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(Continued) Re: Interesting Take on Software Piracy
23/03/2013 03:07:28
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(Continued) Re: Interesting Take on Software Piracy
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>"Software piracy" does not exist.
>"Software piracy" exists because ......

>Ok....which one is it????

Continued from Message ID:1569093.

It does not exist truly. It is a fabricated concept including a harsh sounding word (piracy) designed to evoke sympathy and fear through emotion, demanding even justice and retribution... "Oh, your software's been pirated? That's awful! You should sue."

What men really mean when they speak of "software piracy" are perceived or presumed losses against their monopoly. This is a strange, unnatural concept, and especially so in the realm of all things digital because literal, perfect replication to all is essentially zero cost (using the network and computer resources we're already paying for ... just in a new way due to an acquiring of the new content).

If it were possible to create a digital copy of a sandwich and a glass of clean water on demand as easily as we can copy digital content today, everybody would recognize that it would be nothing short of criminal for any person who wanted to eat to ever go to bed hungry due to issues of not having purchased their copy.

It's no different with all forms of digital content because the ability to replicate unendingly without consuming the original exists. And at the point where it has been created, it exists at that state. The work's been done, able now for all people everywhere to share.

It's a preview of something amazing. See www.visual-freepro.org/wiki for details.

The reason we have men claiming allegations of "software piracy" is simple: because of personal greed, personal lust, of an inflated sense of self importance, of wanting to control rather than participate in, of wanting for self a greater personal return on their labor than that which they received while authoring it. And rather than continuing to work and produce using the skills God gave him to benefit as many people as possible through gifts of his knowledge, abilities and labor, all of which were gifts he first received himself, he cuts off that channel in favor of the one leading to "more for me, less for you."

It is flatly wrong to deny anyone a digital copy of anything because the original is not altered in any way, shape, or form with the sharing. The originator still possesses their copy, and there was only gain for everybody else who received it in sharing.

Again, the reason men do not do this is sin, rebellion against God. They seek self. Money more than giving, personal wealth and domination / power over others, instead of using their talents to just help them.

It is wrong in every way. And it's a side-effect of the sin that exists in this world.

Luke 16:13 KJV "No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. "

Money is a person's master when they choose to receive its accumulation through proprietary software controls, or legal means, while denying anyone who could have a copy the ability to freely receive a copy unless they pay when the cost of replication is essentially zero.

It's a mirror, an easily understandable example of the war which took place in Heaven against God.

God gave everything freely to all. Inexhaustible. But Lucifer and many angels (1/3 of them) wanted to be God, to be the one being worshipped, making policy, the one all turn to. And whereas God existed that way by the nature of His being, His character, His person, His innate qualities, these enemies of God are not God. They cannot create. They cannot originate. They cannot emanate (except where God allows). Instead, they can only use and pervert that which exists, that which God created, that which God intended for the use by and growth of all.

The Earth today, the knowledge God has gifted to man, these are sufficient to love, to clothe, to feed, to educate, to tend to everybody's needs ... wholly. There are no mechanisms which are lacking in that regard in that which God has established. There is enough land, enough sunlight, enough rain, enough knowledge about seeds, planting, growing, and love, and we have the most amazingly vast manufacturing system in the history of the world. Everybody who wanted to be a farmer world-wide could have a tractor and a plow, or pulling animals and plows. Nothing is lacking to make this happen. No components of design, manufacturing, or distribution inhibit. God has given man abundantly in all these areas.

It does not happen for one reason: sin. Rather than pursuing the path God gave men to pursue ("freely you have received, freely give"), men choose other avenues (through sin listening to the continuous teachings of those warring, rebellious, evil, fallen angels -- now called demons). And every other choice leads to destruction. Personal destruction as well as a perversion of the mechanisms God gave to help men into something designed to enslave men.

Sin is the cause. Jesus is solution. Jesus frees men from the bondage of sin, allowing them to put off its yoke and pursue a holy God rigtly. To pursue Truth.

God set up a system of mutual love, giving, caring, sharing, lifting, gifting, increasing, communing, prospering, and growing, through Him, through a reliance upon Him to be our source for all because He is who He is (always right, always true, always increase). In such a world there is abundance beyond imagination, and God being held rightly as God because of who He is.

