortunatly his website address is rong.
>>>cText1 = "{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1256\deff0\deflang1025{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\qc\fs32 First Line\par }"
>>>cText2 = "{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1256\deff0\deflang1025{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\fs18 Second Line\par }"
>>>Landscape = .F.
>>>nPage = 0
>>>= STRTOFILE(JoinRTF(cText1,cText2,Landscape,nPage),"C:\new.rtf")
>>>************** Some usefull RTF functions ************
>>>*** (c) 1999, Dmitry Bayanov
>>>*** RtfPSize() - To get RTF-string with pointed Page Size Settings
>>>*** JoinRTF() - Join two RTF-documents into one (UnionRTF function is used)
>>>*** UnionRTF() - RTF-documents union function - create common header and joined text body
>>>*** RTFCreTab() - Creates RTF-table skeleton code
>>>*** RtfTab() - Creates RTF-code for MS Word Table Line (to be adde to table skeleton code)
>>>*** RtfFilRow() - Adding new line to RTF-table and filling it with values
>>>*** TChar_Wide - To convert Wide in CHARS to wide in PITS (1cm = 567 pit)
>>>*** TWide_Char - To convert Wide in PITS to wide in CHARS
>>>*** ArrLen - To get Array Length (0 - if not artray)
>>>*** ArrDel - To delete an element from LOCAL array
>>>*** aADD - To Add an element to the end of array
>>>* To get string with Page Size Settings ->  RTF-code for MS Word
>>>* cCode: "L","P", nPage=0(A4), 1(A3), nmT,nmB,nmL,nmR - ïîëÿ â ñì
>>>* in DoAnyRap & Make_Rap :
>>>* nPage=0(A4) npWide=14855,9638 (paperh-margl-margr)16840,1418
>>>* nPage=1(A3) npWide=21829,14571(paperh-margl-margr)23814,16840
>>>FUNCTION RtfPsize(cOrient,nPage,nmT,nmB,nmL,nmR)
>>>LOCAL cBuf
>>>IF EMPTY(cOrient)
>>>	cOrient="P"
>>>IF EMPTY(nPage)
>>>	nPage=0 && A4
>>>IF !TYPE("nmT")=="N"
>>>	nmT=1.5
>>>IF !TYPE("nmB")=="N"
>>>	nmB=1.7
>>>IF !TYPE("nmL")=="N"
>>>	nmL=2.5
>>>IF !TYPE("nmR")=="N"
>>>	nmR=1.5
>>>	CASE cOrient=="L" .AND. EMPTY(nPage)
>>>		cBuf="\paperw16840\paperh11907\margl"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmL*567))+;
>>>			"\margr"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmR*567))+"\margt"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmT*567))+;
>>>			"\margb"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmB*567))+"\lndscpsxn "
>>>	CASE cOrient=="P" .AND. EMPTY(nPage)
>>>		cBuf="\paperw11907\paperh16840\margl"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmL*567))+;
>>>			"\margr"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmR*567))+"\margt"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmT*567))+;
>>>			"\margb"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmB*567))+" "
>>>	CASE cOrient=="L" .AND. nPage==1
>>>		cBuf="\paperw23814\paperh16840\margl"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmL*567))+"\margr"+;
>>>			ALLTRIM(STR(nmR*567))+"\margt"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmT*567))+"\margb"+;
>>>			ALLTRIM(STR(nmB*567))+"\lndscpsxn "
>>>	CASE cOrient=="P" .AND. nPage==1
>>>		cBuf="\paperw16840\paperh23814\margl"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmL*567))+"\margr"+;
>>>			ALLTRIM(STR(nmR*567))+"\margt"+ALLTRIM(STR(nmT*567))+"\margb"+;
>>>			ALLTRIM(STR(nmB*567))+" "
>>>RETURN cBuf
>>>* Join two RTF-documents into one
>>>FUNCTION JoinRTF(cText1,cText2,Landscape,nPage,nmT,nmB,nmL,nmR)
>>>LOCAL cOut,cBuf,cHead,crt1,crt2
>>>cOut=cHead+RtfPsize(IIF(Landscape,"L","P"),nPage,nmT,nmB,nmL,nmR)+crt1+"\par "+crt2+"}"
>>>RETURN cOut
>>>* RTF-documents union function - create common header and joined text body:
>>>* Fonts and Colors definition in text body.
