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>What I'm asking is - what do I have to do so I don't go through this any more??
>Kevin, I don't have the answer that you're looking for, but let me give some food for thought...
>First, there are pre-reqs for just about every piece of software, even VFP.
>Second, John Ryan mentioned QuickBooks somewhere in this thread - even QB has installation issues on certain computers. There are no guarantees.
>Third, MS publishes pre-reqs for their products, but they don't cover every single possible detail. I go through install issues from time to time - sometimes I can google and hone in on the answer in a matter of minutes, and sometimes it takes longer.
>Last month I had over a dozen installation issues in trying to create a VM for the latest CTPs of SharePoint and SQL Server and VS. Yes, those were CTPs, but still it was a matter of research and some trial and error. There usually "is" an answer and a path, though sometimes it does feel like a maze. So I feel your pain.
>Fourth, it doesn't surprise me when someone runs into an install issue on "older" software with newer machines (or newest software on older machines). Maybe I've developed so much of a "solve it and move on" mindset from doing so many installs, that I don't let these get to me....segue to my final point.
>Lastly...I debated saying this...this is not meant as a personal attack, but a suggestion. You do seem to react pretty quickly when you run into a technical issue. It helps to stay calm. In my case, if I start getting pissed off when something doesn't work, I tend to lose focus. I sense you (and about a million other people) may be the same way. When things don't install correctly but are "supposed to", there's a good chance there is a resolution....so focus on that, and try to avoid getting worked up. I know, easier said than done.

Let me say this also. Whuile agree with everything you have said here, you know what it's like to be under a deadline. When you're
scheduled to install on a specific day, and you walk in and can't get SQl to install, it makes you look silly in front of your client.
Alot of the people/companies I work for are small business owners who have never even heard of SQL.They're simply thinking, "I
hired you because you're the expert, and you don't know what's wrong???:

So, yes, I do get frustrated. i do react quickly - but that;s because I don't have the time to spend researching some obscure error
message when you expected the install to go smoothly/
Everything makes sense in someone's mind
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