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'Freedom' As A Sales Tool And A Punch Line
11/02/2013 13:21:32
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'Freedom' As A Sales Tool And A Punch Line
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This perfectly sums up my feeling on the state of the US political parties and why I loath politicians in general.

From my favorite "DJ".

The Republican Party champions itself as that of less government intrusion. From the Tea Party’s “Don’t Tread on Me,” flag to forty years in the rear-view-mirror when Ronald Reagan announced “government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem,” the GOP has branded itself as the cadre that wants as little to do with your life as possible, and views its primary job as being the entity which protects your ability to live that life. If you want laissez-faire policies, combined with strong national defense, look no further than the Republican Party.

The Democratic Party, meanwhile, has long opined itself as what I refer to as being “your pal.” Similar to parents who want to be their kids’ friends rather than their disciplinarians, the Democrats have branded themselves as the party that will restore the world’s faith in America by being less mean, more transparent, and most importantly, by truly having Americans’ best interest at heart. If you want compassion, understanding, and tolerance, look no further than the Democratic Party.
Except for the fact that, as whole entities, they are both complete and total lying hypocrites.

◦The Republican Party, while defending the Second Amendment, demands that the government stay out of our living rooms and leave us and our guns alone, yet has no problems insisting that the government has a place in our bedroom when it is tearing to shreds our first amendment by pronouncing pornography “icky,” and “against decency laws and values.” Apparently, certain rooms of our homes have the same arbitrary protection from invasion as the amendments to our Constitution do.

◦The Democratic party encourages, champions, and implements medical marijuana laws under the guise of compassion, free choice, and phrases such as “what’s the harm,” and “who does it hurt if a 60 year old glaucoma patient gets high in her apartment,” yet has no problems regulating and limiting the amount of salt, sugar and fat American adults consume. Apparently, certain freedoms, like the one to stoned, are far greater than the ones to live life how you choose.

◦The Republican Party rails against an “out of control,” government, which is infringing on more and more of our rights, and then campaigns for, grants, and encourages every form of leverage it can give to law enforcement to violate the fourth amendment at every turn. Whether it be DUI checkpoints, warrantless searches, or broadening the definition of probable cause, the Republican Party of today apparently believes that armed, uniformed government workers are not, in fact, part of the government and therefore are not trampling on our freedoms by ignoring our rights.

◦The Democratic Party constantly assails the war on our civil liberties as we see and hear stories of American Citizens being held without trial, private phone conversations being listened to by federal agencies without rightful warrants, and the Patriotic Act. And, let us not forget the infamous Cambridge case of 2009, when local police were deemed by the President of the United States to have “acted stupidly,” when they arrested a man standing in his own yard in front of his own house. Yet this is the party who has taken the template of the previous administration of using drones overseas and has put it on steroids, to the point of enacting policy that grants our government the right to assassinate American citizens without due process. Guantanamo Bay is still open, the Patriotic Act still lives and breathes, and apparently as long as any form of law enforcement agency is acting on behalf of the Democratic Party’s view of justice, they’re not “stupid,” they’re “patriots.”

◦The Republican Party defends business in America, large and small, yet does everything it can to make immigrants, the backbone of our labor force, feel as unwelcome as possible.

◦The Democratic Party claims to be the party of the middle class, yet does nothing to actually secure our borders and slow illegal immigration, despite the fact that illegal immigrants are consuming the jobs available to most of the middle class.

◦The Republican Party remains appalled at the war on smoking and the way “junk science” and the canard known as “second-hand smoke,” has taken away choice in America, but is staunchly against allowing marijuana to be smoked anywhere, ever, despite the fact that almost every form of “contact high,” has been proven to be a myth.

◦The Democratic Party believes you should be able to smoke marijuana anywhere you want, but that your car must be electric.

◦The Republican Party insists that the government isn’t the solution to anything, unless the “thing,” is a natural disaster which wipes out a state governed by a Republican, in which case, the federal government better get their ass to that state as soon as possible and bring lots and lots of cash, equipment, grants, loans and manpower.

◦The Democratic Party wants to lift you up and make you part of the greater good by giving you a hand up, instead of a handout. Unless of course you ask for a hand-out, in which case they will happily make you part of the record high numbers of Americans receiving government assistance with almost no qualifications or proof of need or desire to ever better yourself.

◦The Republican Party wants to give you the freedom to choose your health insurance, the freedom to exercise your second amendment right to own as many guns as you want, the freedom to fly the American Flag wherever and whenever you want to, the freedom to defend your private property, and the freedom to practice your religion. Unless, of course, you are going to use those freedoms to choose a doctor who might abort your unwanted child, demand that you can fly your gay pride flag, have the audacity to smoke marijuana, practice sodomy, and watch pornography inside your own home, or practice any religion that is outside mainstream Christianity or Judaism anywhere in public.

◦The Democratic Party wants to give you the freedom to express yourself, believes in the opportunity for every American and responsibility from every American, will fight for equal rights for everyone, and believes in personal liberty, as defined as the right to control your own body. Unless, of course, you are going to freely express an opinion about any minority group that is protected by completely unconstitutional “hate speech,” laws. Only the Middle Class and the poor are actually eligible for “opportunity,” and only the top 1% actually have to show any “responsibility.” As for equal rights for everyone, that only applies to people that are not Caucasian men, and finally, you can control your own body as long as you are aborting a fetus, but not if you’re shoving too many Big Macs in your gut or ordering a soda larger than 16 ounces.

None of these people believe in freedom. True freedom demands complete faith in the individual and the ability to be repulsed by their choices. True freedom dictates a hands-off policy that allows people to fail and be disgusting. True freedom means living, and letting live. What we have instead is a nation that says you are free to agree with me. True freedom does not need to be explained, defended, defined, or sold as a bill of goods. But then again, how would any of us know? We haven’t known or seen true freedom in decades.
Wine is sunlight, held together by water - Galileo Galilei
Un jour sans vin est comme un jour sans soleil - Louis Pasteur
Water separates the people of the world; wine unites them - anonymous
Wine is the most civilized thing in the world - Ernest Hemingway
Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance - Benjamin Franklin

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