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Lets review:

Evan's post to me:

John as a person who appreciates your technical knowledge and your ability to give wake up calls to the VFP I must tell you... this message is inappropriate for this board especially in your position as sysop and MVP.

Private me with your response. I vote to delete this thread.

Here was my response:

First off, I resign my position as sysop. Happy... Next, you the hell do folks insist on putting MVP's up on a pedestal. I think we definitely have more of a responsibility to be technically accurate. I however, also have the right to express my opinion. Specifically, it is not up to you or anybody else to tell me what I can or cannot say. We can debate all we want. The former is an entirely different issue.

>Private me with your response. I vote to delete this thread.

I don't think so. That would be a little hypocritcal, right..???

Finally, what is the delete thread crap you are throwing around. You in this case, represent the problem. If you like censorship, then censor yourself. Don't you ever propose to deny me, or anybody else to have a free expression of thoughts, feelings, and idea. Of course it should all be done within some reasonable boundary. I say, let common sense dictate...

Are you and the weasel roommates??? Or more bluntly, are you the weasel??

Now... does that look like I am accusing him of making the post. He totally discounted the issue, want's to delete the thread, and finally, want's to take the discussion between me an him private. Evan, in one paragraph, hit all of my hot buttons. The fact is, Evan, and those like him, try to squash the free expression of ideas and opinions. And, because something does not fit within their code of conduct, wan't threads deleted. The whole censorship issue has been a big problem up here. While I have no reason to think Evan made the post, I have all the free-will in the world to ask the question. He, Evan that is, has now muddied up the waters even more by running like a small child to Michel saying that I accused him of making the post. Please.... you all should know me by now..If I think you did something, I am sure as hell going to tell you. With me, there is no ambiguity.

That said George, let me share with you a few feelings. Number one, there is NO issue that needs to be cleaned up as far as you are concerned. The issue is between me and some nameless stranger, known only to Michel. You , Evan, have decided to interject your own feelings and opinions here, when none was asked for. I never solicited the help of anybody. It was merely an open letter. Who the hell are you to tell me I should apoligize here. You sir, are so far off base, you are in freaking Mars here. Those of you right now, being so judgemental, let it happen to you, and lets see how you feel.

Just so we don't have to worry about semantics here, lets recap:

1. I am not going to apoligize to Evan
2. As far as the question I asked of Evan, that is between he and I. As such, there is no issue to clear up. Instead, you should mind your own f-ing business here.
3. As far as the MVP issue is concerned, that was in the context of another discussion and has no bearing here. Why you chose to bring that up is beyond me.

Lastly, you have interjected yourself in a situation that you have no business being involved in, at least as it pertains to laying personal judgements on what I should or should not do. That goes for Evan as well. He should have known the reply he sent me was going to end up with me flaming his ass.

Clearly, in this case, you should have heeded my advice of shutting up and listening, instead of talking..<s>

No semenatics or ambiguity here, is there????

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