All other systems look to self, an increase of self at the expense of others, and are utterly damnable, leading only to damnation ... always sin's end.

We need to stop the sinful ways we have today. We need to turn back to God. We need to repent, to ask forgiveness through His Son for our sin, and to begin anew restoring that which the enemy, through sin, has stolen.

Jesus makes all things new ... for all who will see the truth. No barriers remain because of Christ.

Proprietary software controls are an abomination against God. They limit. They divide. They erect walls. They are evil.

Giving, sharing, using the talents God gave you rightly, for God ... this is correct behavior. This is a right use of the talents with which we were endowed.

In such a decision man is restored to God and will receive a blessing from God beyond his ability to contain it. Luke 6:38 KJV "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again."

There is an awakening to this reality taking place by God's Holy Spirit. The call of God is eternal, and spirit, and goes against years of an induced inertial mindset through fleshy reason -- the result of purposeful conditioning and education by demon spirits, an expansive, wide effort to indoctrinate the masses into this demonic way of thinking (as frogs in a heating pot). The roots of all that false education, false ways of thinking are demonic. They are rebellion against God. But God still loved us beyond our rebellion. He came to save us and did so at the cross 2,000 years ago ... for ALL who will receive it.

It's time we wake up and turn back to God, for He alone is the source of all, He alone is worthy of all our focus and attention, and He alone is capable of filling our baskets. Forever. And this is true because of who He is.

He's given every man the choice, the authority to choose for themselves who they will follow. And He will honor each person's individual request.

Nothing is hidden for salvation or growth in this world. He presents with everything He is continually, sufficiently, for all to see. Those who reject Him do so willingly. Those who accept Him are saved from eternal death, and are restored in eternity.

All paths to life begin with this choice being made for God: do I want to trust Him to provide, and care, and love, and grow me? Or do I want to do it myself?

The world is in the state it's in because of sin and sin's self-seeking nature, while the ways of God are outward-seeking, going from self out to all, and therefore also (having achieved the fulness of outwardness by being offered and giving to all) coming back to self.

It is glorious and beautiful what God has set up.

None of us can do it ourselves. And only Jesus can restore us. He is the one who created it all. And He is the one who undid the work of Satan in the garden. He restored us to Himself, to the place He intended for us in eternity. He is deserving of everything we could give because of what He's done.

"Software piracy" is a concept fabricated by demons, employed by man through sin, designed to enslave men under the yoke of bondage to that demonic spirit of self and self importance, rather than of looking to all and saying "my gift to you as I have received" (as God has said to us on everything).

God is who God is. The author of all. The giver of life. And He gives freely and He loves all who seek the Truth.

He set up rules for His creation (a proper act), and men violated those rules. We deserve the punishment He specified: death, because of what we did. And if there is any doubt about that, about the totally consuming, damaging nature of sin alongside life, consider that one sin by Adam and we have this world today in only 6,000 years. And that includes the waystation of the flood where God started over with the only righteous man of his generation, Noah, a preacher.

Sin is evil. Sin harms. Sin destroys. Sin eats away at everythinh like a cancer. And going against God's perfect system of love (via sinful uses of that system) results in this world.

God has a complete love for us. He did not leave it like that. Before He created the universe He had foreseen and solved sin, and the pride and arrogance that goes along with it... He Himself would step out of Heaven, put on a flesh body, live, teach, heal, perform miracles, and by His death and resurrection, restore all things.

God has revealed Himself plainly. He is God Almighty. The one true God. God The Father, God The Son, God The Holy Spirit. And we being made in His image exist likewise: soul, body, spirit.

Jesus, whose name means "God who saves" (in the same way Shoemaker means "one who makes shoes") has done this. He made the way back to Himself ... again ... through Him. In short: He is worthy.

There are Right ways, and there are wrong ways. God's ways are Right. They are there for all who will seek. There are no men you have to go through. No particular faiths. God Himself will answer your questions. One on one. You to Him. He is found at one place: when you seek to know the real truth unaltered by agenda, wants, wishes, or preconceived ideas. When you seek The Truth, there it is found.

Jesus' death and resurrection made that possible.

Seek to know Him and you will find Him and be saved, set forever free from the bondage of sin. Pursue any other path and you stand eternally condemned already.

No one must die eternally. Jesus made the way back. Only those who reject God's ways will enter in to Hell. Forever.

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