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C5 Errors
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Visual FoxPro
C5 Errors
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I have been experiencing a number of C5 errors when using the class browser.
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 01/02/02 01:32:14 PM. Error log file: D:\Program Files\microsoft visual foxpro 7\vfp7err.log
	Called from -  classbrowser1.clearclass line 0  { }
	Called from -  classbrowser1.modifyclass line 0  { }
	Called from -  classbrowser1.oleclasslist.dblclick line 0  { }
These began occuring after I modified a grid class and changed the class for the column's textbox to one of my textbox classes. The grid works properly using my textbox class but if I run the form, then close it and then try to modify the class I get the above error. If I issue a clear all and re-open the class browser and modify the class everything works fine.

Any suggestions about why this happens?

I also am experiencing C5 errors randoming in a VFP 7 application installed at a clients site. Below is a sample from the error log.
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 12/18/01 04:20:56 PM. Error log file: D:\Program Files\microsoft visual foxpro 7\vfp7err.log

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 12/24/2001 07:47:40 AM. Error log file: D:\Program Files\microsoft visual foxpro 7\vfp7err.log
	Called from -  frmarinvdet003.conarinvdet.deletetanks line 3  {g:\braynew\vcx\dccustom.vct g:\braynew\vcx\dccustom.vct}
	Called from -  frmarinvdet003.conarinvdet.comaccount.uplookup line 3  {g:\braynew\vcx\dccustom.vct g:\braynew\vcx\dccustom.vct}
	Called from -  frmarinvdet003.conarinvdet.comaccount.valid line 2  {g:\classes\dcbase.vct g:\classes\dcbase.vct}
	Called from -  dcmain line 24  {g:\classes\dcmain.prg g:\braynew\dcmain.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 12/24/2001 01:33:18 PM. Error log file: D:\Program Files\microsoft visual foxpro 7\vfp7err.log
	Called from -  frmarinvdet003.conarinvdet.deletetanks line 3  {g:\braynew\vcx\dccustom.vct g:\braynew\vcx\dccustom.vct}
	Called from -  frmarinvdet003.conarinvdet.comaccount.uplookup line 3  {g:\braynew\vcx\dccustom.vct g:\braynew\vcx\dccustom.vct}
	Called from -  frmarinvdet003.conarinvdet.comaccount.valid line 2  {g:\classes\dcbase.vct g:\classes\dcbase.vct}
	Called from -  dcmain line 24  {g:\classes\dcmain.prg g:\braynew\dcmain.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 01/02/2002 11:33:23 AM. Error log file: D:\Program Files\microsoft visual foxpro 7\vfp7err.log
	Called from -  frmarinvdet003.conarinvdet.destd.opentable line 35  {g:\classes\dcbase.vct g:\classes\dcbase.vct}
	Called from -  frmarinvdet003.conarinvdet.destd.opentables line 11  {g:\classes\dcbase.vct g:\classes\dcbase.vct}
	Called from -  frmarinvdet003.conarinvdet.destd.init line 11  {g:\classes\dcbase.vct g:\classes\dcbase.vct}
	Called from -  frmarinvdet003.loadpresobj line 3  {g:\braynew\vcx\dccustom.vct g:\braynew\vcx\dccustom.vct}
	Called from -  frmarinvdet003.activate line 2  {g:\braynew\vcx\dccustom.vct g:\braynew\vcx\dccustom.vct}
	Called from -  dcapp.launchform line 66  {g:\classes\dcstndrd.vct g:\classes\dcstndrd.vct}
	Called from -  frmupmenu002.conupmenu.lstmenu.keypress line 16  {g:\classes\dcstndrd.vct g:\classes\dcstndrd.vct}
	Called from -  dcmain line 24  {g:\classes\dcmain.prg g:\braynew\dcmain.exe}
As you can see the first error does not even show the line of code where the error occured. They occur at different points and you can have days between occurences or have several in one day.

The environment is Win2k SP2 128mb ram on Dell Optiplex workstations.

I have tried deleting the FoxUser.dbf and re-compiling the class libraries which made no difference. I never had C5 errors on the previous version of the application that ran under VFP5. The errors only started with the upgraded version of the application using VFP7.

Any suggestions about the cause would be helpful.

Simon White
Simon White
dCipher Computing

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