>>>* Input arguments - Common capacited Header cHead and text Body cRTF
>>>* cRtf - returned by referenca without header, without resulting symbol "}" and
>>>* with corrected numbers Font, ColorTable (fN,cfN,cbN),
>>>* in cRTF code we find \deffN\ and {\fN\, insert in header and after all
>>>* \plain insert \fN in cRTF, if it's not equal Header's Deff
>>>* (c) Dm.Bayanov, 1998
>>>FUNCTION UnionRTF(cHead,cRTF,Landscape,cFontName)
>>>LOCAL aFont2,aColor2,cHead2,cText2,ni,nj,nk,nCount,cim,aFont0,aColor0, cContr,cDeff
>>>LOCAL cHPart1,cHPart2,cBuf,lAdd,cBuf1,cBuf2,nBuf1,nBuf2,nParam,cParam,nNum,nDeffH,nDeffT
>>>IF EMPTY(cFontName)
>>>	cFontName="Arial Cyr"
>>>IF EMPTY(cHead)
>>>	cHead="{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss "+cFontName+";}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}{\info{\author Created by DBRAD32 Report Generator}}"
>>>	cRTF="\viewkind1"
>>>	RETURN .F.
>>>IF .F.
>>>	DECLARE aFont0(1),aFont2(1),aColor0(1),aColor2(1)
>>>*** Split Header from text body
>>>IF EMPTY(cHead2) .OR. EMPTY(cText2)
>>>	cRTF=""
>>>	RETURN .F.
>>>*** Find default fonts
>>>IF ni>0
>>>	cBuf=SUBSTR(cHead,ni+5,10)
>>>	ni=AT("\",cBuf)
>>>	nDeffH=SUBSTR(cBuf,1,ni-1)
>>>IF ni>0
>>>	cBuf=SUBSTR(cHead2,ni+5,10)
>>>	ni=AT("\",cBuf)
>>>	nDeffT=SUBSTR(cBuf,1,ni-1)
>>>*** Getting Header befor and after fonttbl,colortbl
>>>**************** cHead ******************
>>>** Font cHead processing
>>>IF nj>0
>>>	** first part of header cHead1
>>>	cHPart1=SUBSTR(cHead,1,nj-1)
>>>	nj=nj+9
>>>	nCount=0
>>>	lAdd=.F.
>>>	FOR ni=nj TO LEN(cHead)
>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cHead,ni,1)
>>>		nCount=IIF(cim=="{",nCount+1,IIF(cim=="}",nCount-1,nCount))
>>>		DO CASE
>>>				*** begin of new font
>>>			CASE cim=="{" .AND. nCount==1
>>>				*** begin of new font
>>>				cBuf=""
>>>				lAdd=.T.
>>>				*** End of font
>>>			CASE cim=="}" .AND. nCount==0
>>>				** number cutting
>>>				nj=AT("\",cBuf,2)
>>>				cBuf=SUBSTR(cBuf,nj+1,LEN(cBuf)-nj)+"}"
>>>				*         ***************** font cyrillisation ***********
>>>				*         ** "Cyr" word adding
>>>				*          IF nCodePage==1251 and. RAT(" Cyr;}",cBuf)==0
>>>				*            cBuf=SUBSTR(cBuf,1,LEN(cBuf)-2)+" Cyr;}"
>>>				*          ENDIF
>>>				** adding font in array
>>>				=AADD(@aFont0,cBuf)
>>>				lAdd=.F.
>>>				*** font collection process
>>>			CASE lAdd
>>>				cBuf=cBuf+cim
>>>		*** no more fonts
>>>		IF nCount<0
>>>			EXIT
>>>		ENDIF
>>>	NEXT
>>>*** Color cHead processing
>>>IF nj>0
>>>	nj=nj+10
>>>	cBuf=""
>>>	FOR ni=nj TO LEN(cHead)
>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cHead,ni,1)
>>>		cBuf=cBuf+cim
>>>		*** End of color
>>>		IF cim==";"
>>>			=AADD(@aColor0,cBuf)
>>>			cBuf=""
>>>		ENDIF
>>>		*** no more colors
>>>		IF cim=="}"
>>>			EXIT
>>>		ENDIF
>>>	NEXT
>>>	** second part of header cHead
>>>	IF ni<LEN(cHead)
>>>		** no color definition colortbl
>>>		cHPart2=SUBSTR(cHead,ni+1,LEN(cHead)-ni)
>>>**************** cHead2 ******************
>>>** Font cHead2 processing
>>>IF nj>0
>>>	nj=nj+9 && !!!
>>>	nCount=0
>>>	lAdd=.F.
>>>	FOR ni=nj TO LEN(cHead2)
>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cHead2,ni,1)
>>>		nCount=IIF(cim=="{",nCount+1,IIF(cim=="}",nCount-1,nCount))
>>>		DO CASE
>>>				*** Begin of new font
>>>			CASE cim=="{" .AND. nCount==1
>>>				*** Begin of new font
>>>				cBuf=""
>>>				lAdd=.T.
