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ASP Instructor Knocks VFP
08/09/2000 10:06:57
Walter Meester
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Visual FoxPro
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>Definitely not without inheritance, or else the quality of the apps are low. Experience in the fields learn otherwise. There are many folks arround here who have prove they can develop an database app much and much faster than any compatetive product. You may scream that VB will have inheritance, but it certainly takes years before that new feature really becomes use well in the VB language. There is a steep learning curve to take for most developers. Until now VB developers are unable to use visual inheritance.

Come to Devcon Walter and I will show you the power of delegation. When folks stop by the Takenote booth, I suspect a few jaws will hit the floor. Inheritance, while nice, is highly over-rated. And for sure, it is not the achilles heel of VB as you may think it is...

>Bottom line. I will be able to develop a database application much faster in VFP than you in VB. Not even that, my application will be more complete as a result of my standard framework.

Care to make a wager???? I have a VB frame work.... And for sure, the VB stuff will scale as it is n-tier, non-UI specific, and powered by SQL Server.

>Both Jet and MSDE are not optimized for more than 5 users. Try to develop applications with a few gig in it and about a 10 - 100 users.

Jet can go past 10. However, most companies see the value that SQL Server offers. I think your royalty free argument is a bit misguided. After all, if the DBF technology where that much better or perceived to be superior, it would have won. In fact, it lost the war a long time ago...

>Installing and maintaining ODBC and all the MDAC updates, is certainly not painless. SQL server definitely needs an administrator. Even if SQL 7 requires less mainenance, keep in mind that SQL server is still in minority. There far more ORACLE servers than SQL servers. Again don't have the attitude that the client should switch database servers, because you're a VB programmer and you can only develop applications for SQL-server. You're missing the boat john...

It is painless if you know what you are doing. We do it all of the time. Trust me when I tell you Walter, it is not I who is missing the boat here...

>Jet is walking the dinasour, you've got to come with something more original.

When is the last time you looked at Jet...???

>John, wether you like it or not. It is the truth. It's in the differences between c/s and LAN database. The difference in architecture between VFP and Jet is clearly an advantage in favour of VFP when it comes to performance. C/S solutions can't cache data at the OS level and Jets architecture leads to less performance when searching trough tables. I think it is proven that VFP is faster in LAN environments for most application. I you don't think so, prove it. It is you who is saying that VFP has no advantage, not me. Don't twist the argument please..

You tried arguing this stuff before. And even then, you came up lame..

>Who said something about debugging ? I can let the user write programs, develop reports and ad-hoc queries without any licence. Can you do this with VB ?


>Yes, this is an advantage when you've to support older systems. Even now I have clients which are best helped with DOS applications, because of the TOC and the trouble that the Windows environment brings. Not all users are helped with Windows. And definitely don't have the attitude that Unix and Mac users should switch to Windows.

Hey, if that is the sort of work you do, be my guest...

>Please give me the T-SQL syntax to search the upperboss of an employee like the following VFP command does

Talk about being stuck in the past. What is your hang-up with SQL? If I want to find a specific record, I use a SQL Select. IF I have multiple rows, I will return the rows and let the user decide.

Walter, Rod and I have developed huge applications that incorporate this philosophy, and they scale. Be as dillusional as you want with your head in the sand.

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