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One year off diabetes meds, and still normal
07/10/2020 08:07:55
05/10/2020 15:06:18
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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I had answered by choice the post without the later following explanation, as reading it left a minefield of possible meanings. "Intellectualism" conjured up leptosomic authors or theater directors pictured in black and white on current photos - if you allow me to wallow in stereotypes ;-)
And those intellectuals - while not likely to physically attack - are the ones I try to stay away further from than others operating sometimes from the gut or emotion, but in a frame of reference closer to my own. Often Science as in "experimental" is as foreign to those "culture workers" or political "scientists" as to far out believers of more than one religion.

"Western morality" by second word more linked to churches and sexual behaviour if talked about as "Westerner", ranging from bible belt ethics to Declarations of debasedness in cities like NY, SF when written about by politically adverse groups around Kremlin and some rice or oil fields closer to Mekka.

In our own lifetime things like same sex orientation moved from hidden to bragged about - both wrong from my POV: history, numbers and animal behaviour suggest a bell curve of appetites, just accept the facts...

>I had considered terms like "Western morality" and "adult discourse" to be jargon, where jargon is intended to ease communication by encapsulating detailed explanation that would be needed otherwise. Certainly jargon fails if the terms aren't familiar enough, or if terms are picked apart to muse over individual word meaning. As an example, "Rushmore Query" fails as jargon if people pick the term apart to deduce that Rushmore is a mountain with presidents carved on it, and query has a capital Q which is a White Supremacist construct so clearly the term is a whistleblow to MAGA ferals plotting to deface the memorial with a likeness of Trump. Unfortunately that example isn't as unlikely as you might hope.
>What does "Western Morality" mean as a jargon term? My point was that Proud Boys include a piece of what used to be a fairly standard academic definition which isn't the sort of extremist position you'd expect from the vitriol poured on them- unless Western ethics now are so uncool as to be offensive. Rational discourse also is a jargon term, isn't it?

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