>>>				*** End of font
>>>			CASE cim=="}" .AND. nCount==0
>>>				*      ***************** font cyrillisation ***********
>>>				*      ** "Cyr" word adding
>>>				*      IF nCodePage==1251 and. RAT(" Cyr;",cBuf)==0
>>>				*        cBuf=SUBSTR(cBuf,1,LEN(cBuf)-1)+" Cyr;"
>>>				*      ENDIF
>>>				** adding font in array
>>>				=AADD(@aFont2,"{"+cBuf+"}")
>>>				lAdd=.F.
>>>				*** font linking
>>>			CASE lAdd
>>>				cBuf=cBuf+cim
>>>		*** no more fonts
>>>		IF nCount<0
>>>			EXIT
>>>		ENDIF
>>>	NEXT
>>>*** Color cHead2 processing
>>>IF nj>0
>>>	nj=nj+10
>>>	cBuf=""
>>>	FOR ni=nj TO LEN(cHead2)
>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cHead2,ni,1)
>>>		cBuf=cBuf+cim
>>>		*** end of color
>>>		IF cim==";"
>>>			=AADD(@aColor2,cBuf) && adding color in array
>>>			cBuf=""
>>>		ENDIF
>>>		*** no more colors
>>>		IF cim=="}"
>>>			EXIT
>>>		ENDIF
>>>	NEXT
>>>****************** Passing through RTF-texts and Font & Color parameters union
>>>******************************* RTFtext **************************************
>>>** RTF - fonts searching and correction
>>>	ni=AT("\f",cText2,nCount)
>>>	IF ni>0 && somethig was found - check in parameter
>>>		nCount=nCount+1
>>>		nBuf1=ni-1 && last char number before Control
>>>		ni=ni+2 && LEN(control+1)
>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>		IF ISDIGIT(cim) && font number digit - font definition was found
>>>			cParam=""
>>>			*** Font number correction in text
>>>			DO WHILE .T.
>>>				cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>				ni=ni+1
>>>				IF ISDIGIT(cim)
>>>					cParam=cParam+cim
>>>				ELSE
>>>					EXIT
>>>				ENDIF
>>>			ENDDO
>>>			nBuf2=ni-1
>>>			*** searching font definition "\f"+cParam+"\" in aFont array
>>>			nj=ASCAN(aFont2,"{\f"+cParam+"\")
>>>			IF nj>0
>>>				cBuf=aFont2[nj]
>>>				** number cutting
>>>				nj=AT("\",cBuf,2)
>>>				cBuf=SUBSTR(cBuf,nj+1,LEN(cBuf)-nj)
>>>				*** check in if exist such font in common aFont0 array
>>>				nj=0
>>>				IF ArrLen(@aFont0)>0
>>>					nj=ASCAN(aFont0,cBuf)
>>>				ENDIF
>>>				** ok - this number exists
>>>				IF nj>0
>>>					nNum=nj-1
>>>				ELSE
>>>					=AADD(@aFont0,cBuf)
>>>					nNum=ArrLen(@aFont0)-1
>>>				ENDIF
>>>				** number correction in text
>>>				cText2=SUBSTR(cText2,1,nBuf1)+;
>>>					"\f"+ALLTRIM(STR(nNum))+;
>>>					SUBSTR(cText2,nBuf2,LEN(cText2)-nBuf2+1)
>>>			ENDIF
>>>		ELSE
>>>			LOOP && it's not font
>>>		ENDIF
>>>	ELSE
>>>		EXIT
>>>** RTF - Font Colors searching and correction
>>>	ni=AT("\cf",cText2,nCount)
>>>	IF ni>0 && somethig was found - check in parameter
>>>		nCount=nCount+1
>>>		nBuf1=ni-1 && last char number before Control
>>>		ni=ni+3 && LEN(control+1)
>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>		IF ISDIGIT(cim) && color number digit - color definition was found
>>>			cParam=""
>>>			*** Color number correction in text
>>>			DO WHILE .T.
