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Class definition is not found
22/06/2011 16:05:04
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Visual FoxPro
Codage, syntaxe et commandes
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What is the command now?

If you have SQL Server running, start SQL Profiler right before executing this code and see what is the actual command send to SQL Server.

Also, you may add

=messagebox(cmd) (or log it into a file) -- just to see the error.

>Actually I had your second suggestion commented out, right below the cmd is "+ALLTRIM(user.cclientcd)+[']"
>I put it back up in the cmd and still get the "syntax error" when I try to run it.
>I forgot to take the "?" out though, but with or without it gives me the same error.
>>Your cmd is incorrect
>>cmd = [exec InTransit ?']
>>It can be
>>cmd = [exec InTransit ?m.TransitID] && no single quote here, it should use parameter
>>or if you try to embed the ClientCd field into the cmd, it should be no ?, e.g.
>>cmd = [exec InTransit '] + ClientCd + [']
>>>Ok, that brought up another library issue but I fixed that the same way. Now it's just giving me "Syntax error" when i try to run the program, no other information. This is the function it points me to:
FUNCTION 214Listing
>>>THESERVER = goWCServer.oConfig.oWebProcess.cSQLServer
>>>usr = "sa"
>>>pas = "Th1nk@123"
>>>ConnStr = [driver=SQL Server; server=]+THESERVER+[; database=]+THESQLDB+[; uid=]+usr+[;pwd=]+pas+[; Trusted_Connection=No;]
>>>curHandle = SQLstringCONNECT( connStr )
>>>cmd = [exec InTransit ?']
>>>lr = SQLEXEC( curHandle, cmd, "sq")  && sq is the cursor the data is loaded into
>>>	client_zip,;
>>>	bol_number,;
>>>	ref_num,;
>>>	weight,;
>>>	pro_number,;
>>>	customer_name,;
>>>	customer_state,;
>>>	customer_zip,;
>>>	carrier_name,;
>>>	ship_date,;
>>>	est_delivery,;
>>>	app_date,;
>>>	latest_status_description,;
>>>	latest_reason_description,;
>>>	date_last_updated;
>>>	FROM sq;
>>>	SELECT TQuery
>>>	recs=RECCOUNT()
>>>loSC = CREATEOBJECT("wwShowCursor")
>>>loSC.lCenterTable = .f.
>>>loSC.cHeaderBGColor = "black"   &&"#336633"
>>>loSC.lAlternateRows = .T.
>>>loSC.cAlternatingBGColor = "white"  &&"#EFEFEF"
>>>loSC.cTableBorder ="3"
>>>DIMENSION laHeaders[15]
>>>laHeaders[1] = "Ozp"
>>>laHeaders[2] = "BOL#"
>>>laHeaders[3] = "Ref#"
>>>laHeaders[4] = "Weight"
>>>laHeaders[5] = "Pro#"
>>>laHeaders[6] = "Customer Name"
>>>laHeaders[7] = "Dst"
>>>laHeaders[8] = "Dzp"
>>>laHeaders[9] = "Carrier"
>>>laHeaders[10] = "Ship Date"
>>>laHeaders[11] = "Est_Delivery"
>>>laHeaders[12] = "Appt. Date"
>>>laHeaders[13] = "Latest Status"
>>>laHeaders[14] = "Latest Reason"
>>>laHeaders[15] = "Last Updated"
>>>loSC.lSumNumerics = .t.
>>>I am using WestWind so if something is unfamiliar to you that's probably why.
>>>>If it's a PRG based class, you need to use
>>>>SET PROCEDURE to \WConnectX\_FP\WebProcess.prg ADDITIVE
>>>>>WebProcess is another PRG that wasn't in the folder with the PRG in which the code came from. I dropped it and the FXP file in with the main program and tried to do:
>>>>>SET CLASSLIB TO \WConnectX\_FP\WebProcess
>>>>>But it's telling me "\WConnectX\_FP\WebProcess.vcx doesn't exist" because it in fact doesn't, there was no VCX where I found the two other files.
>>>>>Aside from that I don't see WebProcess mentioned in this code anywhere, at least nothing that defines it.
>>>>>Can I get it working without the VCX file?
>>>>>>Where is WebProcess class defined and do you have
>>>>>>SET PROCEDURE TO ProgramWhereThisClassDefined
>>>>>>SET CLASSLIB TO ClassLibWhereThisClassIsDefined
>>>>>>statement missing.
>>>>>>>When I try to run my program, I get "Class definition WEBPROCESS is not found."
>>>>>>>Here are the first few lines of code, the error pops up at loProcess=CREATEOBJECT("task",loServer).
#define DISC_NORMAL 0
>>>>>>>#define DISC_RATE   1
>>>>>>>#define _MAXLNS 10
>>>>>>>#define _MAXWLNS 10
>>>>>>>#define RATE_UNKNOWN 0
>>>>>>>#define RATE_PAY 1
>>>>>>>#define RATE_INV 2
>>>>>>>#define CHANGETHIS this.fp1521()  &&this.BGMAudit()  &&this.fp1601()
>>>>>>>*#define TESTING 1
>>>>>>>LPARAMETERS loServer
>>>>>>>LOCAL loProcess
>>>>>>>#include WCONNECT.H
>>>>>>>#DEFINE TIMEOUT 14400
>>>>>>>#DEFINE TOL_PATH "D:\BTS\Tolerance\"
>>>>>>>IF VARTYPE(loProcess)#"O"
>>>>>>>	WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT "Unable to create Process object..."
>>>>>>>	RETURN .f.
>>>>>>>DEFINE CLASS Task as WebProcess
>>>>>>>After that I start making functions. I'm running a local server to test the pages and all of them come back saying there's a syntax error at line 0, so it's obviously zero help. Any ideas?
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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