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Gun Hysteria
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>>>>>The gun hysterics have lost what was left if their minds.
>>>>>As if these weren't stupid enough:
>>>>>Now this...
>>>>>It's nice to see the ACLU finally standing up for a civil liberty. If only it didn't take a deaf child to get them off their asses.
>>>>That's the kind of stuff that will make the liberals proud though. They've made another big dent in gun crime.
>>>You understand of course that liberals have a huge problem with this right? ..and uhhh..the ACLU is the ones that are backing the kid right? So you saying the liberals would be proud makes zero sense at all ..hahahaha
>>The PC liberals are the ones trying to reinstate the scary-looking weapons ban. You know - if it looks scary it must be banned.
>>That sign looked like a scary gun, so ban the kid. right?
>There are idiots and nut jobs on both sides of the argument. Just because one liberal or one conservative says something, that doesn't mean that suddenly they all believe it. Rather than focus on these idiots and wackos I think it would be more constructive to actually..uhh..ya know...address the real issue at hand - which is of course that it's a) simply to easy for the wrong person to end up with a gun and b) there is no database to track the owner of a gun. Frankly I think that all guns sold should have the ballistics and owner's info stored in a database. Like how easy would that make the job for a cop? Someone gets shot - take the bullet, check the ballistics in the database - match with gun - match with owner - taadaa! You're 90% along the way of solving the crime. You combine that with background checks for EVERY GUN sold and I think there will be a massive amount of killings and shootings solved and prevented.

The laws that are supposed to keep criminals from killing people have worked so well so far, why would we need more? They've worked equally well for drugs, alcohol, prostitution, rape, robbery, gang violence, etc.

Gosh - everything must be all beautiful and everyone is singing kumbaya already, right?

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