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Talking Rotten
20/02/2019 18:46:30
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., Nouvelle Zélande
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>>>Who's 'hawks' wanted to start a war with North Korea though? (still censored).
>>> I do not recall anyone in the past administration wanting to start a war with a North Korea nuclear power.
>Here's the comment:
>>To say nothing of North Korea where at the time of the election the hawks were beating the war drums predicting nuclear attacks and disaster to justify embroiling the US in another never-ending conflict. But then Trump won and they've had to go quiet too.
>At the time of election means Obama's last few weeks in office, at which time he's unlikely to start a war.
>What I'm referring to is NK's nuclear tests and claims of miniaturized nukes for ICBM delivery in the leadup to elections. When the US and SK held joint military games in 2016, NK staged another nuclear test and threatened nuclear response. Specific threats of nuclear Armageddon were declared should the Great Satan foolishly challenge NK's military might. US, SK, Japan and even the UN contemplated nuked Japanese or maybe even coastal US cities. Sanctions were applied, leading to more NK outbursts. Hawks went on the US MSM expressing concerns at this nuclear maverick, musing on the legality of striking first. Even Russia's hawks warned NK of consequences, including direct military intervention.
>Trump initially bought into the rhetoric referring to Little Rocket Man and making threats of his own, before meetings took place, a cessation of nuclear escalation was agreed, prisoner remains were released.

Yeah and how many times have you heard the same thing from North Korea? This is not something new in the Trump era -- it's been going on forever. They sound like they're coming around, then they don't. Nothing new. As for the remains -- ok we got some dead guys back -- we don't even know for sure if they're our dead guys -- and in the meantime Trump lied about how many there were and also lied about talking to parents of missing Korea war guys -- which unless Trump talks to the dead is also a load of crap. He can't even get a good thing done without f-ing it up somehow lol.

>Perhaps the reason you don't recall all this prolific NK and anti-NK hawk drum beating is because of all the Orange Man Bad. But there's even talk of peace and an economic renaissance for NK.
>Will Trump succeed? Time will tell. But can you not rise above wishing failure on him and resumption of nuclear threat, rather than hoping his eccentric style may let him succeed when the previous 3 presidents and their diplomacy and "strategic patience" allowed NK to become a nuclear power? His success is not a loss for you, unless you are determined to make it so.

Ok that I get :) However - Trump has not accomplished anything in regards to North Korea other than being buddy-buddy with yet another evil dictator. I mean what has Trump done to better things? You can't say that because of him they quit testing nukes - we know the real reasons the testing has stopped (for now). At the same time one has to admit that none of the other recent presidents have had any luck either. But thinking Trump will have success where other's have failed seems unlikely to me as he has no qualifications, knowledge, or diplomacy skills to deal with this -- and hurling insults to an unstable guy with nukes seems like a reaaallly dumb idea.

I think the sooner we admit that North Korea is never going to give up their nukes then the sooner relations can happen. Let them have their nukes, bring them into the international community of nuke countries and have inspections and such just like all of the other nuke powers. Then, and only then, can we move forward. Kim has seen what happens to the guys without nukes -- so he ain't gonna give them up - now or ever.

>>>Trump from White House Rose Garden last Friday: "....“I believe he would have gone to war with North Korea, I think he was ready to go to war. In fact, he told me he was so close to starting a big war with North Korea.”
>>>It's just another one of Trump's 8,000+ lies. Unlike Trump (who is a total idiot), Obama comprehends the fact that North Korea would kill 100,000's people in Seoul in a matter of hours if not minutes with just the non-nuclear weapons they have.
>LOL. I am not his evil twin, though now I understand why you assumed I referred to Obama.

Yeah I get what you mean now -- a bit more detail and context it makes more sense.

>Frankly, I don't believe Obama can complain. He made history by campaigning in his 8th year in office against a candidate, so he can't complain to receive some back- especially when Fake News/ Fact Checkers gloss over gaffes like his magic wand.

Can't get over the fake news thing though huh? It's funny that that news didn't become fake until we got Trump .. ya know the guy who declared the NYT the enemy of the people. load of crap as usual. It's out of the dictator 101 handbook -- attack the free press and tell so many lies people give up and think it's all fake. Don't fall for it dude.
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