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So THIS is the final straw?? lol
15/10/2016 07:45:36
14/10/2016 16:46:15
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>FWIW, my cousin was propositioned by Trump when she stayed in one of his hotels. He telephoned her room (indicating privacy issues- but park that for now) and told her he was recently "back on the market" and available. She was engaged to her now husband and when she said so, Trump backed down. That was it.
>Conclusion? IMHO Trump was accustomed to challenging boundaries and getting away with it - because he could. Women were conquests who were so startled/impressed by sudden attention from the mighty that they could be swept into a compromising position almost before they knew what's going on.
>Sometimes it probably worked. Other times he left women feeling vaguely revolted, but not enough to make a complaint. Other times he backed down without any touching or tonguing. It must be a special cunning to know exactly how far you can go- and had he not stood for President, there truly was no consequence for his behavior.
>Have you met anybody like this? I'm afraid I have. There's a certain sort of slippery businessman who loves telling tales of conquest or (even better) demonstrating their smoothness at conferences and events. Women who attend these events either are experienced enough to recognize the lounge lizards, or innocent enough to become the topic of the next tale. Sad, but true.

I've been in a relationship since I was 13 and married since before I was 19. That's given me a kind of immunity to even noticing when someone is hitting on me.

In the VFP community, there are two men who I could (but won't, though I'm pretty sure most of the other women could) name who made me uncomfortable by getting into my space. (To be fair, both were New Yorkers, so their definition of personal space may have been different than mine.) In grad school, I had one of my students hit on me.

But I've been lucky. I haven't been explicitly assaulted.

My husband tells a story of rescuing a female colleague at a conference from the kind of lounge lizard you describe, a guy who was a leader in their community.

>So what's the effect on this whole crazy situation? Some would say that having turned the contest into a match between undesirables, it's no more unseemly for the outcome to be decided in this fashion than any other.

Here's the reality. Trump was unfit for a dozen reasons before this. His response to this (invoking the Protocols of the Elders of Zion) makes it even more clear that he has neither the experience nor the temperament for the job.

Regardless of how much you may dislike Hillary Clinton or her policies, she has the experience, she has the skills, she has the temperament to be President. It's not even close.


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