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FPD25 New version of FLS.EXE
07/11/2001 07:25:36
Hilmar Zonneveld
Independent Consultant
Cochabamba, Bolivia
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Visual FoxPro
FoxPro 2.x
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Thanks Hilmar for sharing your codes with me, Ill be trying this out very soon and feeback on it.

I am keenly interested to go through this as backup from apps is what I am not satisfied with, the way I am doing it right now.

Thanks again

>>>>Hi All
>>>>Remmeber FLS util in FPD25, is there a utility that handles LFN, prefrably for DOS
>>>What does this utility do?
>>I gave a list of file from a given path using the provided spec with full pathnames eg.
>>This can be useful for creating batchfiles, etc.
>I will include a recursive function, which I use for backups. The recursive part erases, for instance, *.bak in all subdirectories.
>The program, backup.prg, reads options from a text-file (backupoptions.txt). I am including both; perhaps they can be of use to you.
>My program (which I actually use, for backup purposes) illustrates two interesting and useful techniques: 1) how to use recursion to process files in subdirectories, 2) how to read variables from a textfile.
>Greetings from Bolivia,
>* Generic backup program
>* Missing:
>*   More error checking (paths don't exist, etc.)
>*   comments at end-of-line in function LoadVariables
>* Load options (variables) from text file
>LoadVariables("backupoptions.txt", "public")
>define window output from 0,0 to srows() - 1, scols() -1 font "Courier"
>activate window output
>* Copy to temp dir
>? "Copiando a carpeta temporal" && Copying to temp folder
>DosCommand("xcopy " + lcFromFolder + " " + lcTempFolder + "\ /s")
>* Delete excluded files (from temp dir)
>local lcDeleteSkeleton
>lcExcludeFiles = strtran(lcExcludeFiles, ",", chr(13) + chr(10))
>for i = 1 to memlines(lcExcludeFiles)
>	lcDeleteSkeleton = alltrim(mline(lcExcludeFiles, i))
>	? "Borrando " + lcDeleteSkeleton + " de carpeta temporal"  && Erasing ... from temp folder
>	DeleteWithSub(lcTempFolder + "\" + lcDeleteSkeleton)
>* Backup
>? "Comenzando compresión" && Starting compression
>lcBackupCommand = strtran(lcBackupCommand, "%1", lcTempFolder)
>lcArchiveFileName = lcBaseName + str(year(datetime()),4)
>if lnDetailLevel >= 2
>	lcArchiveFileName = lcArchiveFileName + "-" + padl(month(datetime()), 2, "0")
>if lnDetailLevel >= 3
>	lcArchiveFileName = lcArchiveFileName + "-" + padl(day(datetime()), 2, "0")
>if lnDetailLevel >= 4
>	lcArchiveFileName = lcArchiveFileName + "-" + padl(hour(datetime()), 2, "0")
>if lnDetailLevel >= 5
>	lcArchiveFileName = lcArchiveFileName + "-" + padl(minute(datetime()), 2, "0")
>if lnDetailLevel >= 6
>	lcArchiveFileName = lcArchiveFileName + "-" + padl(sec(datetime()), 2, "0")
>lcArchiveFileName = lcArchiveFileName + "." + lcExtension
>DosCommand(strtran(lcBackupCommand, "%2", lcDestination + "\" + lcArchiveFileName))
>* Erase temp files
>? "Borrando archivos temporales" && Erasing temp files
>DosCommand("deltree /y " + lcTempFolder)
>* Copy to additional destination
>if not empty(lcDestination2)
>	? "Copiando a destino adicional" && Copying to additional folder
>	copy file (lcDestination + "\" + lcArchiveFileName) to (lcDestination2 + "\" + lcArchiveFileName)
>? "Se finalizó la copia de seguridad." && Backup completed
