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Michael Moore on the Auto Bailout
17/12/2008 00:26:24
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The logical lie that he nor anyone on his staff had spoken to the governor about his replacement. Dude, that strains credulity. I don't know why Harvey CCs you but I do because, sometimes, you can be a free-thinker.

>OF COURSE he's lying ;-) Which lie is it you and John H think he told? And why do you both keep copying me on your anti-Obama rants? ;-)
>>Well, OF COURSE he's lying by assumption of the logic I already posted. I just don't understand why. He had nothing to lose by admitting that he and/or his staff was working with Blag on the transition of the Senate seat if they weren't complicit in the scandal. I truly believe that Obama would not have played along in this scandal and Blag's cursing him out in the tapes seems to back that up.
>>The thing that bothers me is that assuming I'm right about Obama not playing games with Blag (good for him), why the knee-jerk reaction of a bald-face lie? Is this how he's going to react to any controversy going forward - lie to us and hope it sticks? If I were an Obama supporter listening to months of how open and honest he was going to be I'd be seriously perturbed.
>>Hey, look, I want Obama to succeed. When the President does well the country does well. I don't have to like him to wish him well because if he fails we fail. But if you campaign on openness and honesty, dammit, be open and honest.
>>>Yep, I'm not saying what the details are, just that I sense he is lying. I'm thinking he's concerned about the FBI having taped the governor, and probably him and/or Rahm. I'm waiting for the defecation to hit the rotary oscillator!<g>
>>>>I have faith in your cop skills as well as the simple logic that his office HAD to be in communication with Blagojevich to coordinate a replacement Senator. Common sense. Point: Would Obama had set a date to resign without any reasonable assurance that there was a replacement? When the story broke and Obama categorically denied ever talking to Blag I thought that was the stupidest lie I ever heard. It's like coming into your kitchen and finding your 2 year old with a cookie, the cookie jar open and asking her if she helped herself to a cookie. She'll knee-jerk answer "no"....that's what Obama did.
>>>>I don't think that Obama participated in Blag's "pay to play" scheme. The governors tapes indicate that Obama offerred him nothing, So, ummm, why did Obama knee-jerk lie and why the secrecy?
>>>>There's something going on in all of this that doesn't pass the smell test. I believe that Obama did nothing wrong but by running with the "knee-jerk lie" he turned this into a long a drawn out investigation.
>>>>>I have a lot of faith in Obama's failure. He has never DONE anything, and (I believe) he will do even less as president. I'm still looking for another Ronald Reagan, and I think I've found an American version of Maggie Thatcher, in Sarah Palin. So.... hope springs eternal. I think Obama is doomed by this economic crisis, and I was watching him give an interview about the sale of his senate seat and all my cop skills say LIAR. Body language, the way he was answering the questions, etc tell me he is neck deep in this thing, but only time will tell.
>>>>>The Dems are on the clock and history says they will get tossed in two years. We shall see....
>>>>>>>The left, the left, the left -- sigh. One of the things I have liked about Barack Obama from the start is he seems to offer us a way out of label politics. He may yet disappoint me -- the deck sure is stacked against him for economic reasons alone -- but I still believe we can follow him out of the finger pointing hole we have been in for the past 16 years and more.
>>>>>>>FWIW I am what would certainly be called leftist these days and have no enthusiasm whatsoever for Caroline Kennedy being named the junior senator from New York. She has not earned the position. She seems like a nice enough lady and has done some good works, as have many of the Kennedys. Let's just start a level or two below first and earn it. Senator from New York is not exactly head of the bake sale committee.
>>>>>>Oh please. At least be honest. Did you miss Obama's speeches? Sheesh...
>>>>>>I have high hopes for Obama, but labeling him as someone who never pointed fingers or used labels is a fallacy.
>>>>>>Also, comments like 'the deck is stacked against him' won't cut it. It will not be his scape-goat if he fails. No excuses. Every President has to take responsibility for what they do or don't do. He will be no different.
>>>>>>Your attempt to provide an excuse out of the gate and set the stage for his failure is dissappointing.
John Koziol, ex-MVP, ex-MS, ex-FoxTeam. Just call me "X"
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro" - Hunter Thompson (Gonzo) RIP 2/19/05

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