>>>				cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>				ni=ni+1
>>>				IF ISDIGIT(cim)
>>>					cParam=cParam+cim
>>>					nParam=VAL(cParam)+1
>>>				ELSE
>>>					EXIT
>>>				ENDIF
>>>			ENDDO
>>>			nBuf2=ni-1
>>>			*** Color definition - in aColor2 array
>>>			IF nParam<=ArrLen(@aColor2)
>>>				cBuf=aColor2[nParam]
>>>				*** check in if exist such Color in common aColor0 array
>>>				nj=0
>>>				IF ArrLen(@aColor0)>0
>>>					nj=ASCAN(aColor0,cBuf)
>>>				ENDIF
>>>				** such color is exist
>>>				IF nj>0
>>>					nNum=nj-1
>>>				ELSE
>>>					=AADD(@aColor0,cBuf)
>>>					nNum=ArrLen(@aColor0)-1
>>>				ENDIF
>>>				cBuf="\cf"+ALLTRIM(STR(nNum))
>>>				*** bad color number
>>>			ELSE
>>>				cBuf=""
>>>			ENDIF
>>>			** number correction in text
>>>			cText2=SUBSTR(cText2,1,nBuf1)+cBuf+SUBSTR(cText2,nBuf2,LEN(cText2)-nBuf2+1)
>>>		ELSE
>>>			LOOP && it is not color
>>>		ENDIF
>>>	ELSE
>>>		EXIT
>>>** RTF - Colors Back searching and correction
>>>	ni=AT("\cb",cText2,nCount)
>>>	IF ni>0 && somethig was found - check in parameter
>>>		nCount=nCount+1
>>>		nBuf1=ni-1 && last char number before Control
>>>		ni=ni+3 && LEN(control+1)
>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>		IF ISDIGIT(cim) && color number digit - color definition was found
>>>			cParam=""
>>>			*** Color number correction in text
>>>			DO WHILE .T.
>>>				cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>				ni=ni+1
>>>				IF ISDIGIT(cim)
>>>					cParam=cParam+cim
>>>					nParam=VAL(cParam)+1
>>>				ELSE
>>>					EXIT
>>>				ENDIF
>>>			ENDDO
>>>			nBuf2=ni-1
>>>			*** Color definition - in aColor2 array
>>>			IF nParam<=ArrLen(@aColor2)
>>>				cBuf=aColor2[nParam]
>>>				*** check in if exist such Color in common aColor0 array
>>>				nj=0
>>>				IF ArrLen(@aColor0)>0
>>>					nj=ASCAN(aColor0,cBuf)
>>>				ENDIF
>>>				** such color is exist
>>>				IF nj>0
>>>					nNum=nj-1
>>>				ELSE
>>>					=AADD(@aColor0,cBuf)
>>>					nNum=ArrLen(@aColor0)-1
>>>				ENDIF
>>>				cBuf="\cb"+ALLTRIM(STR(nNum))
>>>				*** bad color number
>>>			ELSE
>>>				cBuf=""
>>>			ENDIF
>>>			** number correction in text
>>>			cText2=SUBSTR(cText2,1,nBuf1)+cBuf+SUBSTR(cText2,nBuf2,LEN(cText2)-nBuf2+1)
>>>		ELSE
>>>			LOOP && it is not color
>>>		ENDIF
>>>	ELSE
>>>		EXIT
>>>** RTF - HightLight Colors searching and correction
>>>	ni=AT("\highlight",cText2,nCount)
>>>	IF ni>0 && somethig was found - check in parameter
>>>		nCount=nCount+1
>>>		nBuf1=ni-1 && last char number before Control
>>>		ni=ni+10 && LEN(control+1)
>>>		cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>		IF ISDIGIT(cim) && color number digit - color definition was found
>>>			cParam=""
>>>			*** Color number correction in text
>>>			DO WHILE .T.
>>>				cim=SUBSTR(cText2,ni,1)
>>>				ni=ni+1
>>>				IF ISDIGIT(cim)
>>>					cParam=cParam+cim
>>>					nParam=VAL(cParam)+1
>>>				ELSE
>>>					EXIT
>>>				ENDIF
>>>			ENDDO
>>>			nBuf2=ni-1
>>>			*** Color definition - in aColor2 array
>>>			IF nParam<=ArrLen(@aColor2)
>>>				cBuf=aColor2[nParam]
>>>				*** check in if exist such Color in common aColor0 array
>>>				nj=0
>>>				IF ArrLen(@aColor0)>0
>>>					nj=ASCAN(aColor0,cBuf)
>>>				ENDIF
>>>				** such color is exist
>>>				IF nj>0
>>>					nNum=nj-1
>>>				ELSE
>>>					=AADD(@aColor0,cBuf)
>>>					nNum=ArrLen(@aColor0)-1
>>>				ENDIF
>>>				cBuf="\highlight"+ALLTRIM(STR(nNum))
>>>				*** bad color number
>>>			ELSE
>>>				cBuf=""
>>>			ENDIF
>>>			** number correction in text
>>>			cText2=SUBSTR(cText2,1,nBuf1)+cBuf+SUBSTR(cText2,nBuf2,LEN(cText2)-nBuf2+1)
>>>		ELSE
>>>			LOOP && it is not color
>>>		ENDIF
>>>	ELSE
>>>		EXIT
>>>*** deffN - defaul font definition correction in text
>>>IF !EMPTY(nDeffH+nDeffT) .AND. ArrLen(@aFont2)>0
>>>	*** search font definition "\f"+nDEffT+"\" for header
>>>	nDeffH=aFont0[VAL(nDeffH)+1] && ôîíò â çàãîëîâêå
>>>	*** search font definition "\f"+nDEffT+"\" for text
>>>	nj=ASCAN(aFont2,"{\f"+nDeffT+"\")
>>>	IF nj>0
>>>		nDeffT=aFont2[nj] && font in text
>>>	*** will add this font in header and insert it's number in text
>>>	IF nj>0 .AND. !nDeffT==nDeffH && fonts are different !
