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(Continuation) Re: John Koziol's brother
14/08/2013 14:04:27
14/08/2013 09:39:38
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>>>I've read a couple of articles lately that suggest that that's actually the normal human
>>>sleep pattern. Not sure I believe it yet, but it's not a problem.
>>It's definitely not normal.
>>Ecclesiastes 5:12:
>>12 The sleep of a labouring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much: but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep.
>That has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.

Of course it does, Tamar. You cite "a couple of articles" which suggest such an odd sleep schedule is, in fact, normal. God teaches us (through the wisest man who ever lived) that the laborer will have a proper sleep schedule, and the rich man will not because his abundance will prevent it.

It's a cause for pause!

We also read in the book of Job that God sends disturbing dreams unto a man to get his attention, and to set his course back upon the right path (Job 33:15+). And in Proverbs that a man need not fear when he serves the Lord, saying also "When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet." (Proverbs 3:24)

> Please stop dragging religion into every discussion.

You profess to be Jewish, correct? Our God is the same, Jehovah, the one the Torah, the one of the Old Testament, the one who is above all, the Almighty, who made man and teaches him all things he has need of. And it is that teaching (the Torah) you continue on in in your faith, Tamar, which includes Ecclesiastes, Job and Proverbs, which contain wisdom from God for our guidance. And this is a matter of men having questions, and about God giving man guidance.

Tamar, He is our author, our creator, the maker of all things ... His guidance is important. It was given to man to move man along in the right ways, for God has always sent forth to guide man onto the correct path. It was for this reason he sent us "wisdom books."

A new Testament scripture that exists in various forms in the Torah, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things [daily needs] will be added unto you."

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