>wait window "Se completó la copia." + chr(13) + "Este mensaje se auto-destruirá en 20 segundos.";
>	timeout 20 && Backup finished. Closing in 20 seconds.
>FUNCTION DeleteWithSub(tcFullPath)
>	local lcDir, lcSkeleton
>	lcDir = justpath(tcFullPath)
>	lcSkeleton = justfname(tcFullPath)
>	DelFilesSub(lcDir, lcSkeleton)
>FUNCTION DelFilesSub(tcDir, tcSkeleton)
>	local laFileList(1,1), i, lcDir
>	for i = 1 to adir(laFileList, tcDir + "\" + tcSkeleton)
>		erase (tcDir + "\" + laFileList(i, 1))
>	next
>	for i = 1 to adir(laFileList, tcDir + "\*.*", "D")
>		if laFileList(i, 1) # "."
>			lcDir = tcDir + "\" + laFileList(i, 1)
>			DelFilesSub(lcDir, tcSkeleton)
>		endif
>	next
>FUNCTION LoadVariables(tcFileName, tcDeclarationType)
>	* Loads variables from a text file
>	local lcOptions, i, lcLine, lnMemoWidth, lcVariable, lcDeclaration
>	lnMemoWidth = set("memowidth")
>	set memowidth to 8192
>	lcOptions = FileToStr(tcFileName)
>	* The use of _mline is much faster than providing a line number to mline().
>	* See sample in VFP help file.
>	_mline = 0
>	for i = 1 to memlines(lcOptions)
>		lcLine = mline(lcOptions, 1, _mline)
>		if not empty(lcLine) and not inlist(left(lcLine, 1), ";", "[")
>			* Declare variable public. Private and local don't make sense right now,
>			* since these would be erased on function exit. The function would have
>			* to be changed to an #include file this feature.
>			if not empty(tcDeclarationType)
>				lcVariable = alltrim(left(lcLine, at("=", lcLine) - 1))
>				if not ("(" $ lcVariable or "[" $ lcVariable) && don't declare arrays
>					lcDeclaration = tcDeclarationType + space(1) + lcVariable
>					&lcDeclaration
>				endif
>			endif
>			* Assign variable
>			&lcLine
>		endif
>	next
>	set memowidth to lnMemoWidth
>FUNCTION DosCommand(lcCommand)
>	activate window output
>	? "Orden DOS: " + lcCommand  && DOS command:
>	lcCommand = "run " + lcCommand
>	activate screen
>	&lcCommand
>	activate window output
>#IF .F.
>define window hi from 0,0 to srows()-2, scols()-2 font "Courier"
>acti window hi
>? "Line 1"
>? "Line 2"
>acti screen
>run del hopefullynonexistentfile.ext
>acti window hi
>? "Line 3"
>* backupoptions.txt
>; Options for automated backup
>; Use semicolon and square brackets, at position 1, for comments.
>; Don't delete any variables from this file!
>; Most variables need values, lcDestination2 can hold the empty string: ""
>; Missing: samples for major compression programs.
>; The sample is for pacomp.exe, the command-line version of
>; PowerArchiver (www.powerarchiver.com; freeware up to version 6.1; version 7 is shareware)
>; Location of files to backup
>lcFromFolder = "c:\proyectos"
>; Copy files to this location
>lcTempFolder = "c:\TempCopy"
>; Main destination
>lcDestination = "c:\produccion_varios\backup_interno"
>; Destination for additional copy
>lcDestination2 = "\\manaco-ibm\pcp\backupPCP"
>lcExcludeFiles = "*.fxp,*.exe,*.bak,*.tbk,*.tmp,*.chm,*.idx,*.old,produccion\data\*.*"
>; Filename of compressed archive
>lcBaseName = "PCP-"
>lcExtension = "CAB"
>; Backup command
>; %1 is a placeholder for origin folder (i.e., temp folder); filename (*.*) not included
>; %2 is a placeholder for destination folder;
>;   filename (e.g. mydata-2001-04-21.cab) is provided in program.
>lcBackupCommand = "c:\archiv~1\pautil\pacomp.exe -a -p %2 %1\*.*"
>; Detail level for filename: 3 = yyyy-mm-dd; 4 adds hours, 5 adds minutes, 6 adds seconds
>lnDetailLevel = 5
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