>>>		cBuf=nDeffT
>>>		** number cutting
>>>		nj=AT("\",cBuf,2)
>>>		cBuf=SUBSTR(cBuf,nj+1,LEN(cBuf)-nj)
>>>		*** check in if exist such Font in common aFont0 array
>>>		nj=0
>>>		IF ArrLen(@aFont0)>0
>>>			nj=ASCAN(aFont0,cBuf)
>>>		ENDIF
>>>		** Such is exist
>>>		IF nj>0
>>>			nNum=nj-1
>>>		ELSE
>>>			=AADD(@aFont0,cBuf)
>>>			nNum=ArrLen(@aFont0)-1
>>>		ENDIF
>>>		cDeff="\plain\f"+ALLTRIM(STR(nNum)) && +" "
>>>		*** will insert \fN in cText2 after \plain
>>>		cText2=STRTRAN(cText2,"\plain",cDeff)
>>>************* Common header cHead0 linking ************
>>>*** Fonts definition
>>>FOR ni=1 TO ArrLen(@aFont0)
>>>	cBuf=aFont0[ni]
>>>	*  IF nCodePage==1251 && Russian
>>>	*   ***************** Fonts cyrillisation ***********
>>>	*   ** replacement \fcharset shift with russian 204
>>>	*   cBuf=AllStuff(cBuf,"\fcharset","\fcharset204",.t.)
>>>	*   cHead=cHead+"{\f"+ALLTRIM(STR(ni-1))+"\"+cBuf
>>>	*  ENDIF
>>>*** Colors definition
>>>FOR ni=1 TO ArrLen(@aColor0)
>>>	cHead=cHead+aColor0[ni]
>>>cHead=cHead+"{\info{\author Created by DBRAD32 Report Generator}}"
>>>************* Common text cText2 linking ************
>>>** viewkind1 - to enabling vertical text in Word
>>>** viewzk2 - autoscale, otherwise - 100%
>>>* cText2="\viewkind1\viewzk2"+cText2
>>>** Styles pointers deleting StyleSheet - \sNN
>>>** Set DocumentView mode in 1 (Page Layout View)
>>>** Page settings deleting
>>>IF Landscape
>>>	cText2=AllStuff(cText2,"\sectd\","\sectd\lndscpsxn\",.F.)
>>>	cText2=AllStuff(cText2,"\sectd ","\sectd\lndscpsxn ",.F.)
>>>*** Resulting char "}" cutting in RTF text
>>>** Searching and replacement substring [cContr] in text [cRtfText]
>>>* lDigit==.t. - cContr with digital parameter
>>>FUNCTION AllStuff(cText,cContr,cNew,lDigit)
>>>LOCAL ni,nBuf1,nBuf2,cim,cOut1,nCount,cOut2
>>>IF EMPTY(cNew)
>>>	cNew=""
>>>** search \contr
>>>	ni=AT(cContr,cOut2,1)
>>>	IF ni>0 && smth was found - check by parameter
>>>		nBuf1=ni-1 && last digit number before Control
>>>		** search with digital parameter
>>>		IF lDigit
>>>			ni=ni+LEN(cContr)
>>>			cim=SUBSTR(cOut2,ni,1)
>>>			nBuf2=ni-1
>>>			IF ISDIGIT(cim) && next char - digit ?
