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09/12/2000 19:47:12
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>>Because it goes past the boundry of rich cultural information to the establishment of religion. I don't think most people think of the Ten Commandments in anything other than a religious sense.
>Well, isn't that 'line' kind of what we're discussion here?

Yes, and I have made my decision. It goes past that line. End of argument. *g*

>>In other words, what do we include, and what do we exclude?
>I honestly do not know Chris. I do know that since we removed prayer from our public schools in '62-62 that we've seen a huge increase in stuff like drug use, violence, out-of-wedlock births and a whole bunch of other things. Again, I do think there is a direct correlation between the notion of people thinking they will ultimately be responsible to God and their behaior.

Do you really think that the removal of prayer from schools is the cause of drug use, violence, etc.? I was sure it was the Rolling Stones.

And before 1962, while we still had prayer, we had an entire segment of society that was virtually invisible. Before 1962, if you were a white male, life was pretty good. Somehow, after we lost school prayer, blacks started being recognized as citizens, women could have careers, and the Jets won the Super Bowl.

Again Doug, who's God? Judaism, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Hindu? And what will the prayer be? Who decides that? Or do we just have a rotating Religion du Jour? (by the way, du Jour is French for "Soup of the Day" *g*)

>What was the classic definition of integrity? "Doing what is right even when no one is watching." Think about this for a minute.. If we teach our kids that they are nothing but animals why are we surprised that they act like animals? If we teach them that they are more than animals then at least we can have the expectation that they behave like more than animals.

I have no idea where you are going from integrity to teaching our kids they are nothing but animals. I suspect evolution, but can you clarify?

>Not to be preachy.. <g> It really is just good common sense and I guess I am more than a little surprised to find so few folks who 'get it'. *shrug*

It is very simple. The establishment of prayer in our public schools and/or the posting of the Ten Commandments constitutes the establishment of religion. Period. And when the state starts establishing religion, I start getting very nervous. If you want to teach your children to pray, you have every morning, every afternoon and evening, every weekend, summer vacation. And if that is not enough, send them to private school. But leave it out of our public schools.

>It's the whole notion of instilling in kids the sense of responsibility that I think is bad.

Not sure what you mean here.

>Where or how you draw that line I don't really know but I think we've gone too far in one direction..

Like I said in other posts, I'll leave that to the US Supreme Court.
Chris McCandless
Red Sky Software

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