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How's the economy doing?
23/10/2018 11:36:58
22/10/2018 14:38:17
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., Nouvelle Zélande
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I always wonder who are these people made poor by taxation. Top tax rate here is 45% so people get to keep 55%. I'm sure their renumeration committees make sure their pay takes that swinging 45% into account. But still we have tax avoidance . I look on tax as buying a ticket to civilisation. Maybe that would help . Withdraw civilisation from tax fraudsters. Like shunning.

>>>Right. And no one acknowledges that there are no elephants on 5th avenue.
>>>Tying the tax cuts causally to an upward trend that began eight years earlier is a bit of a stretch.
>So stop doing it. Focus on the actual inflections rather than railing against something raised by nobody here except you.
>>>That resulted from corporate tax cuts, which I supported, not from reducing margin rates for the wealthy.
>>>Reducing tax rates for the wealthy just made them wealthier.
>Tax imputation (meaning the rich pay less than 5% tax on dividends) and 0% capital gains tax in NZ doesn't stop NZ providing healthcare for all, out of taxation. But that's labeled impossible in the US where people prefer to create their own boogeyman to blame. In the old days it was the "nigger in the woodpile" but that's naughty these days so now it's directed at wealthy people paying high tax compared to other jurisdictions but who lurk in that woodpile to cause all the troubles in the world.
>Here's a fun fact: interest on accrued deficits is now over $500B per annum, making up the lion's share of this year's deficit. To be clear: this year's deficit is mosly paying the interest on previous borrowings. So who borrowed all that money, when, and what for? If interest rates rise and the deficit follows suit, is that the current admnistration's doing, or the Fed's doing, or whose doing? If there's to be punitive tax, why not on those who voted in and rewarded representatives who did this?
>>>NY has the highest tax rates in the country and NYC has the highest tax rate in NY. Try to find an apartment there.
>Not sure why that supports your point. FWIW, a young relative moves into her Manhattan apartment in December, so I'll get back to you.
>>>Stop the wars.
>>>Disband the volunteer military except for a small cadre.
>>>There will never be a better time - we need them to fill jobs. Give those people a good GI Bill and let them enter the work force.
>>>Cut the military budget by 2/3 and dedicate the savings to infrastructure projects.
>OK well Congress just did the opposite with bipartisan support. What will you do about it?
>>>Rationalize the insane health care system by going to a single payer system.
>World peace first. And ban the use of fossil fuels to save the planet. There, all solved.
>Come on, Bill. You know what's arrayed against single payer. You'd need to completely clean out the swamp to succeed on that one, and the person who seems most interested in cleaning out the swamp has been obstructed by every means possible. There's no will to solve the big problems, only to stage gaudy jousts.
>>>Reinstate the 90% inheritance tax, after a good sized deductible.
>>>Get the marginal rates on income back in to the 70% range.
>I'll pay attention to that when I see you're imposing tax on yourself, rather than always on somebody else.

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