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New interface available
17/04/2016 11:47:05
17/04/2016 08:13:03
Lutz Scheffler (Online)
Lutz Scheffler Software Ingenieurbüro
Dresden, Germany
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>The pictures in News feed repeat over and over, in special if only one thread is active.

This is already an item that will be part of the next update. That is in reference to an image someone might have updated in the first message of the thread.

As for the user profile pictures, if applicable, left and right represents the direction of the message.

>On the first glance it's nice, but than it's just pictures and not information. Also A replied to B on vs. A created becomes boring. Fast.

A setting to decide what you want in the news feed will be added.

>Aside that, the formating is bad. See the message above 3c where 9 hours ago is spread over two lines.

Each line content a different amount of characters. So, sometimes, it might wrap.

>See picture, area marked with 1. This is the space used (or wasted) for the news feed. If I like to click it, I have to focus the tiny underlined link. The news is the whole block. Responsive design would mean simple click somewhere into it. To click something on the 10 last thing was faster and more easy. The new approach means more mouse race and more focusintg the mouse on small targets.

The content varies from one item to another. In that case, Thomas Ganss does not have a picture so there cannot be an image. There was also no uploaded image in that reply, so the first thread image does not apply.

>I'm red blind, I do not see a one pixel wide letter in red as red. It's black in my vision. The rectangles in the picture are hard for me to determine as red, a bit smaller and it is black. This is true for all red and red green blinds. This was the whole idea to not use red for links in the original color setting on HTML. Those where bright folks.

A setting will be added so you can select the counter color.

>Also the replys on the left side and some of the last 10 was usefull. In special the replys on the left I miss. To create this answer, I had to switch to the new interface (because I prefer the old one) , after that all messages where gone. It would have been a single click to the replies, but so I was forced to scroll down the news feed (This idea comes up this very moment) Or the go back in time - what is hidden under messages what I think counter intuitive.

Do you see Replies on top with a counter saying "Replies (4/27)" for example? The 4 would have been shown in red. So, for now, as you explain, you might not notice it. But, once you can change the 4 color, it will be obvious you have a new unseen reply.

Other than the last 10 replies, what other top 10 you were in need of?

>The notification on top bar is no compensation because it kills the tree. (It was showing wrong numbers for the moment anyway, it was 8/8, but I've read all replies to me. After clikcing it it was able to go on just 8)

This shouldn't be like that. I do not have any pending items to adjust in regards to the counter so they should represent properly the unseen item. If you have a scenario observed about it, I will be happy to take a look at it.

>I do not realy understand what pictures you mean. The advertisement or the news feed I was talking about?

The upper right shows two images. This is what I understood you were making reference to.

>This is where you have this huge Developer Community (off topic: UT is a business run by you not by a community as this suggest, so be true. I would if I would live under overseas jurisdiction) logo right now. On last try it was simply background.

We have all rights to show that in there. There is nothing wrong with that. This has been used for years, even in the early 90's.

>See message above. It's a bit better with the colored banner. Before, with just background it was strange.

I do not understand that point. Please, provide more information.

>Rectangle 2: Fancy, wasted space. Complete meaningless, only limits the space I can work with.

A setting has been confirmed for that which will allow you to define the margins.

>Rectangles 3a-3d

Rectangle 3d is completely offset. I have no idea why this is showing as orphan in the middle of nowhere. Do you have a scenario to simulate that?

>3a Just unattractive text, like on an PC game of the 90s where you need to move the mouse over, to figure out what is clickable. Poor design. This is not a mobile with big thumb on tiny screen, this is desktop with tiny mouse pointer on huge screen. Results in RSI.
>3b Mostly like 3a, now with some background

I read you say 3a and 3b is not good. But, one is text and one is graphic. And, the one in graphic has been there as before. So, what exactly is not good here?

>3c (Message Header as well, Tree as well) Clickable area underlined

Please, provide more information on what you want in here? You highlight some points but you do not say or propose something better.

>3d (The insert) Now we have boxes with icons

3d has not been changed. This has been like that for years. What is not working with that exactly?

>Audio / Audio ( / Descriptive / Short / Disabled. What is the second Audio good for?

This is something requested by members in the early 90's. They wanted audio notifications. Some want it off and some want it on. Some even switch it during the presence at work to go in silent mode and audio mode back at night at home. There is an option to turn it off, one option to have an audio but with short description and one with long. What do you propose to enhance that?

>If this could be removed by the switch you mention above, this is meanningless.

Sponsors provide a part of the reason why this site is running and still running about 20 years. If users do not pay for something, what else do you propose to help pay for the expenses on this site? I also donated an enormous amount of money on my own, not corporate, to keep this site alive for years. If you have a better idea, many would like to hear about it.

>Euphemisms will change nothing. The word is advertisement. And this flickering is distracting me from my work. So I have to move UT into background and will not answer messages because I do not see them anymore.

Many sites will not even allow user to change one single setting. We provide a few hundreds. I have never seen a site elsewhere in the world allowing users to control so much from the interface. And, we respond as requests are coming. Most sites I know never does one single suggestion we are sending them.

But, in regards to that specific point, knowing that you will be able to push the refresh rate to a 5-minute interval, should be pretty good because this is only 12 refreshes an hour, and that should be pretty good.

>If I buy a subscription, will this crap remain? The whole banner, on this. Boring advertisement in itself, means nothing to me, I know what site I'm on anyway. You snitch a part of my screen that will never ever give you any return, because I never click on banners at all. Basic rule. In my eyes banner advertisement is as dead as the dodo for a decade.
>The little logo on the old design is neat.

There will never be a co-relation with a subscription and the ability to turn off items which are generating revenues. If you do that, sponsors will go away. This is basic rules. Why should I pay for something if anyone can hide what I am paying for?

>The scrollbar 4a ends in nowhere.

I do not understand that point. I looked at that image and 4a seems to be ok. You have a vertical scrollbar on the message view because the message height is higher than the available space.

However, I see something wrong at the bottom. The bottom margins were never adjusted and it seems like the bottom part is hitting the browser border. What was the browser used when you took that image?

>I know its the boundary 4b between the tree and the message. But it's just somewhere in the air.

We could add a setting to show a divider. Is this what you are looking for? This simply crowds the area for nothing. But, if you need it, I will see about it.

>I'm missing the time, again.

Yes, this is still on our list.

>Loading / refreshing time is still poor. I have a faster internet connection since last time I mentioned it, so this seams not to be the bottleneck.

This is something I cannot reproduce here.

>You have my name in the top bar. It's not clickable or of any use.

This is just to show the current account used. We try to remain standard as other sites. But, if you want a switch to turn it off, that can be doable.

>General use of such links is to put settings and logoff under it, but for now it just shows my name. Is this good for double accounts to get not confused?

This sites has too much settings so we cannot use that route. If you take a look at major social networking sites, how long does it take for someone to find something in the account to adjust? ...too long for me, and that is when I can find it. In here, it's only one click from the left side. Can't be more easier than that. Yes, for that part, we do not go with the standard. But, as I mentioned in the other line, we have to use a different way to access the account settings in order to offer an immediate visual recognition on where to click without going into hidden endless menus.
Michel Fournier
Level Extreme Inc.
Designer, architect, owner of the Level Extreme Platform
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