>>>				*** Full number collecting
>>>				DO WHILE ISDIGIT(cim)
>>>					cim=SUBSTR(cOut2,ni,1)
>>>					ni=ni+1
>>>				ENDDO
>>>				nBuf2=ni-1
>>>				** Replace/delete in text
>>>				cOut1=cOut1+SUBSTR(cOut2,1,nBuf1)+cNew
>>>				cOut2=SUBSTR(cOut2,nBuf2)
>>>			ELSE
>>>				** replace in text
>>>				cOut1=cOut1+SUBSTR(cOut2,1,nBuf2)
>>>				cOut2=SUBSTR(cOut2,nBuf2+1)
>>>			ENDIF
>>>			** exuct search
>>>		ELSE && !lDigit
>>>			nBuf2=ni+LEN(cContr)
>>>			** Replace/delete in text
>>>			cOut1=cOut1+SUBSTR(cOut2,1,nBuf1)+cNew
>>>			cOut2=SUBSTR(cOut2,nBuf2)
>>>		ENDIF && lDigit
>>>	ELSE
>>>		EXIT
>>>RETURN cOut1+cOut2
>>>*** Creates RTF-code for MS Word Table Line
>>>** @aRow(7):
>>>** aRow[1] - Cell value (character)
>>>** aRow[2] - Cell Width (ñm)
>>>** aRow[3] - Font Size (def=10)
>>>** aRow[4] - Alignment: Center,Left,Right (def="c")
>>>** aRow[5] - Bold (def=.f.)
>>>** aRow[6] - Italic (def=.f.)
>>>** aRow[7] - Vertical text (def=.f.)
>>>*** [lHeader] - this flag means that Line is a Table Header and will (def=.f.)
>>>*** [nMargin] - Left table margin in cm (def=0)
>>>*** [nMinHeight] - Minimal Height for vertical text case ( aRow[7]==.t. )
>>>*** [lDoubleLine] - Double (vs. single) separate line between header and table body
>>>*** [lcUnVisible] - Hidden lines from mentioned as string "tblrhv" , .t. - âñå
>>>FUNCTION RtfTab(aRow,lHeader,nMargin,nMinHeight,lDoubleLine,lcUnvisible)
>>>LOCAL cOut,ni,nWide,cAlin,cFontSize,cMinh, cDop1,cDop2,nTol
>>>IF .F.
>>>	DECLARE aRow(1,1)
>>>IF !ArrLen(@aRow,.T.) == 7
>>>	RETURN "\par RtfTab()- Wrong cells array length !  \par"
>>>IF TYPE("lcUnVisible")=="C"
>>>	lcUnvisible=LOWER(lcUnvisible)
>>>	lcUnvisible=IIF(EMPTY(lcUnvisible),"","tblrhv")
>>>IF TYPE("nMargin")=="N"
>>>	nMargin=nMargin*567
>>>	nMargin=0
>>>IF TYPE("nMinHeight")=="N"
>>>	cMinh="\trrh"+ALLTRIM(STR(nMinHeight*567))
>>>** ôîðìèðîâàíèå ñêåëåòà òàáëèöû
>>>	IIF("t"$lcUnvisible,"","\trbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>	IIF("l"$lcUnvisible,"","\trbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>	IIF("b"$lcUnvisible,"","\trbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>	IIF("r"$lcUnvisible,"","\trbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>	IIF("h"$lcUnvisible,"","\trbrdrh\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>	IIF("v"$lcUnvisible,"","\trbrdrv\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>	"\clvertalt"+CRLF
>>>FOR ni=1 TO ArrLen(@aRow)
>>>	IF aRow[ni,2]==0 .OR. aRow[ni,2] < 0.0001
>>>		LOOP
>>>	** Wideth count
>>>	nWide=nWide+aRow[ni,2]*567
>>>	cOut=cOut+;
>>>		IIF("t"$lcUnvisible,"","\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>		IIF("l"$lcUnvisible,"","\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>		IIF("b"$lcUnvisible,"","\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>		IIF("r"$lcUnvisible,"","\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>		IIF(aRow[ni,7],"\cltxbtlr","\cltxlrtb")+;
>>>		"\cellx"+ALLTRIM(STR(nWide+nMargin))+"\clvertalt"+CRLF
>>>IF lDoubleLine
>>>	cOut=cOut+"\trbrdrh\brdrdb"
>>>** Cells filling in
>>>FOR ni=1 TO ArrLen(@aRow)
>>>	IF aRow[ni,2]==0 .OR. aRow[ni,2] < 0.0001
>>>		LOOP
>>>	cDop1=IIF(aRow[ni,7],"{\pard\li50\ri50\intbl","")
>>>	cDop2=IIF(aRow[ni,7],"}","")
>>>	cAlin="\q"+IIF(EMPTY(aRow[ni,4]),"r",LOWER(aRow[ni,4]))
>>>	cFontSize="\fs"+IIF(EMPTY(aRow[ni,3]),"20",ALLTRIM(STR(2*aRow[ni,3],4,0)))
>>>	cOut=cOut+cDop1+"\plain"+cFontSize+cAlin+IIF(!EMPTY(aRow[ni,5]),"\b","")+IIF(!EMPTY(aRow[ni,6]),"\i","")+" "+aRow[ni,1]+"\cell "+cDop2+CRLF
>>>cOut=cOut+"}{\row }\pard"
>>>IF lDoubleLine
>>>	cOut=cOut+"\trbrdrh\brdrs "
>>>RETURN cOut
>>>* Creates RTF-table skeleton
>>>* @aWide[nWide] , aWide[1]=Len cm, aWide[2]=lVert
>>>* @noWide - Table Width
>>>* code RTF is returned from this function
>>>*** [cUnVisible] - Hidden lines from mentioned string as - "tblrhv"
>>>FUNCTION RTFCreTab(aWide,nSize,noWide,nMargin,lHead,nMinHeight,cUnvisible)
>>>LOCAL ni,cBuf,nWide,nBuf,nMargin,cMinh
>>>IF .F.
