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Great video about faith
30/08/2013 16:53:25
30/08/2013 15:55:46
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>>And there is information in DNA. Information cannot spontaneously arise from its absence.
>>There are multiple layers of decryption at work, bit error detection and correction, to convert
>>DNA to proteins. There's transcription from DNA to mRNA, translation from combinations of
>>encodings through a reader into a writer which manufactures protein chains so fragile that
>>if they didn't have helpers holding them in place and directing them to a folder, they would
>>The folder takes the long skinny balloon and twists it into a balloon animal, the final shape
>>for it to do its work wherever it's needed, which is sent by an inner cell postal service.
>>There are more chemical machines and processes going on in each cell simultaneously
>>than in Earth's most populous cities.
>>It is impossible to have arisen spontaneously. It is a self-evident proof.
>It is a self-evident proof.
>Proof of what?

That the complexity involved could not have arisen outside of direction. And when applied to the sum total of God's love for man, we see the fullness of the picture in ways sufficient to conclude God's existence. It takes accepting that the things which exist toward those ends come from God via faith ... but all is completely explained:

A loving God.
A fallen man.
A Godly sacrifice to save man.
A free gift extended to restore man back to Grace, back to God, for all eternity.

Everything that exists was done for us. God loves His creation and wants us to be with Him forever.

>The Mayans thought it began one way, the Egyptians another, the Chinese another, the
>Romans another, the Pagans another etc, etc.
>Have you proven all of them to be wrong?

We have God explaining things to us in the Bible along the lines of, "Before I knit you together in your mother's womb, I knew you," and "You are wonderfully and fearfully made." It's almost as though God is not harping on the prowess of His intellect, or the power of His creation, even though these are subjects which entire disciplines of science have man and women devoting their lives to for centuries, but rather God's focus in scripture is continually upon guiding us rightly that we may be with Him forever. He has called out to man continually asking Him to come, but because of sin man has rejected God in nearly all cases.

The proof ... The proof is God's love ... that He continues in any regard to reach out to any of us, to save any of us, for all of us have sinned, and all of us are guilty, imperfect by God's standards of holiness and perfection. Yet, He does reach out. He did it all. He created the universe. Created all life. Gave His greatest masterpiece, man, a choice, and even when man chose incorrectly, He still stepped in to save us from eternal death.

The proof is in the love.

It's not in the science.
It's not in the fact that science demonstrates or doesn't demonstrate X, Y, or Z.
But rather, it's in the understanding of who God is -- and we come to that understanding when we are seeking it. We come to that understanding by reading it, because when we read God's words it's not like words on the pages of a book written by man. These are God's words, of power, of purpose, of eternity, of holiness, directed by God's Holy Spirit, perfected by God's presence operating around us continually when we are seeking the truth, being led toward Him from within, affirmed by Him from within.

It is all about God, and of Godly ways. It is not about us.
Still, the only reason any of us won't see it is because we are purposefully rejecting Him, and that continually.
God honors our choices -- even when those choices are to reject Him summarily.

>You've posed a false choice.
>You have said: Prove your theory is correct or accept my theory.

I posted a proof which demonstrates DNA and all life based upon it could not have come from undirected, natural forces. I have not used this to prove the existence of God. The proof of God comes from His love, and the changed lives of those who are born again, being internally changed forever.

>With your superb intellect, Rick, I know that you know better than that.

I don't have to. We have it written inside of our hearts.
Romans 1:20:
"20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:"

All of us truly know God exists, that He calls out to us, and that we are rejecting Him (if we are). Every man knows this when he is completely true with himself.

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