>>>	DECLARE aWide(ArrLen(@aWide))
>>>IF TYPE("cUnVisible")=="C"
>>>	cUnvisible=LOWER(cUnvisible)
>>>	cUnvisible=IIF(EMPTY(cUnvisible),"","tblrhv")
>>>IF EMPTY(nSize)
>>>	nSize=12
>>>IF TYPE("nMargin")=="N"
>>>	nMargin=nMargin*567
>>>	nMargin=0
>>>IF TYPE("nMinHeight")=="N"
>>>	cMinh="\trrh"+ALLTRIM(STR(nMinHeight*567))
>>>	IIF("t"$cUnvisible,"","\trbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>	IIF("b"$cUnvisible,"","\trbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>	IIF("r"$cUnvisible,"","\trbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>	IIF("l"$cUnvisible,"","\trbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>	IIF("h"$cUnvisible,"","\trbrdrh\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>	IIF("v"$cUnvisible,"","\trbrdrv\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>	"\clvertalt"+CRLF
>>>FOR ni=1 TO ArrLen(@aWide)
>>>	IF aWide[ni,1]==0 .OR. aWide[ni,1] < 0.0001
>>>		LOOP
>>>	** Wide Count
>>>	noWide=noWide+aWide[ni,1]
>>>	nWide=nWide+aWide[ni,1]*567
>>>	cBuf=cBuf+;
>>>		IIF(!EMPTY(cMinh).AND.aWide[ni,2],"\cltxbtlr","\cltxlrtb")+;
>>>		IIF("t"$cUnvisible,"","\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>		IIF("b"$cUnvisible,"","\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>		IIF("l"$cUnvisible,"","\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>		IIF("r"$cUnvisible,"","\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10")+;
>>>		"\cellx"+ALLTRIM(STR(nWide+nMargin))+"\clvertalt"+CRLF
>>>cBuf=cBuf+"\cgrid\plain\lang1049\fs"+ALLTRIM(STR(nSize*2))+" "+CRLF
>>>RETURN cBuf
>>>** To convert Wide in CHARS to wide in PITS (1cm = 567 pit)
>>>FUNC TChar_Wide(cFont,nFont,nChars)
>>>LOCAL nWide
>>>IF nChars==0
>>>	RETURN 0
>>>** Wide count
>>>nWide=FONTMETRIC(6,cFont,nFont)*nChars*25+100  && [trgaph50+nWide+trgap50]
>>>RETURN nWide
>>>** To convert Wide in PITS to wide in CHARS
>>>FUNC TWide_Char(cFont,nFont,nWide)
>>>LOCAL nChars
>>>IF nWide==0
>>>	RETURN 0
>>>** Wide count in chars
>>>RETURN nChars
>>>* Adding new line to RTF-table and filling it with values - from aRow array
>>>* @aRow[cValue,cAlingmentType(c/l/r),nWide,fsize,bold,italic,vert]
>>>FUNCTION RtfFilRow(aRow,lHeader,lBold,lItalic,nStart,nStop,nSize)
>>>LOCAL ni,cBuf,cAlin,cFont,lSluz,cDop1,cDop2
>>>IF .F.
>>>	DECLARE aRow(1,6)
>>>IF lHeader
>>>	cBuf=cBuf+"\trbrdrh\brdrdb"
>>>IF !TYPE("nStart")=="N"
>>>	nStart=1
>>>IF !TYPE("nStop")=="N"
>>>	nStop=ArrLen(@aRow)
>>>FOR ni=nStart TO nStop
>>>	** skip zero-width
>>>	IF TYPE("aRow[ni,3]")=="N"
>>>		IF aRow[ni,3]==0
>>>			LOOP
>>>		ENDIF
>>>	IF !TYPE("aRow[ni,5]")=="L"
>>>		aRow[ni,5]=.F.
>>>	IF !TYPE("aRow[ni,6]")=="L"
>>>		aRow[ni,6]=.F.
>>>	IF TYPE("aRow[ni,4]")=="N"
>>>		cFont="\fs"+ALLTRIM(STR(2*aRow[ni,4],2,0))
>>>	ELSE
>>>		IF TYPE("nSize")=="N"
>>>			cFont="\fs"+ALLTRIM(STR(2*nSize,2,0))
>>>			lSluz=.T.
>>>		ELSE
>>>			lSluz=.F.
>>>		ENDIF
>>>	cDop1=IIF(aRow[ni,7],"{\pard\li50\ri50\intbl","")
>>>	cDop2=IIF(aRow[ni,7],"}","")
>>>	cAlin="\q"+IIF(EMPTY(aRow[ni,2]),"r",LOWER(aRow[ni,2]))
>>>	cBuf=cBuf+cDop1+"\plain"+cFont+cAlin+IIF((lSluz.AND.lBold).OR.aRow[ni,5],"\b","")+IIF(!lSluz.AND.(lItalic.OR.aRow[ni,6]),"\i","")+" "+aRow[ni,1]+"\cell "+cDop2+CRLF
>>>cBuf=cBuf+"}{\row }\pard"
>>>IF lHeader
>>>	cBuf=cBuf+"\trbrdrh\brdrs "
>>>RETURN cBuf
>>>*** To count number of bytes in RTF-text Header
>>>LOCAL nCount,nj
>>>IF nj==0
>>>	nj=AT("{\revtbl",cRTF)
>>>IF nj==0
>>>	nj=AT("{\listtables",cRTF)
>>>IF nj==0
>>>	nj=AT("{\stylesheet",cRTF)
>>>IF nj==0
>>>	nj=AT("{\colortbl",cRTF)
>>>IF nj==0
>>>	nj=AT("{\filetbl",cRTF)
>>>IF nj==0
>>>	nj=AT("{\fonttbl",cRTF)
>>>FOR ni=nj TO LEN(cRTF)
>>>	cim=SUBSTR(cRTF,ni,1)
>>>	nCount=IIF(cim=="{",nCount+1,IIF(cim=="}",nCount-1,nCount))
>>>	IF nCount==0
>>>		EXIT
>>>RETURN ni
>>>*** To get Array Length (0 - if not artray)
>>>*** l2 - to get length of second dimension
>>>*** call aName_ as a referenced parameter ! (like ArrLen(@aArray) )
>>>*** (c) Dm.Bayanov , 1998
>>>FUNCTION ArrLen(aName_,l2)
>>>LOCAL nLen
>>>IF .F.
>>>	DECLARE aName_(1)
>>>IF !TYPE("aName_[1]")=="U" && Boo !
>>>	IF l2
>>>		nLen=ALEN(aName_,2)
>>>	ELSE
>>>		nLen=ALEN(aName_,1)
>>>	nLen=IIF(nLen==1.AND.ISNULL(aName_[1]),0,nLen)
>>>RETURN nLen
>>>** Delete ni element from LOCAL array, n2 - second dimension length (should be pointed)
>>>** @aName !
>>>FUNCTION ArrDel(aName,ni,n2)
>>>IF ArrLen(@aName)==1 .AND. ni==1
>>>	aName[1]=NULL
>>>	IF ni<=ArrLen(@aName)
>>>		ADEL(aName,ni)
>>>		IF TYPE("n2")=="N"
>>>			DECLARE aName(ArrLen(@aName)-1,n2)
>>>		ELSE
>>>			DECLARE aName(ArrLen(@aName)-1)
>>>		ENDIF
>>>*** To Add element to the end of array @aNameAr
>>>*** xVal - added value, nLen2 - second dimension length
>>>FUNCTION AADD(aNameAr,xVal,nLen2)
>>>LOCAL nLen,nBuf
>>>IF nLen==0
>>>	*** 2-nd dimension length
>>>	IF nLen2>0
>>>		DECLARE aNameAr(1,nLen2)
>>>		aNameAr[1,1]=xVal
>>>	ELSE
>>>		DECLARE aNameAr(1)
>>>		aNameAr[1]=xVal
>>>	nBuf=ArrLen(@aNameAr,.T.)
>>>	nLen2=IIF(nBuf>0,nBuf,nLen2)
>>>	*** 2-nd dimension length
>>>	IF nLen2>0
>>>		DECLARE aNameAr(nLen+1,nLen2)
>>>		aNameAr[nLen+1,1]=xVal
>>>	ELSE
>>>		DECLARE aNameAr(nLen+1)
>>>		aNameAr[nLen+1]=xVal

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